Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 692 If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing!

"I'm not interested in your affairs. You can do whatever you want. But as the saying goes, it's better to resolve an enemy than to end it. It's a misunderstanding. It's not a big deal, so don't make it out of hand. Who will be hurt like that? It's no good, Director Zhao, do you think I'm right?"

Xue Ningshuang looked over and said meaningfully.

These words seem to be fair and just, but in fact, the truth has already revealed a kind of partiality.

Partiality towards Jung Nam Yoon.

Zhao Shanhe is such a smart person, he can hear Xue Ningshuang's implication just by hearing this.But this time he didn't think about giving up. You said that if it was something else, he might endure it, but this time it was about Chen Xiao's innocence and future, how could he just let it go?

Zheng Nanyun, don't you want to make trouble?

I will accompany you to make a fuss together, if you don't make a big fuss, it won't be over!

Do you really think that I don't know that you are behind the scenes and asked someone to write that article?Hehe, I have been waiting for a chance to fight back.Originally, I thought about waiting, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to send it to my door.That being the case, I am not polite.

So tonight's matter, whether it is emotional or reasonable, public or private, Zhao Shanhe will definitely not ignore it.

He even wanted to take advantage of this to play a bigger game of chess.

"Yeah, I also think what Boss Xue said is right, that's why the conditions I just offered are so light. Otherwise, Boss Xue, do you think I'll let it go like this?"

Zhao Shanhe's expression was calm, neither humble nor overbearing.

Xue Ningshuang couldn't help but change slightly when she heard this, and after taking a deep look at Zhao Shanhe, she didn't continue to favor Zheng Nanrun, but said indifferently: "Since Director Zhao said so, then I don't care about this matter, Do whatever you want."

"But one thing, this is my place, no matter how much trouble you make, you are not allowed to smash my place."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

Zheng Nanrun's heart was burning with anger.

Zhao Shanhe, you are really rampant, you actually disobeyed Xue Ningshuang, and didn't give her any face.You are completely finished, you just wait to be cleaned up.

But this is something for later, after seeing Xue Ningshuang's attitude of not helping each other, Zheng Nanrun also knew that there must be an explanation for what happened tonight, otherwise Zhao Shanhe would definitely not let it go.

"Zhao Shanhe, I'm going out now, stop me if you have the ability."

Zheng Narun walked forward as he spoke.

At the same time, all eyes fell on Zhao Shanhe.

"Director, why don't you let this matter go?" Sensing the increasingly dignified atmosphere, Chen Xiao stepped forward and pulled Zhao Shanhe's sleeve, and said in a low voice.

"never mind?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips, stared at Chen Xiao, and said in a gentle tone: "Chen Xiao, you are an artist under my contract, so I should be responsible for your future, and I should also protect your innocence."

"Now someone wants to ruin your future and destroy your innocence. How can I tolerate it? I know you are thinking of me and don't want to cause trouble for me. "

"But remember, I'm not afraid of trouble! No matter who it is, anyone who dares to touch me will have to pay the price. If he doesn't pay, I'll make him pay!"

The moment the words fell to the ground, in Chen Xiao's moved expression, Zhao Shanhe made a move.

He didn't intend to say any more nonsense, and stopped Zheng Nanrun who was just about to leave with a stride, and then he clenched his right hand into a fist and raised it upwards, landing heavily on his abdomen.

Suddenly being attacked by this kind of force, Zheng Nanrun curled up in pain on the spot, and slumped on the ground like a shrimp, beads of sweat the size of soybeans dripped from his forehead drop by drop.


He looked at Zhao Shanhe with anger and fear in his eyes.

The rest of the people were all shocked, and no one dared to move a step.

Xue Ningshuang was also stunned.

She didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would fight back so forcefully. If there was a disagreement, she would start fighting immediately, and she would never give you a chance to defend with eloquence!If you have anything to say, just talk to Fist!

"Zhao Shanhe, what kind of person are you?"

Xue Ningshuang stared at Zhao Shanhe in a daze, secretly surprised in her heart.

Because if it were her, if she put herself in her shoes, she would not say that she would do such a stupid thing just for Chen Xiao.But Zhao Shanhe not only did it, but he did it so thoroughly that he didn't leave any room for himself.

"What am I?"

Zhao Shanhe looked down at Zheng Nanrun condescendingly, and said with mocking eyes: "Zheng Nanrun, do you really think that I am a soft persimmon that can be squeezed by you at will? You let someone publish such an article in Nanjue Daily to frame you, Discredit me! Say that I started my business by evading taxes, did you do this?"

"Like this, if you dare to say it in front of me, I still respect you as a man. But you play this shameful trick behind your back, and you say you are shameless? That's fine, I don't agree with you. You care about it. But why do you dare to touch Chen Xiao and even flirt with her unscrupulously?"

"Your behavior is not only embarrassing yourself, but also discrediting the young and old in our Nanjue County! This makes people outside talk about our Nanjue County, and think that we are all like this in Nanjue County. Zheng Nanrun , damn you!"

The moment these hearty words were spoken, everyone was shocked.

"What? That article was actually written by Zheng Nanrun?"

"Let me just say, the person who can do this is definitely not easy, so it is him!"

"No, you don't know yet, do you? Zheng Nanrun and Wu Keyong, the president of Nanjue Daily, are best friends."

"But no matter what, you can't do this, right? Isn't this something out of nothing, fabricated out of thin air, framed?"

"Damn, I think Director Zhao is right, Zheng Nanrun is embarrassing our Nanjue County."


When people inside and outside the private room heard Zhao Shanhe's words, they immediately whispered, and everyone looked at Zheng Nanrun with disdain and hostility.

Even Xue Ningshuang was stunned.

It turns out that there is such an inside story!

Let me just say, how could Zhao Shanhe not give me face like this, it turned out that Zheng Nanrun did this.That's right, if I were Zhao Shanhe, I would definitely not endure this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Xue Ningshuang looked at Zheng Nanrun with a mocking look.

What Zhao Shanhe said is right, if you did all these things, then you really deserve to die.

Feeling that the atmosphere in the private room was becoming more and more wrong and unfavorable to him, Zheng Nanyun resisted the pain from his abdomen and struggled to get up from the ground.

He looked at Zhao Shanhe and shouted with a ferocious expression: "Zhao Shanhe, don't talk nonsense here. Do you have evidence for what you say? If you don't have evidence, I can sue you for defamation!"

"Sue me for defamation?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over righteously.

"Do you think I dare to talk to you like this if I don't have evidence? Zheng Nanrun, you should have heard a saying that if you want people to know, you have to do nothing! Let me tell you, you are finished this time!"

Zheng Nanrun's face changed drastically.

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