Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 693 Choose one yourself!

Is there really any evidence?

Zheng Nanrun suddenly felt a little uneasy. You must know that he did this thing, but it can be done but cannot be said.If it is really exposed, even if he is the director of the cement factory, he will not be able to bear this responsibility.

But now Zhao Shanhe said with certainty that there is evidence, how can you make him not panic?

But on this occasion, Zheng Nanrun would not admit it even if he was beaten to death. I will not admit everything you Zhao Shanhe said, and you can say whatever you want.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are slandering!"

Zheng Nanrun bit this one to death and didn't let go.

"It's not up to you to slander or not. I will settle this matter with you. But not now, what do you say now? Do you want to continue to resist to the end, or do you just come and apologize obediently?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over casually.

"Zhao Shanhe, don't go too far!"

Zheng Nanrun's eyes were fierce.

"Then it seems that you chose to continue to fight to the end, okay, since that's the case, then let's continue to play." Zhao Shanhe rushed forward with strides, and was about to grab Zheng Nanrun's collar At that moment, to everyone's surprise, Zheng Nanrun suddenly became intimidated.


When Zhao Shanhe heard the words, he immediately stopped the movement of his hands, then turned his head sideways, put one hand behind his ear, and asked with a frown, "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

"I said I'm sorry."

Zheng Nanrun stared at Zhao Shanhe, and said in a cold voice: "What happened just now is that I drank too much. Now I apologize to Ms. Chen Xiao. I'm sorry, please forgive my reckless behavior."

"It's almost there!"

Zhao Shanhe retracted his fist slowly, and said lightly, "Get lost!"

Zheng Nanyun turned his head and left.

This scene instantly stunned everyone.

What do you mean?

Zheng Nanrun really bowed his head to Zhao Shanhe?

It shouldn't be!You have already been beaten like this by Zhao Shanhe, doesn't it make you look even more useless now that you bow your head?We still don't believe it, Zhao Shanhe dared to beat you to death.If you make an apology like this, the previous beatings will be considered in vain.

"Something that's more than enough to fail!"

Xue Ningshuang glanced at Zheng Nanrun's back, and sneered in her heart.

No wonder the cement factory is turned yellow by you, there is a reason for this.

Chen Xiao looked at Zhao Shanhe with joy and emotion. She knew that Zhao Shanhe was lucky tonight, otherwise, her future and innocence would be lost.

"You have to work with such a person, don't worry!"

Zhang Jing was also inspired, thinking in admiration that he has only one idea now, no matter what, he must let Zhao Shanhe invest in that TV series.

"Then let's go too!"

When Huang Dashan and the others saw that Zheng Nanrun ignored them and turned his head to leave, after looking at each other in blank dismay, they also raised their feet and were about to leave, but when they just took the first step, Zhao Shanhe stretched out an arm to block it. the way.

He looked over playfully.

"What? Do you want to leave like this? Forgot what I just said?"

"Zhao Shanhe, don't go too far, let me tell you, if you dare to touch one of our fingers, we will never end with you!" Huang Dashan shouted sternly.

"Really? Let's try then?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his fist as he spoke.

Huang Dashan was so frightened that he took two steps back subconsciously, and then his face flushed with shame.When he opened his mouth to insult, Zhao Shanhe interrupted him forcefully.

"Apologize or get beaten, choose one yourself!"

"I apologize, sorry!"

In the next second, before it was Huang Dashan's turn to react, someone stood up and apologized.For them, Zheng Nanrun, who took the lead, had already bowed his head. What else should they care about as a foil.

And considering the situation tonight, if he didn't make an apology, he would probably be able to leave.

Instead of apologizing to the end, it's better to be clean.

"very good!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded in satisfaction, and slowly moved out of the way. The few people who apologized just now left, and when only Huang Dashan was left, he didn't say that he was forced to stand here.


After speaking, Huang Dashan also hurried out.

Just when he passed by Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe said lightly: "Huang Dashan, get ready when you go out."

"What preparations?" Huang Dashan looked confused.

"Change career." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.


Huang Dashan looked angry, but in the end he didn't dare to provoke, and left in despair.

The people who watched the bustle dispersed after seeing that there was no bustle here.

"Director Zhao, are you really not afraid of Zheng Nanrun's revenge? You know, Zheng Nanrun is not alone, he is the president of a chamber of commerce. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. It's true that you make enemies like this." Are you not afraid?" Xue Ningshuang stepped forward and asked.

"Not afraid!"

Zhao Shanhe looked over without squinting.

"Very well, then I'll see how you break the situation."

After Xue Ningshuang finished speaking, she walked out, and when she reached the door, she said lightly: "Tonight's order for Director Zhao's table is free!"

"Thank you!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and several people walked back to their boxes.

"Boss, I'm really sorry for what happened just now. If it weren't for me, there wouldn't be such troublesome things." Chen Xiao felt a little embarrassed, and apologized on her own initiative.

"Chen Xiao, this has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to apologize. Just remember, if you encounter such troubles in the future, just do what I did today."

"As long as you are reasonable, it doesn't matter who the other party is, even if they are the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu, you can pull them off the horse! If anything happens, I will take care of you." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said loudly.

"Yes!" Chen Xiao nodded excitedly.

"Director Zhang, let's stop here tonight and go to my office tomorrow to discuss signing the contract." Zhao Shanhe looked over.

"it is good!"

After sending Chen Xiao and Du Ruoqing to the hotel, Zhao Shanhe took Cai Shishi away. In the car, Cai Shishi thought about what happened tonight, and said in a low voice: "Director, I don't think Zheng Nanrun will swallow this breath. , he will definitely fight back tomorrow."


Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips.

"Anyway, our Jade Bird Glass has already started production, and it happens to be fine during this period, so let's have fun with him."

"Besides, haven't we been waiting for a chance to fight back? What happened tonight is the best trigger. It's best for him, Zheng Namyun, to make some noise tomorrow. Otherwise, if he doesn't make troubles, we will make troubles." .”

Cai Shishi was refreshed.

"Do you want to notify Chief Guo?"

"Notify, tell Guo Kaiduan, starting tomorrow, a full-scale counterattack!" Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Yes!" Cai Shishi's eyes widened.

Zhao Shanhe looked at the night outside the window with deep eyes.

At the same time, in the hotel room, just as Chen Xiao was about to wash up, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

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