Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 68 I Can't Afford This Hat

In a flash, the sales of combination sets have been launched for a week, and the sales are booming.

Fengfan Cannery, the factory manager's office.

"How many times do you have to tell me to understand? We, Fengfan, are rich, but now we just have a problem with cash flow. I can solve this problem soon."

"You all go back to me, explain this matter clearly to the workers, so that they don't think too much, and give me peace of mind to work hard."

Huang Lianshan shouted distraughtly.

There was a surge of anger in his chest, ready to erupt at any moment.

Those who are qualified to stand here are naturally a group of managers of Fengfan Cannery.

They don't want to do it either, but there's no way.With the end of the month approaching, the wages should be paid, the bonus mentioned earlier should be paid, and even the Mid-Autumn Festival benefits should be paid.

This benefit used to be available every year, so it makes no sense to say that it will be cut off this year.

"Boss, we're fine. Even if we don't pay wages temporarily, we can handle it. But the workers below can't do it. We can't delay their wages."

"Especially those who promised Song Yuncheng, they must send it quickly, or they will lose their hearts." Wang Chaohan frowned and said in a low voice.


Huang Lianshan couldn't bear it anymore, the anger in his chest exploded, he patted the table, stared at Wang Chaohan and shouted angrily: "So what do you mean? Are you forcing me?"

"No, no, boss, I don't mean that." Wang Chaohan said hastily.

"It doesn't mean that, what does that mean?"

Huang Lianshan snorted coldly, and said distractedly: "Isn't it just a temporary delay in paying wages, what a big deal, why can't you understand the factory?"

"It's not that you don't know that the sales of canned food in our factory are not very good during this period, and we can't sell anything. How can I pay you wages?"

"You explain it well to the workers. If you can explain it well, then let me continue to work. If you can't explain it well, then let me go. I don't support idlers here!"

"Okay, boss, let's go!"

Wang Chaohan and the others were overwhelmed by Huang Lianshan's roar, turned their heads and left the office.

"Oh shit!"

Huang Lianshan grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it to the ground, the fragments scattered in all directions, and one piece just fell in front of Huang Hu who was about to come in, making him tremble in fright.


Huang Hu resisted the fear in his heart and hurried up.

"Tell me, what's the situation now." Huang Lianshan took a cigarette and lit it, taking a deep breath and asking.

"Not so good!"

Huang Hu frowned and said, "Dad, we can't sell our canned food at all. In the past few days, we haven't sold a single bottle of canned food. Even the supply and marketing cooperatives and canteens that bought the goods before have come to return them one after another. "

"and also"

Huang Hu took a look at Huang Lianshan, found that his expression was ugly, and continued uneasily: "Also, our sales channels in Linxian County, Dongpang County and Haifeng County have also been cut off."

"The people who did this are Chen Jinhua, Lin Donghao, and Huang Zhizhong. I have been calling our sellers and even went to them, but they all insist that unless we lower the price, it must be reduced to a very low price. The price, otherwise they will not continue to cooperate with us."

"Dad, this matter is troublesome now!"

"It's up to you to say, it's already in big trouble!"

Huang Lianshan threw away the cigarette butt, and said with a frown: "Our factory has no more money in its account."

"What? How is it possible? How come we have no money?" Huang Hu asked in amazement.

"Why no money, have you forgotten, didn't we just buy a production line? It is this production line that has locked up all our funds."

"So now we have no way to pay wages to workers, no way to repay bank loans, and even no way to pay suppliers."

Huang Lianshan lit a cigarette again, and the ashtray on the table was already full of cigarette butts.

production line?

Huang Hu remembered it all at once, patted his forehead and said, "Isn't that production line introduced to us by Uncle Ma as a middleman, and is it going to be used to produce snack products?"

"Otherwise, let's just forget about the canned food and just produce snacks directly. Maybe we can turn around by relying on this."

"Dad, what do you think?" Huang Hu asked eagerly.

"I thought about what you said, but"

Huang Lianshan shook his head with an ugly expression and sighed heavily.

"But what happened?"

"But this production line is broken! It can't be used at all!" Huang Lianshan said sadly.

"What? How did this happen? Didn't Uncle Ma introduce this production line? How could he introduce a bad production line to us?"

"Dad, what's going on here? Why don't we quit this production line and ask him to give us the money!" Huang Hu asked anxiously.


Huang Lianshan smiled bitterly, shook his head and said: "It's not as simple as you said, forget it, it's useless to talk to you, just leave it alone."

"Then what should we do now?" Huang Hu asked tightly.

"I'll think about it, think about it again."

After Huang Lianshan waved his hand to let Huang Hu go out, he walked back and forth in the office.A few minutes later, he gritted his teeth and picked up the phone on the table to make a call.

"Old Ma, it's me, let's get together tonight."

"Okay, see you at the old place then." Ma Sangao said.

"to make!"

When Huang Lianshan was very busy, Zhao Shanhe was called to the county government by a phone call, and sat in front of Du Jingming, the deputy county magistrate.

Looking at the serious deputy county magistrate in front of him, Zhao Shanhe didn't have any timidity, and smiled slightly: "Major Du, what do you need from me?"

"Director Zhao, you've been making a lot of noise these two days, haven't you?" Du Jingming narrowed his eyes and said.

"What do you mean by that?" Zhao Shanhe asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Are you not sure what I mean? You've had a lot of trouble with several canneries. Are you trying to disrupt the economic order of our county?" Du Jingming asked with a black face.

"Don't, don't, County Magistrate Du, don't give me a hat. I can't afford to wear this hat. What do you mean by disrupting the economic order? You think highly of me. How can a small factory like mine be so big? energy of."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, refusing to admit it.

"You are the only small factory? If you are a small factory, how can you make those state-owned factories feel bad?"

Du Jingming glared angrily: "Tell me, what's going on? How far are you going to go to stop before you stop?"

"Major Du, did you come to me today just to talk about the Fengfan cannery?"

Zhao Shanhe asked back somewhat strangely.

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