Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 694 Some people can't sit still anymore

It was Du Ruoqing who knocked on the door and came in.

As soon as the door opened, she raised a bottle of red wine in her hand and said with a smile: "I know you didn't drink well in the restaurant just now, how about it? I'll drink two more glasses with you."

"Okay!" Chen Ling turned to let Du Ruoqing into the room, and then closed the door.

The two girls just sat on the chairs in front of the window and drank leisurely.

Just after drinking two cups, Du Ruoqing looked over with playful eyes. When Chen Ling felt puzzled, she suddenly leaned over and asked, "Chen Ling, what do you think of Zhao Shanhe's performance tonight?"

"Very good, the hero saves the beauty, the momentum is like a rainbow, I like it very much." Chen Xiao said as a matter of course.

"Yeah, how about a hero saving the beauty? After being saved by such a hero, do you want to promise it with your body? Or do you want to say that there is nothing to repay, and you can only repay it in the next life?" Du Ruoqing smiled. asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Chen Xiao stared over speechlessly.

"You, don't hide it from me. How can I not know you? Don't you always have a hero complex in your heart? You always want a hero to save you in your dreams. Today's incident is just an opportunity."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Chen Xiaobai glared, sighed softly, and said helplessly.

"I want to know if you will fall in love with Zhao Shanhe?" Du Ruoqing stared at Chen Xiao with a smirk.

"You are going to die, how is it possible?"

The moment Chen Ling heard this, she trembled in fright, stood up awkwardly, looked at Du Ruoqing, and said nervously: "Let me tell you, don't dare to say such things, the director Zhao is dead." Married man, I don't care if you say that, but if his lover hears about it, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble."

"Oh, I'm just talking casually, why are you so nervous? Besides, how many men like Zhao Shanhe can have, and it's normal for you to like it. I asked if you like it or not, and I didn't ask you to break up the family. Family, destroying other people's marriage." Du Ruoqing curled her lips disapprovingly.

"It's not okay to say that." Chen Xiao still had a straight face.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, and continue drinking." Du Ruoqing stretched out her hand holding the glass again.

"It's okay to drink! I'll accompany you!"

Chen Ling raised his wine glass, and after the two touched each other, they drank it down in one gulp.It's just that the moment he raised his head, no one could see a dazzling gleam in Chen Xiao's eyes.


The elegant room of a teahouse.

The few people who just came out of Yuxiang Restaurant were drinking tea here.Thinking of what happened just now, they were all furious, and their eyes looked like they wanted to swallow people up.

This is especially true of Jung Nam Yoon.

Do you really think that he is willing to give in and apologize?

Do not!

He was just terrified of being beaten by Zhao Shanhe, and he knew that if he didn't apologize quickly, Zhao Shanhe would continue to beat him.

If that's the case, the only one who is unlucky is myself. At least I can stop the loss in time to apologize now. If I continue to resist to the end, do I have to wait until I become a pig's head?

"Mr. Zheng, what happened just now is really useless. Are you saying we can't call the police? As long as the police come over and arrest Zhao Shanhe, we can vent our anger."

"Call the police?"

Zheng Nanrun shook his head, sighed and said, "Do you think I never thought of doing this? Impossible. We have people, but if you think of him as Zhao Shanhe, will there be no one?"

"Don't forget, he is an investor in our Nanjue County, and he has a very good relationship with Leader Liang, who is in charge of public security. The only way to call the police is to hit him at the gunpoint."

"That's right, so let's just forget about it?"

"Forget it? Of course not!"

Zheng Nanrun said viciously: "What happened tonight was just an accident, don't worry, I have already arranged it, and he, Zhao Shanhe, is just waiting to be dealt with! After tomorrow, I will tell you what he did to us today. Let him pay back ten times and a hundred times!"

"it is good!"

After a few people talked for a while, the bureau broke up.

Before leaving, Zheng Nanrun patted Huang Dashan on the shoulder and said with emotion: "Old Huang, thank you for what happened just now. I didn't expect you to work so hard for me. Don't worry, you are good to me, I remember It's in my heart!"

"Mr. Zheng, see what you said, are you out of touch? This is what I should do." Huang Dashan immediately said with a smile, and immediately felt that all the humiliation he had just endured was worth it.

"You are fine!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Nanrun walked away.


Silent all night.

the next day.

Zhao Shanhe came to work at Jade Bird Glass Factory as usual, and Cai Shishi walked into the office to report today's itinerary.

The first thing is of course Chen Xiao's signing. Speaking of which, Zhang Jing really can't decide.He's just a director, and he didn't invest in it, and he's not a producer, so he's not qualified to sign it.

"I have already told Mr. Lin of Tianfang Entertainment about this. He is very interested in the things you want to invest in. He wants to ask, should you go to his place, or should he come over?" Zhang Jing asked.

"If I remember correctly, the headquarters of Tianfang Entertainment should be in Thang Long City in Southern Province?" Zhao Shanhe asked thoughtfully.


"Then how about it, I'm going to Thang Long City in the next two days, I'll talk about it with him after meeting!"

"Okay, then I'll tell him."

Zhang Jing looked at Chen Xiao with a smile.

"For the past two days, I think if Chen Xiao says there's nothing else to do, he can follow me around the set, at least to get used to it. In this way, he can quickly devote himself to filming in the future."

"I have no objection." Chen Xiao looked at Zhao Shanhe as he spoke.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"Then join the group and get used to it!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't think too much about it, besides, such professional things should be handled by professional people.Zhang Jing said that he could enter the group in advance, so he naturally entered the group.

"Dong dong."

While several people were continuing to talk, the office door knocked from the outside, and Cai Shishi walked in. She said with a serious face, "Director, someone has come to our factory."


"The law enforcement team of the Nanjue County Taxation Bureau is led by their captain Luo Senlin. I asked them what they were going to do, and they said they had received a report that our place was involved in tax evasion, so they wanted to come and check."

Cai Shishi briefly reported the general situation.

"Tax evasion?"

The moment Zhao Shanhe heard this reason, the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth couldn't help but curled up playfully.

"It seems that our counterattack has not yet started, and some people can't sit still, and they can't wait to make trouble. Okay, since everyone is here, we can't say that we won't let them in. Let's go, follow me Go and see."


Cai Shishi followed and walked out.

"Director Zhang, Chen Xiao, if you say it's okay, you can go to your work first, I have something to deal with here." Zhao Shanhe walked to the door and gave orders.

"Understood, we'll leave in a while." Zhang Jing said.

"Boss, come on!" Chen Xiao raised her fist with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe raised his hand with his back to Chen Xiao, and then walked towards the meeting room with Cai Shishi.

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