Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 688 Call it the Jubilee Year

"Director Zhang, what do you mean by repaying your favor?" Zhao Shanhe asked in confusion.

"The repayment I'm talking about is to repay your kindness." Zhang Jing looked over frankly and said without squinting.

"Repay my kindness?"

Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

Cai Shishi who was standing on one side was also a little dazed.

What's the meaning?How could Zhang Jing repay Zhao Shanhe's kindness?I said boss, there are still some things about you that I don't know, it seems that you are really hiding something.

"Yes, I can have everything I have now because of your support. If you hadn't asked me to shoot commercials, I would never have the achievements I have now, so I want to repay the favor."

"But I also know that you don't need me to do anything now. But I can help Chen Xiao. Since she is a signed artist with you, helping her is to repay your kindness." Zhang Jing explained.

It turned out to be the case.

Zhao Shanhe soon felt relieved.

"Director Zhang, there's no need for you to be so polite. We've been friends for a long time, so it's meaningless to talk about being kind or not. I still think that you should focus on filming and choose Chen Xiao from the casting. "

"That's what I did. I think Chen Xiao is very suitable for this role. What do you think?" Zhang Jing said with a smile.

"I trust your vision."

Zhao Shanhe put the script on the table, and said slowly: "This matter is settled, let Chen Xiao play the heroine in this TV series."

"it is good!"

Zhang Jing was overjoyed.

"Director Zhang, I would like to ask, have you set up your filming crew? Are all the actors in place? And who invested in your filming?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Our production team is in the process of preparation. If we calculate the time, it will be completed in about a week. As for the investment, Tianfang Entertainment found me to shoot this TV series, and Tianfang Entertainment is naturally investing in it."

"However, as far as I know, Tianfang Entertainment seems to have encountered some funding problems recently. I heard that they seem to be thinking of finding partners from the society to film this TV series together."

When Zhang Jing said this, he suddenly paused, and then leaned forward slightly.

"Director Zhao, are you interested in investing?"


After Zhao Shanhe was slightly astonished, he said thoughtfully: "I have to think about this matter before I can give you an answer."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."


After sending Zhang Jing away, Zhao Shanhe stood in front of the window with the corners of his mouth slanted upward.

"Director, I think the reason given by director Zhang Jing just now should not be complete. He should have a third reason." Cai Shishi said with a smile.

"Really? Tell me." Zhao Shanhe asked with great interest.

"I think his third reason should be to attract investment! He wanted you to invest in this TV series, that's why he chose Chen Xiao, and he said some words of repayment. Of course, he might really think so Yes, but it should be true to attract investment." Cai Shishi pointedly stated Zhang Jing's purpose.

"You, this is really hurtful to be honest!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and said without a trace: "You are right, Zhang Jing should have the idea of ​​attracting investment when he came here this time, and it is normal for him to do so. After all, although Zhang Jing said he was famous, but It hasn't reached the point where it's so popular, the reason is that he lacks a work that can be sold."

"If the TV series filmed this time can be filmed, he will be successful immediately."

"So he wants to get this investment more than anyone else, and he wants to be able to build this crew."

"You are very optimistic about this TV series?" Cai Shishi asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am really optimistic about this TV series, and I also believe that if Chen Xiao can participate in the show, as long as it is broadcast, it will definitely continue to be popular!"

After scanning the script, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile, "So Cai Shishi, I want to hear your opinion. Do you think we should invest in this TV series and participate in individual stocks?"

"If you are so confident, then my suggestion is to invest. Anyway, what we have now is liquid capital. Only when this capital is liquid can money be generated from money. It is useless to keep it in the bank like this."

"And according to my understanding, there should be a lot of room for development and market for film and television works in the future. If we set foot in the film and television industry now, it should be beneficial." Cai Shishi said in a deep voice.

Very keen observation.

Zhao Shanhe will know that film and television works will be popular in the future because he was born again, and he believes it without any suspense.But Cai Shishi was able to infer this by relying on the information at hand, which is amazing.

"Since you think so, then this matter is settled! Anyway, I am only investing in film and television works, and I have no intention of getting involved in filming at present." Zhao Shanhe made a decisive decision.

"Then we need to set up a new investment company, and it's best not to mix it with the current factory." Cai Shishi said.

"Okay, you can handle this matter." Zhao Shanhe immediately agreed.

However, Cai Shishi did not act in a hurry, but continued to ask: "Then what is the name of our company?"


Zhao Shanhe glanced at the calendar on the table, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

"Call it the millennium."


Cai Shishi's eyes lit up and he smiled charmingly.

"Millennium Investment Company, a nice name, that's it! I'll apply for this company in the past two days, and then you can tell Zhang Jing about the investment."

"it is good!"

After Cai Shishi walked out, Zhao Shanhe thought about it, and then dialed Chen Xiao's number.No matter how you say about this matter, you have to talk to Chen Xiao, otherwise, everything will be decided on your side, and they don't know anything on the other side, which doesn't make sense.

"Chen Xiao."

"Boss, why did you remember to call me?"

Chen Xiao, who happened to be resting today, was shopping in Dayang Department Store when she received Zhao Shanhe's call. She found a quiet place to answer the call, with a joyful expression on her pretty face.

"This is what I said, when did I forget you, I have always missed you. If I don't miss you, can I arrange for you to release an album? But now it seems that you have a lot of love for me If that’s the case, then I’d better stop talking.” Zhao Shanhe sighed deliberately, and said quietly.


Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, Chen Xiao laughed tremblingly.

This smile, Bai Meisheng.

Of course she knew that Zhao Shanhe was teasing her on purpose, why didn't she do that.She prefers this relaxed and happy style of getting along with her rather than the rigid subordinate-subordinate relationship.

"I'm not kidding you, Mr. Boss, are you here to supervise my work progress? Let me tell you, I just finished recording and I'm waiting for someone here." Chen Xiao smiled.

"Wait someone?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips.

"Wait for who?"


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