Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 695 Soldiers to Soldiers, Generals

in the conference room.

There are several people sitting here, headed by a man in a Chinese tunic suit and black-rimmed glasses.He sat here with a blank expression on his face, assuming a posture of keeping strangers away.

He is Luo Senlin, captain of the law enforcement team of Nanjue County Taxation Bureau.

And his purpose of coming here today is also very simple, to trouble Zhao Shanhe.It would be best if Zhao Shanhe's accounts could be turned upside down. As for the consequences, he doesn't care.

Anyway, this matter was ordered by the deputy director Yang Qianshi himself. As the person Yang Qianshi promoted, how could he refuse to do it?

"Are you saying that Zhao Shanhe really evaded taxes?"

"Shut up you, we've all come here, do you think he can be fake?"

"Really, among the so-called bosses now, one counts as the other, and none of their buttocks are clean. As long as you do a little bit of investigation, you will be able to find out the matter."


Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Luo Senlin's eyes were still slightly closed.

He was waiting for Zhao Shanhe to arrive.

After a few minutes.

Zhao Shanhe walked in with Cai Shishi and the others. As soon as he came in, he saw Luo Senlin who was posing here. He walked over with a calm expression, sat down on the main seat, and asked, "Excuse me, what do you want to do?" What to do?"

"Director Zhao, let me introduce myself. I'm Luo Senlin, the captain of the Law Enforcement Team of Nanjue County Taxation Bureau. I came to Jade Bird Glass Factory today because we received a report that you were suspected of tax evasion, so we came to investigate. "

"Please also order the Jade Bird Glass Factory to temporarily stop to cooperate with our work." Luo Senlin opened his eyes and said calmly.

"Tax evasion?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corner of his mouth and said slowly: "Captain Luo, are you joking with me? It is impossible for my factory to do such a thing. You can't say that wind is rain, right?"

"Besides, our place is a factory after all. If we stop working because of your casual words, who will bear the loss?"

"Zhao Shanhe, don't scare us with these words. Let me tell you, we are performing official duties. All you can do is cooperate with our investigation. You are not qualified to make any conditions!"

A law enforcement officer slammed the table and shouted arrogantly with his eyes wide open.

They are usually aloof outside, no matter where they go, they will be treated as VIPs.But now Zhao Shanhe not only didn't show enough respect, he even dared to refute, how could they bear it?

"Please pay attention to the way you speak."

Cai Shishi was at the side, looked over with a frosty face, and said indifferently: "Our Jade Bird Glass Factory will not do anything illegal, but if anyone insists on deliberately looking for trouble, we will not let it go , willingly being bullied by someone."

"Don't you want to investigate? Yes, please take out your official documents. If there is, we will cooperate. If not, please leave!"

Zhao Shanhe sat quietly and did not speak.

Soldiers to soldiers, to generals.

It is enough for me to talk to you, Luo Senlin, to give you face. I didn't treat you as a soldier, and you let your people provoke you here unscrupulously. Do you really think I have no temper?


"Stopping point."

Luo Senlin waved his hand and signaled his people to stay calm, then looked at Zhao Shanhe, and said slowly: "Director Zhao, I don't need to tell you, you also know how much the outside world is talking about you. bad."

"They are all saying that you evade taxes. I don't think you want to be charged with such a crime, are you? This is not good for your personal image."

"So I think you should support our work, even if it's to clear your name. Am I right?"

"Support, I will definitely support all well-known investigations. But are you like this? Secretary Cai said just now that you can investigate if you want, but please show the official documents. I think you will come here since you are here." Come here, you won't say that there are no official documents, right?" Zhao Shanhe asked lightly.


Luo Senlin was stumped.

According to the procedure, they should indeed show the official document, but today, they really didn't bring the official document.

Because Yang Qianshi ordered him to do this, he didn't think about anything else.What's more, the previous investigations didn't say who was as difficult as Zhao Shanhe, who dared to force them to produce official documents!

No wonder Yang Qianshi told me to play it by ear. It seems that this Zhao Shanhe is indeed a difficult character.

But it's useless no matter how difficult it is, as long as I show my power, I'm not afraid that he won't give in.

Thinking of this, Luo Senlin's face darkened on the spot, and he said in a cold tone: "Director Zhao, the official document is under review and will be delivered soon."

"Before sending it over, we wanted to review your account books first. This should be no problem, right? And if possible, please call all the people in the finance department over, we want to ask questions."


Zhao Shanhe refused without thinking.

"No? Director Zhao, you are impeding our law enforcement. Let me tell you the truth, many things in the report letter reporting your tax evasion are very detailed. We only need to investigate according to what the report letter said. Just do it."

"But if you have to openly obstruct law enforcement here, we can only do business." Luo Senlin said coldly.

"You're saying that, as if if I don't obstruct you, you won't be able to do business. If that's the case, what kind of law enforcement officers are you?" Zhao Shanhe said mockingly.

"That is to say, law enforcement can negotiate conditions, so what is fair and just?"

Li Xiangyang looked over with a livid face.

"Captain Luo Senlin, I hope you can understand one thing. We are investors who have been invited by your Nanjue County to invest and build factories here. One of the conditions that your county gave us is to ensure that Our legitimate rights and interests are not infringed."

"I'm curious, have you ever thought about this when you do this?"

"If you do this, aren't you afraid that the county government will investigate your behavior if it finds out?"

Li Xiangyang spoke sharply, and looked over with deep meaning in his eyes.

"I would like to advise you, some things are beyond your level to get involved in, if you say you have to intervene, that's fine, but you will have to bear all the consequences arising from it. "

Luo Senlin hesitated for a moment.

Of course he knew that what Li Xiangyang said was correct, just because he really had no way to confront Zhao Shanhe, thinking of Zhao Shanhe's current status, he couldn't help being a little timid.

But this matter has become like this, he knows that he is being regarded as the gun, but at this moment it is already hard to get off.

Is there any room for redemption?

Zhao Shanhe is waiting for his choice.

The law enforcement team is waiting for his decision.

The meeting room fell into a kind of silence.

After 1 minute, Luo Senlin slowly raised his head, and then spoke slowly.

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