Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 690 What should I do if this is the case?

"Dong dong."

Just when Zhao Shanhe and the others were talking and laughing, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a waiter ran in nervously, pointing at the door in panic, opened his mouth to Zhao Shanhe and the others and said, "Hurry up!" Go and have a look, someone is looking for trouble for Miss Chen Xiao."


Zhao Shanhe stood up awkwardly.

"What do you mean?"

"I just saw someone pull Miss Chen Xiao into the No. [-] box at the opposite door."

This waiter is in charge of Zhao Shanhe's box, and he is usually a fan of Chen Xiao, so he came here to report the news as soon as possible.

"Thank you!"

After Zhao Shanhe said thank you to the waiter, he walked out in big strides, and arrived at the front of the No. [-] box in two steps, and then pushed the door open without thinking.

And when he just came in, when he saw the scene in front of him, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he picked up the wine bottle on the table next to him, and threw it out without saying a word.


The wine bottle hit Zheng Nanrun's forehead accurately, and he let go of Chen Ling's arm on the spot, covered his head and screamed, a stream of blood immediately flowed down his cheeks and onto the ground.


Chen Xiao hurried over and stood beside Zhao Shanhe.

"Are you okay?" Zhao Shanhe asked quickly.


Chen Xiao shook his head, looked at Zheng Nanrun who was bleeding from the smash, and said angrily: "I was answering the phone outside just now, and just after I hung up, I was dragged in by this man. He insisted on letting me drink with them. If I don't agree, he will force me to drink. It's a good thing you are here, otherwise I'm afraid I will be bullied by them. "

And this is what Zhao Shanhe saw just now.

Zheng Nanrun firmly clasped Chen Xiao's wrist, insisting on letting her drink.

"Zhao Shanhe, it's you!"

Zheng Nanrun wiped the blood from his face, and now he could see clearly who did it. When he saw that the person who hit him was none other than Zhao Shanhe, the anger in his heart burst out burst out.

I was beaten to the point of bleeding by Zhao Shanhe!

How can I face people in the future?

Originally, I came here for dinner tonight because I wanted to vent the unhappiness that was oppressed by Saburo Miyai during this period. Now that Zhao Shanhe dared to spoil his good deeds, how could Zheng Nanrun hold back?He went crazy on the spot.

"Zheng Nanrun, I always thought that although you are not authentic, you are a person with a head and a face, and you have the most basic principles. But now it seems that I was wrong. What principles do you have? You are an extremely dirty beast!" Zhao Shanhe shouted coldly.

"Who are you calling a beast?" Zheng Nanrun was angry.

"I call you a beast!"

Zhao Shanhe shot his eyes like a torch, and sneered, "To say you are a beast is to flatter you, look at your current appearance, you are not even as good as a beast! How dare you do it in broad daylight! This kind of robbery of women, if it is done behind the scenes, you may be so shameless, crazy and insidious."

"Zhao Shanhe, you bastard, if you dare to scold me, I will never end with you!" Zheng Nanrun shouted harshly.

"It's not over, is it?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the past from the corner of his eye, randomly picked up a chair to block the doorway, sat down safely, crossed his arms and raised his legs and said mockingly: "Don't worry, even if you want to let go of this matter today, I won't let it go." Will agree!"

"Don't you want to have sex with me? Come on, let's have fun now and see who should have sex with whom!"


Zheng Nanrun was immediately overwhelmed by Zhao Shanhe's aura.

And it wasn't until this time that the few people in the private room who were eating with Zheng Nanrun woke up.They originally thought that Chen Xiao was arranged by Zheng Nanrun to come to accompany him for a drink, but they didn't expect it to be.

Let me just say, who is Chen Xiao?He is a star after all, and Zheng Nanrun is just a past factory manager, how could he do such a thing of drinking with him?

But now that things have become like this, what should I do?

Where should they go?

They wanted to help Zheng Nanrun speak, but thinking of Zhao Shanhe's identity and the energy behind Zhao Shanhe, they couldn't help curling up their necks like turtles.

Let's not help each other.

"Shameless! Pervert! I didn't expect that you would do such a shameless thing at your age! And you guys are also accomplices! There is no good thing!"

After Du Ruoqing entered the box, she hurriedly grabbed Chen Xiao's arm, feeling the trembling of Chen Xiao's tender body, the anger in her heart roared out, and she opened her mouth to scold unceremoniously.

"Who are you calling shameless?"

"Accomplice or not, little girl, I advise you to keep your mouth clean."

"Don't dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, we will clean you up."


The few businessmen who originally wanted to remain neutral, after hearing Du Ruoqing's words, they all exploded on the spot.They can shrink their heads and act like turtles, but they can't be scolded by people pointing their noses.

"To shut up!"

Seeing their menacing appearance, Zhao Shanhe glared, and shouted sharply: "What? Could it be that what she said was wrong? Aren't you shameless accomplices? Dare to do something but not admit it, what kind of men are you?"

"Zhao Shanhe, can you speak? We are accomplices for what we have done? We are just having a meal with Mr. Zheng, why do we have to be insulted by you like this!"

"Let me tell you, you'd better show evidence to prove what you said, or we'll never end with you today!" After being insulted like this, a businessman stood up and fought back angrily.

And after seeing who this is, Zhao Shanhe's eyes became colder and biting.

"Huang Dashan, I didn't expect you to be the first person to explode!"

Huang Dashan?

That's right, the person who jumped out to confront Zhao Shanhe was Huang Dashan.It's normal for him to be here, because he was originally a businessman who relied on the cement factory to make money, but Zheng Nanrun called him tonight to say something good happened, so he came here in a hurry.He drank half of the wine before he heard what a good thing it was.

After hearing this, his eyes lit up on the spot.

It really is a good thing.

Zheng Nanrun actually agreed to pay them the bill.

Although it is not a one-time settlement, it is good to be able to settle part of it.

And what Zheng Nanrun said just now is that the cement factory will start a new production line soon, and the orders of the limestone factory will definitely increase by then, and Huang Dashan will be able to make a lot of money.

You said that there are such good things, can he still keep silent when Zhao Shanhe is provocative?

Besides, if Du Ruoqing's words were not so unpleasant, he might still keep his head down, but now that the trouble has come to this, he has to stand up, and while asking for an explanation for himself, he can also take the opportunity to please Zheng Nanrun.

Kill two birds with one stone.


After seeing Huang Dashan doing this, Zheng Nanrun showed a satisfied expression on his face, and gave him a thumbs up.

Now Huang Dashan worked even harder.

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