"Wait for someone you know."

Chen Xiao's mischievous laughter was as crisp as a silver bell.

"If it's sunny!"

Zhao Shanhe suddenly realized.

Let's just say, Chen Xiao doesn't have many friends in Zhongzhou City, and Du Ruoqing is the closest.And it was Du Ruoqing who was able to get to know Chen Xiao back then.If Chen Xiao wanted to play, he would definitely find Du Ruoqing.

"Yes, Ruoqing and I made an appointment to go shopping together, but she hasn't come yet, so I'll wait for her here at Dayang Department Store." Chen Xiao said casually with a smile.

"That's it!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"If you have nothing to do these two days, come to my place."

"What? What's the matter?" Chen Xiao asked curiously.

"It's okay, didn't I tell you before that Zhang Jing wanted to find you to film?"


"He is in Nanjue County now. He brought me a script. I have read it. The script is good. The heroine in it is quite suitable for you. I think if you have nothing to do with you, you can consider taking over this drama Already." Zhao Shanhe said unhurriedly.

"What? You mean I can make a TV series?" Chen Xiao shouted excitedly.


"Great, I have time, I have time now. In this way, I will go to Nanjue County now."

Chen Xiao couldn't restrain the excitement in her heart.

"There's no need to be so anxious. You can take a rest today and come over tomorrow. Anyway, Zhang Jing won't leave for a while. He will stay here for two days and wait for your news." Zhao Shanhe said.

"What? You asked Director Zhang to wait for my news? How can I let Director Zhang do this? I'm fine. I'll talk to Ruoqing about it now. Boss, hang up. I'll contact you later." Chen Xiao Then he hung up the phone.

"This Chen Xiao!"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head speechlessly, then began to get busy with other things.

And as soon as Chen Xiao hanged up his eldest brother, someone patted his shoulder.

"You scared me to death! You know? I almost threw my brother away just now!"

Seeing that it was Du Ruoqing, Chen Ling stared complainingly.

"Hey, who called you, I saw you shouting so excitedly just now, what's the matter?" Du Ruoqing asked.

"Yes, a good thing, a great good thing."

When Chen Xiao said this, she grabbed Du Ruoqing's hand immediately.

"Did you come here by car?"

"Yes." Du Ruoqing nodded, a little confused.

"Then hurry up, let's go to Nanjue County, Handong City now." After Chen Xiao finished speaking, she pulled Du Ruoqing and walked out.

Du Ruoqing suddenly looked confused. She looked at the emotional Chen Xiao and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you? What are you doing in Nanjue County at this time?"

"Don't ask, I'll tell you on the way."

"All right!"


Nanjue County Cement Plant.

Saburo Miyai slapped the newspaper in his hand directly on the table, and said indifferently: "Zheng Sang, are these all your trump cards? It seems that you told me more than that?"

"of course not."

Zheng Nanrun shook his head and said with a smile: "The smearing of this newspaper is only the first step, the next step is the trump card. Mr. Miyai, I have already made arrangements. You can wait and watch the show tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news!" Saburo Miyai smiled with satisfaction.

"Mr. Miyai, you see, our cement factory has been shut down for some time, and your previous investment is almost spent. If you don't pay workers wages, they will cause trouble, so..."

Zheng Nanyun hesitated.

"I understand, the money will be given to you tomorrow." Miyai Saburo said lightly.

"That would be great, thank you Miyai-san."

Zheng Namyun was overjoyed.

"Zheng Sang, as I said, as long as Zhao Shanhe can be brought down, everything else is fine."

Saburo Miyai came over, patted Zheng Nanrun on the shoulder, and said pointedly: "I hope that tomorrow I can ruin Zhao Shanhe's reputation and never stand up again, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Zheng Nanrun nodded quickly.

"That's it."


That night.

Not long after Zhao Shanhe got off work, she received a call from Chen Xiao. She said that she had come to Nanjue County with Du Ruoqing and wanted to ask where she could meet Director Zhang Jing.

After hearing that Chen Xiao came over in such a hurry, Zhao Shanhe shrugged helplessly, and after reporting an address, the two made an appointment to meet for a while.

"I didn't expect Chen Xiao to be so anxious." Zhao Shanhe said.

"That's for sure, who would miss the chance to become a big star? Don't look at her doing well now, she sings all day long, but that's also a score situation, so you can only sing one song "Xiang" all day long. "Piao Piao", what will happen to you? So if there is an opportunity to act, of course she will not miss it." Cai Shishi said as a matter of course.

"Okay, what you said is right, how is it? Are the arrangements made at the hotel?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


"Then let's go!" Zhao Shanhe walked out after finishing speaking.

Tonight, Zhao Shanhe is going to entertain Zhang Jing. No matter how you say it, the two met at the most difficult time and are friends.When a friend comes, you have to show your kindness as a landlord, at least treat him to a meal, right?

In the elegant room of the hotel.

Although the door is closed here, the singing from the stereo outside can still float in. A song "The Days We Walked Together" by Liu Tianwang echoes in everyone's ears.

After listening to the song and exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down separately.

Because Chen Xiao and Zhang Jing had collaborated in the commercial shooting of Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea before, they also knew each other.

"Director Zhang, let me tell you that Chen Xiao admires you very much. You are her favorite director. Now that I said you wanted to find her to make a movie, I drove here from the provincial capital without even thinking about it. With such sincerity, shouldn't you say a few words?" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"That is definitely something to say."

Zhang Jing looked at Chen Xiao with a smile, and said with emotion: "Miss Chen Xiao, to be honest, I really didn't expect you to rush over so soon. After all, I just told Director Zhao about this matter, you It really touched me to do that.”

"Don't worry, I am very confident about this TV series, and I will help you find your own role positioning. The two of us will strive to produce a work that has a good reputation."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Chen Xiao raised her wine glass with a sweet smile.

"Director Zhang, in fact, what our factory manager said just now is correct. I really like the works you shot. For example, the milk tea commercials we cooperated with, I think they are very classic. But those are commercials after all, not like TV dramas. It can be shown in turn on TV.”

"I was still thinking about when I would have a chance to cooperate with you, but I didn't expect the opportunity to come like this. Come, let me toast you and wish us a happy cooperation."

"Okay, happy cooperation!"

Zhang Jing also raised his glass.

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere on the wine table became relaxed and happy.During this period, Chen Ling's big brother rang, and she went out to answer it. Who would have thought that something would happen when she went out like this.

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