Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 691 Is it worthy of you?

"What are you talking about, Zhao Shanhe, logically speaking, I am your elder, so you should call me uncle. Come on, call me uncle right now in front of the big guys."

Huang Dashan stood at the front, shouting self-righteously.

call you uncle?

Seeing Huang Dashan like this, and hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Dare to love this guy is an idiot, right?

Chen Xiao looked over with contempt in his eyes.

Let Zhao Shanhe call you uncle?Just because you deserve it?

Du Ruoqing sneered disdainfully.

Even Zhang Jing looked over with a kind of sarcasm in his eyes, wondering where did this guy come from, to speak wildly in front of Zhao Shanhe?Isn't this looking for abuse when you are full?

When Zheng Nanrun heard this, his expression brightened immediately.

That's right, why did I forget about this? Isn't this Huang Dashan a relative who can get mixed up with Zhao Shanhe?After all, they are all elders.

"Zhao Shanhe, do you call him uncle or not?" Zheng Nanrun laughed.

"My uncle has a look on your face."

Zhao Shanhe said disdainfully, and when he looked at Huang Dashan, he shook his head in disappointment.

"As the saying goes, things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups. This is indeed true. People like you are suitable for fooling around with Zheng Nanyun. You just fool around, and you will regret it sooner or later."

"Zhao Shanhe, stop talking nonsense here, it's not your turn to take care of my affairs." Huang Dashan said coldly.

"Do you care?"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "You are wrong, you mean nothing to me, I will not care about you. But for today's matter, you count as one, and you have to line up one by one to apologize to Chen Xiao."

"Whoever dares not do it, then he is my enemy, Zhao Shanhe, as soon as we walk out of this door, let's wait and see, I will deal with you one by one!"

The moment these words were said, Huang Dashan and the others' expressions changed.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but her heart trembled when she heard it, a warm current rippled from her heart, and then spread to her whole body.

"Apologize? You should die, we won't do it."

Zheng Nanrun pointed to his forehead and said ferociously: "Did you see it? I have evidence here, evidence of your murder and injury. If you don't want things to become big and affect your reputation, you can obediently come here and tell me." I apologize."


Zhao Shanhe remained calm.


"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Just when Zheng Nanrun was about to get angry, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps from outside the door, and then, surrounded by several people, a woman in a blue petal cheongsam walked in.

As soon as she appeared, she amazed the audience.

Wearing a cheongsam, she showed her graceful figure to the fullest.Her high-up palace hairstyle set off her nobility and elegance.A cheek that can be broken by blows and bullets, and an expression that is as cold as ice.

Standing here, she is the focus of the audience.

If Chen Ling is a blooming lily, then this woman is a plump peony.

She is Xue Ningshuang, the owner of this Yuxiang Restaurant.

And after seeing Xue Ningshuang's appearance, Zheng Nanrun, who was still arrogant just now, couldn't help but a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and even subconsciously took two steps back, avoiding Xue Ningshuang's eyes intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhao Shanhe also saw this beautiful woman, and to be honest, she was indeed very tasty.And this taste is flattering and not vulgar, and it won't make you feel like the type who is struggling in the wind and dust.

As for who she is, Zhao Shanhe really doesn't know.

He didn't hang out in Nanjue County before, so how could he know everyone?

"Boss Xue, it's just in time for you to come. Look at the wound on my head. It was Zhao Shanhe who beat me. You have to make the decision for me! I was eating in your restaurant and encountered this. You can't ignore it. .” Zheng Nanrun shouted loudly, looking miserable.

"is it?"

Xue Ningshuang glanced at Zheng Nanrun's head, and said in a cold voice with disapproval: "Zheng Nanrun, how did you get this injury? I don't tell you, you should know it well. It's because you didn't do it properly, so don't mess around here. gone."


Zheng Nanrun swallowed the words that came to his lips immediately after meeting Xue Ningshuang's cold eyes.He is a native of Nanjue County, and he knows that Xue Ningshuang's background is not simple, and he is definitely not something he can provoke.

"It's the same with you, all stand aside for me!"

Xue Ningshuang glanced at Huang Dashan, and they stepped aside obediently.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Shanhe's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly, and he looked at Xue Ningshuang with a little more seriousness.Although he didn't know Xue Ningshuang, how could a woman who could make Zheng Nanrun and the others bow their heads, be so simple?

It seems that Nanjue County is also a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Any proprietress of a restaurant can have such a strong aura.

"Director Zhao, right? He's been famous for a long time, and he's like a thunderbolt. When I saw him today, he's really imposing and extraordinary. Let me introduce myself, my name is Xue Ningshuang, and I'm the owner of this restaurant."

Xue Ningshuang said in a relaxed tone.

"Xue Ningshuang? Boss Xue, hello." Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Director Zhao, I think there must be a misunderstanding between you about tonight's matter. You see, it's just for my sake. As for what you will do in the future, that's your business. I absolutely don't care." Xue Ningshuang said with a smile.

"never mind?"

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly, and after glancing at Xue Ningshuang, he said calmly: "Since Boss Xue has spoken, I can't say that I won't give any face. That's all right, Zheng Nanrun and the six of them will come over one by one to apologize to Chen Xiao, Say sorry, I'll let it go."

"Boss Xue, my request is not too much, is it?"

Xue Ningshuang heard this request, her eyelids twitched a few times, and said calmly: "It's a matter between you if you don't go too far, and I won't take care of it. What I want is that you don't stay with me." It’s fine to make trouble anywhere. As long as they want, I have no objection even if they kneel down for you.”

Xue Ningshuang stepped aside after speaking.

"President Zheng, what do you mean?"

I say?I said Zhao Shanhe, you are finished, you dare not give Xue Ningshuang face, do you know who she is?Do you know what kind of background she has?Since she said everything, you can go down the steps. Not only will you not go down, but you still insist on your own opinion and insist on confronting us.

Hehe, you not only offended us, but you also offended Xue Ningshuang incidentally.

Now, it's hard for you not to die.

"I have no objection, I listen to Boss Xue. If Boss Xue asks me to apologize, I will apologize right away. If Boss Xue says to let me go, I will leave now. Boss Xue, tell me!"

Zheng Nanrun rolled his eyes, and immediately put his posture very low and straight.

Anyone who saw this would think that he was convinced by Xue Ningshuang.

Seeing him like this, Xue Ningshuang immediately showed a satisfied smile, and then slowly spoke.

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