Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 69 The Defeat Has Been Determined

"of course not!"

Du Jingming looked at Zhao Shanhe and said slowly: "As long as you are in a normal business competition, no one else can ask who wins and who loses."

"The reason why I called you here today is to inform you that the corporate income tax reduction and exemption you wanted to apply for has come to fruition."

"Really? Du County, what's the result?" Zhao Shanhe immediately asked excitedly.

"Ten percent!"

Du Jingming raised a finger and said, "In the first year, only 20.00% of the corporate income tax was levied on your Shanqiu Beverage Factory, in the second year it was [-]%, and in the third year it returned to normal. How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"I am very satisfied. I am very grateful for the support and understanding of County Mayor Du. I will definitely continue to work hard and strive to create more contributions to our county." Zhao Shanhe immediately expressed his opinion.

Naturally, all reductions are the best, but Zhao Shanhe also knows that it is not realistic at the moment.

If it were the previous ice factory, they might get this kind of special treatment.But now that the Shanqiu Beverage Factory is so popular, if the government says to directly reduce the exemption, what will the rest of the factories think?

It is already a surprise to be able to exempt 30.00%.

"That's good."

After Du Jingming chatted with Zhao Shanhe for a few more words, he said meaningfully: "Director Zhao, if possible, I hope you can help the Gushun Distillery in our county so that they can get out of the predicament as soon as possible. what."

"Gushun Winery?"

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Shanhe replied: "County Du, since you have spoken, I will definitely help Gushun Winery within my ability."

"Okay, let's do this first!"

After coming out of the county government, Zhao Shanhe looked up at the sky above his head: "It seems that we have to speed up, and we can't give Huang Lianshan any chance to breathe."

As the saying goes, I will kill you while you are sick.

Ten days after the bundle sale

The market is the fairest.

No matter who you are or what background you have, the market will treat you equally.

If your product is good and the market recognizes it, you can make money.If your product is not good, if you have no way to win over consumers, if you can occupy the market, then you will be eliminated.

This is clearly referring to the Sail Cannery.

Although Huang Lianshan also approached Ma Sangao, hoping to rely on his relationship as the director of the Commerce and Trade Bureau to save his life, it was still useless.

Suppliers are constantly calling for debts, workers are pressing for wages, and warehouses are piled up with cans

After all these problems were put together, Huang Lianshan was losing money every day, and the accumulated debts overwhelmed him at once. The car was pawned long ago, and the house was mortgaged to the bank.

He really has no way to recover from this defeat.

"In less than a month, our cannery turned into what it is now. What do you think we should do?" Huang Lianshan said bitterly.

There were only two people standing in the office, Huang Hu and Wang Chaohan.

Wang Chaohan sighed, and said helplessly, "Boss, there are only two ways in front of us now. The first is to sell the factory quickly and stop the loss in time."

"Selling the factory, are you crazy? How do you say this? Wang Chaohan, did you collude with Shanqiu Beverage Factory long ago, and you have been bought by Zhao Shanhe?" Huang Hu immediately shouted, waving his hands.

"Shut up!" Huang Lianshan suddenly slapped the table and shouted angrily.

Wang Chaohan is really going to be bribed for things that are not enough to succeed but more than ruined. Will he still give me advice here now?

Wang Chaohan also glanced at Huang Hu, without any look of fear on his face.

Huang Hu, Huang Hu, do you think that now is the same as before?Your father's factory is about to go bankrupt, and you are still showing off your power, why do you have it?

For a stunned young man like you, if there is no rich old man behind him, who would look at you?

"Keep talking!" Huang Lianshan sullenly said.

"Boss, I suggest you go the first way, stop the loss as soon as possible, and sell the cannery as soon as possible, so that at least you can see some money back."

"If you don't want to sell the factory, then there is only the second way left, which is to continue throwing money into it."

"But I really don't recommend you to do this, because it is burning money, and you don't know when you will see hope. If you go this way, you will end up with nothing and a lot of debt."

Wang Chaohan spoke earnestly.

"I didn't expect that I, Zhao Lianshan, would be forced to this point!"

Huang Lianshan smiled self-deprecatingly, gritted his teeth and said: "Old Wang, you go to Shanqiu Beverage now, talk to that Zhao Shanhe, and see if he is willing to buy our factory."

"Dad, what are you talking about! You want to sell our cannery to Zhao Shanhe! No! Absolutely not! Even if you really want to sell it, you can't sell it to him!" Huang Hu shouted anxiously.

"You know shit!"

Huang Lianshan pointed at Huang Hu's nose and shouted angrily.

"Do you think everyone in Zhenghe County wants to buy our cannery? Not many people want it. Even if someone wants to, can they afford it?"

"Since he, Zhao Shanhe, has made such a big battle, I don't believe that he doesn't want our cannery! So if you want to sell it now, you can only sell it to him! Old Wang, you go!"

"Okay, boss!"

Wang Chaohan turned around and went to do it.

Huang Hu was a little lost, and muttered to himself: "Is that how I lost? I lost to that bastard Zhao Shanhe just like that. Why is he better than me? Why!"

Huang Lianshan looked at the mournful Huang Hu, shook his head in disappointment, and walked out of the office.

Zhao Shanhe wasn't surprised at all when he saw Wang Chaohan coming to talk about selling the cannery.

All this is in his expectation, is there any need to make a fuss?

To know that the director of a mere canning factory, Zhao Shanhe didn't take it seriously at all.

Who made Huang Lianshan's situation small, he is not worthy to be his opponent.

"Okay, since you guys want to sell, let's talk about it!"

Zhao Shanhe is not in a hurry, he has a lot of time to spend, and Huang Lianshan is in a hurry, knowing that if he spends another day, he will have to pay a lot of money.

So after Zhao Shanhe offered a purchase price of 20 yuan, Huang Lianshan reluctantly agreed despite his reluctance.

The two quickly signed a purchase contract.

In this way, through the combination of package sales, Zhao Shanhe easily defeated Huang Lianshan, took the Fengfan cannery into his pocket, and became the one who had the last laugh.

On the day Huang Lianshan sold the cannery, he left Zhenghe County with his whole family.

"Dad, are we leaving like this?"

Sitting on the bus, Huang Hu looked at the gradually receding boundary markers and asked unwillingly.

"Let's go, leave this sad place as soon as possible, and we can start a new business sooner."

"Re-start a business?"

Huang Hu was full of confusion: old man, starting a business is not as easy as you said!

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