Limin Hotel.

Tonight, Chen Jinhua and three people invited Zhao Shanhe to dinner. They had two purposes.

The first is to celebrate the successful downfall of the Fengfan Cannery, and the second is to test Zhao Shanhe.

After all, he has transformed himself into the owner of Fengfan Canning Factory. If he also enters the canning industry, there will be nothing wrong with the three of them.

Huang Lianshan's end had already made them see very clearly that no matter whether it was fighting alone or in a combination of the three, he was no match for Zhao Shanhe, so all they could do was hope that Zhao Shanhe would not compete with them for business.

But is it possible?

If it were theirs, they would definitely enter the canned food industry. After all, the ready conditions are there, so Zhao Shanhe has no reason not to do it.

"Do you think Zhao Shanhe will continue to make canned food?" Chen Jinhua couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"I don't know, it depends on what he thinks now." Lin Donghao frowned.

"Okay, stop talking, he's here!"

As Zhao Shanhe came in, the banquet began.

After half a round of drinking, Lin Donghao couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart and asked: "Director Zhao, now that Fengfan Cannery has been bought by you, are you planning to expand the production of popsicles?"

Chen Jinhua and Huang Zhizhong also looked at it pretending to be relaxed, but in fact they were extremely uneasy.

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the three people, knew what they were thinking, and said with a slight smile: "Yes, I will expand the production scale of popsicles. From tomorrow onwards, we will cancel the discount for combination sets. The canned food market in our county , it will depend on the three of you to continue to maintain it."

"Don't worry, it's fine."

The three couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Zhao Shanhe doesn't come to grab jobs, the three of them can make a living as long as they stabilize the current market.

The meal was enjoyable.

In fact, Zhao Shanhe is not saying that he has never thought about producing canned food. After all, there are ready-made production lines and workers there. As long as he gives an order, canned food can be produced.

But there is no need for this at all. The profit of canned food is very low, and Zhao Shanhe looks down on him. After working hard for a long time, he can't make any money, so why bother.

Let Chen Jinhua and the others compete to see who can win in the end.

After eating, because he didn't drink, Zhao Shanhe rode Suzuki King directly home.

"May life be turned into that lotus flower, and all fame and wealth will be left behind. Let the pride of God be passed down through the ages, and our generation only needs to monopolize the world."

When Zhao Shanhe returned home, he heard singing from the TV.

During this period of time, CCTV's Fengshen Bang is currently on the air, and this ending song can be heard everywhere.

Speaking of which, Zhao Shanhe also likes to watch this version of the list of gods, because this version is very classic, whether it is Jiang Ziya or Daji, they are both performed by two outstanding actors.

What's more, in this era, the actors of this version of the Fengshen class are also very advanced in appearance, which can be said to impress the common people very deeply.

"Shanhe, are you back?"

Hearing the sound of the motorcycle, Li Qiuya immediately got up and greeted him.

"Well, Qiuya, look at you, I didn't drink, I'm fine." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and smiled.

"No, I want to talk to you about something."

After Li Qiuya pulled Zhao Shanhe to sit down on the chair, she said seriously.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"I've already resigned!" Li Qiuya said seriously.

"Resign? You figured it out, that's great!" Zhao Shanhe said cheerfully.

"Yes, I figured it out. Since you're so busy here, I'd better resign. I can take good care of you at home and do the logistics." Li Qiuya nodded.

"back end job?"

Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya's hand and said softly, "Qiuya, there's nothing to do in the back office. You can't say that I want you to resign, just stay at home."

"I know your temper. It really keeps you at home. You must be unhappy."

"What else can I do if I don't stay at home? Can't I go to work in a beverage factory?"

Li Qiuya said jokingly.

"Why not?" Zhao Shanhe asked back.

"I asked you to resign because I want you to help me. You will go to work in the factory from tomorrow. After you are familiar with the affairs of the factory, I can be the shopkeeper."

"Shanhe, are you serious?" Li Qiuya was surprised.

"If you are serious, you can't be more serious. This matter is settled." Zhao Shanhe immediately made a decision.

"But I can't do anything?"

"Whoever is born knows everything, if you don't know it, just learn."

"Can I learn it?"

"Of course you can! Qiu Ya, you can do it."

Zhao Shanhe gently stroked Li Qiuya's cheek and said.

He didn't insist on letting Li Qiuya go to work in the beverage factory on a whim, in fact, he had already thought about it in his heart.

It is impossible for me to engage in cold drinks all the time. Only after earning the first pot of gold can I engage in the following projects.

But it is impossible to just throw away the business that has been done. It is better to let the wife pick it up.

He is very clear that Qiuya's personality is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, no matter what she does, she will work hard to do it well, otherwise she won't be making progress in the factory every year, so she just needs a chance.

Right now, it's just time for her to get used to it, besides, with her watching, nothing will go wrong.

"Shanhe, thank you!"

Li Qiuya snuggled into Zhao Shanhe's arms, her face was full of happiness, and said emotionally.

"Silly girl, thank you for what you say, I am your husband."

Zhao Shanhe put his arms around the beautiful woman in his arms, and said with great affection

Silent all night.

The next day, after breakfast, Zhao Shanhe brought Li Qiuya to the beverage factory.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe bringing Li Qiuya over, everyone murmured secretly, not knowing what was going on.

Faced with Li Xiangyang's doubts and doubts, Zhao Shanhe said straight to the point: "Everyone, from today onwards, my wife Li Qiuya will serve as the assistant to the factory director and participate in the management of the factory. I hope everyone will cooperate and support."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

No one has any opinions on this matter, who makes them a couple.

You must know that even the beverage factory is named after two people, so it is natural for the husband and wife to manage it together.

In this way, Li Qiuya also became a member of the factory.

As long as it is something she is interested in, if you ask anyone, everyone will know everything.

Whether it is production marketing, or personnel logistics, she is very interested in understanding the situation.

This is also the task Zhao Shanhe entrusted to her.

For two days in a row, Li Qiuya was immersed in this tense and busy working atmosphere, and felt that her life had become extraordinarily fulfilling.

When she was about to eat at noon that day, she had just arrived at the office building and was about to call Zhao Shanhe to the cafeteria. Who would have thought that she would see a scene that stunned her.

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