Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 696 The inside and outside are not human anymore!

"Director Zhao, I'm very sorry. Although you are talking about the hype, I have my mission, and I will not say that I will stop here. I am here to issue an ultimatum to you. Please cooperate with us unconditionally in handling the case. If not If not, we will determine that you are knowingly breaking the law and resisting law enforcement, and we will take measures."

Luo Senlin said righteously.

"So, this is your final decision?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked flatly.

"Yes!" Luo Senlin said firmly.

"Okay, since you insist on this, I'm going to make a call."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he picked up his mobile phone. Seeing his action, Luo Senlin was calm on the surface, but panicked in his heart.Who is Zhao Shanhe going to call?Don't get any big shots.

"Hello, Leader Liang, it's me!"

"Director Zhao, why did you remember to call me today?" Zhao Shanhe's eldest brother turned on the speakerphone, and Liang Xuefeng's hearty laughter came from the phone.

Liang leader?

It turned out to be Liang Xuefeng!

The moment Luo Xuefeng heard Liang Xuefeng's voice, Luo Senlin was dumbfounded.He didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe not only had a background, but also had such a strong background.It was Liang Xuefeng who was flourishing in Nanjue County, but now who knows that Liang Xuefeng has a bright future.

What can I do now?

Luo Senlin was flustered.

Before he came here, he hadn't thought about it at all.Because Yang Qianshi told him very simply, as long as he came to do things, he didn't need to take care of the rest.

But now if Liang Xuefeng is involved in this matter, can I still stay out of it?As the person in charge, I will definitely be targeted by Liang Xuefeng. It is a trivial matter to lose the black hat, and maybe I will lose my iron rice bowl.

"Yang Qianshi, you really screwed me up this time!"

Luo Senlin was trembling in his heart.

But Zhao Shanhe glanced at him calmly, and said calmly, "I don't want to trouble you either, but there's nothing I can do."

"A law enforcement team leader named Luo Senlin from our County Taxation Bureau insisted on telling me that I was evading taxes. He said he wanted to see my account books, and he wanted to check the accounts! Leader Liang, do you think I should cooperate or not? ?”

"What? And this?"

Liang Xuefeng's face darkened.

"You wait for me over there, I'll go right away."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone after speaking, then looked at Luo Senlin, and said casually: "Captain Luo, the Liang leader of the county government said that he will come to deal with this matter soon, and he asked you to wait here."

"So, don't bother, just wait here for a while. When Leader Liang comes over, as long as he says I'm wrong and you should investigate, I promise not to say anything, and I will cooperate with you in handling the case immediately. You see is this okay?"

"Director Zhao..."

Luo Senlin's eyes rolled quickly, and he said with an apologetic smile: "Look at this, there must be a misunderstanding. We also received a report letter and were ordered to come here to investigate."

"Actually, as far as I am concerned, I think this kind of report letter is nonsense. How can a legitimate businessman like Director Zhao say that he is evading taxes? You think so?"

The face changed really fast enough.

Li Xiangyang and Cai Shishi looked at each other, with a flash of disdain in their eyes.

"Don't tell me, let's do what we want. Didn't you just say so confidently? Then let's follow the rules. But there is something, I have to remind you." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Luo Senlin asked quickly.

"That's right, I think since you are a member of the tax bureau, you should have some understanding of our county's investment promotion policy. Otherwise, it's a shame for your identity, isn't it?" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Policy for attracting investment?" Luo Senlin couldn't help being a little dazed when he heard it.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I only have two factories in Nanjue County, one is a branch of Shanqiu Foods, and the other is the current Qingniao Glass Factory."

"This glass factory has not sold a piece of glass so far, so there is no tax here at all. And the branch factory of Shanqiu Foods, according to the contract signed at the beginning, I enjoy the policy of tax exemption .”

Zhao Shanhe slowly raised the corners of his lips, and in Luo Senlin's panic, he said lightly: "I just want to know, where did you start the charge of tax evasion?"


Luo Senlin was completely flustered now.

After the few people who followed him looked at each other, they were also dumbfounded.

There is such a thing?

If it is really like what Zhao Shanhe said, they really hit the hard rock this time.People's glass factory is not in business, so how can there be tax evasion?The Shanqiu food branch of the family implements a tax-free policy, and there is no need to pay taxes at all.

Then they come here to investigate the issue of tax evasion and tax evasion, what are they looking for?

As for whether it is possible for Hetu Manufacturing and Zhao Xiaobai Winery to evade taxes, let alone no, even if there is, does it have anything to do with you?That is a company in Zhenghe County, can your Nanjue County Taxation Bureau manage it?

"I think Captain Luo must be aware of this matter since he opens his mouth to the law and shuts his mouth to the law. After all, this is something that public officials should at least know."

Li Xiangyang looked over with a playful smile.

"Then can you explain why you know the law and break the law?"


Luo Senlin lost his voice.

how to explain?

What are you talking about?

He now feels that he is not human inside and out!

"Don't explain, and we don't want to hear your explanation. If you have anything to say, explain it to Leader Liang later." Zhao Shanhe glanced at it, then walked to the window, and casually fiddled with his own green plants.

"Me! Me! Me!"

Luo Senlin opened his mouth several times, but only my words came out.

He had a lot to say, but now he couldn't get it out of his mouth.

"Director Zhao, can I borrow your phone?"


Zhao Shanhe saw through Luo Senli's thoughts at a glance, do you want to tip off the news?late!


Luo Senlin let out a cold snort, turned his head and whispered a few words to the person beside him, who nodded and hurried out of the meeting room.

"Director Zhao, today's matter, I just said it was a misunderstanding, and it is better for you to treat it as a misunderstanding. If you insist on holding on to it, it will do no good to anyone. If I say so, you Do you understand?" Luo Senlin took a deep breath and said after adjusting his state.

"Luo Senlin, are you afraid?" Zhao Shanhe squinted and said lazily.

"Who's afraid? I'm afraid of you? I just don't want to make matters worse. Zhao Shanhe, it's good for everyone to take a step back." Luo Senlin shouted with a little confidence.

"But I am a person who only cares about how to make progress, but I have never learned to go back!"

Zhao Shanhe leaned his back against the window, stared at Luo Senlin, and said with fiery and determined eyes: "Luo Senlin, didn't you want to make a big fuss when you came here just now? Do you think the bigger the trouble, the more I will scruples."


"It's okay, I will do as you wish."

The corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth outlines an evil arc.

"I'm going to tell the whole town about it."

Luo Senlin was frightened for a moment.

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