"Mr. Wei, are we really going to sign a contract with Zhao Shanhe? I think you'd better be careful."

Chang Shanhu's words made Wei Hong's excitement cool down instantly.

He looked over suspiciously, and asked puzzledly, "What do you mean?"

"I think so. After all, we have been cooperating with Sanjiang Trading. Although the price of their windshields is a bit high, after all, reputation and reputation are there."

"They are doing business imported from abroad, and what we need is not only an accessory like the windshield. If we say that we don't cooperate with them rashly, what should we do with other accessories in the future?"

"Will they still sell it to us?"

Chang Shanhu rolled his eyes and expressed his thoughts.


Wei Hong pondered.

"You're right, but now only Zhao Shanhe's glass can help us. Lao Chang, I also know that you have always been in charge of contacting Sanjiang Trading in our Feihuang car dealership. If this happens, It will definitely affect the relationship between you and Sanjiang Trading. But no way, who made them miss the appointment this time."

"If they'd brought me the windshield on time, would there be such a thing?"

"So, since the mistake was made by them, it should be on them."

Wei Hong clasped his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Just go to Sanjiang Trading, meet Huang Weile, and tell him that there is a contract between us and him. Since they can't fix the windshield on time Send it over, then get ready and pay liquidated damages according to the contract!"


Chang Shanhu wanted to say something else, but after meeting Wei Hong's eyes, he had no choice but to swallow the rest of the words.


The tiger head runs.

Zhao Shanhe was flipping through the documents.

However, Cai Shishi asked in a puzzled way: "Director, we pretended to be a contract, why didn't we sign it with Wei Hong? If we said we signed it, wouldn't we have won an order? With the order in hand, Stronger than anything."

"You think we should sign a contract with Wei Hong just now, right?" Zhao Shanhe raised his head and asked slowly.

"Should." Cai Shishi nodded.

"Then let me tell you, it shouldn't be! It must not be signed either!" Zhao Shanhe shook his head with a smile.

"Why?" Cai Shishi became more and more curious.

Zhao Shanhe closed the document in his hand, and said unhurriedly: "As far as the situation just now is concerned, if you talk about signing a contract with Wei Hong, you can definitely sign it, and you can sign it if you say it."

"But have you ever thought about it? Does such a signing have any meaning? Apart from getting an order, what is the meaning? No!"

"First, you can't cause a sensation in the public opinion, you can't be known to outsiders, and you can't promote our Qingniao Glass Factory. If this is the case, won't such a good opportunity be wasted?"

When Zhao Shanhe said these words, Cai Shishi suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment: "Yes, it is indeed the case. Signing the contract so quietly will not have any influence on the outside world."

"Secondly, even if Wei Hong signed a contract in that situation, it was an impulsive decision made by his brain. How much windshield can he buy? 30 yuan, 50 yuan, or 80 yuan? Let me tell you, even if it is 100 yuan is just that to me, and it doesn't make any sense. If I want him to buy it, I have to start at least 200 yuan!"

"I give him time to think and organize, so he will know how much he wants to buy."

Zhao Shanhe looked over meaningfully.

"So don't worry, just wait slowly."

"Of course, the most important thing is, do you think our toughened glass is worth selling?"

"Don't worry!"

Cai Shishi shook his head immediately, and said with firm eyes: "As far as the quality of our tempered glass is concerned, it can be sold no matter what, so there is no need for us to lower our profile."

"That's right."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, cast approving glances at Cai Shishi, and smiled with satisfaction.

"You also heard what Wei Hong said. When he went to Sanjiang Trading to buy tempered glass, he had to be a grandson to buy it. Why is this happening? Isn't it because tempered glass is scarce? This is what you want. To earn this money, you have to be a grandson, greet others with a smile and flatter you!"

"Of course, I don't mean to say that we should also do things like Sanjiang Trading. I just want to say that being successful is not a business. Since it can be sold no matter what, of course it is necessary to let the other party negotiate with the other party under the condition of dignity. Cooperation is the best."

"I understand!"

Cai Shishi completely understood.

"It's best if you understand."

Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile, "Did Dong Siyuan finish the video of smashing the glass just now?"

"It's done!"

Cai Shishi nodded and said: "I was by the side when he was filming just now, and I saw with my own eyes that he took very clear pictures. Not only was the video of smashing the glass captured, but even the conversations of the maintenance workers were captured. The factory Long, this is a very good publicity strategy, as long as we use it a little, we can promote our brand."

"You arrange this matter. Let Dong Siyuan go back and give the video to Guo Kaiduan. He knows how to do it." Zhao Shanhe lowered his head and began to look at the documents again.


Cai Shishi was convinced.

As a secretary, she thinks that she has done a good job in arranging things, but now it seems that there are still some differences.Just like this time when she came to Feihuang car dealership, she never expected to bring Dong Siyuan with her.

It was Zhao Shanhe who arranged for her to do this, not to mention whether or not she would film what happened today, just for publicity, and indeed a reporter should follow.

"It seems that I have to work harder in the future!"

After quick reflection, Cai Shishi secretly clenched his fists.


Sanjiang Trading Branch.

As an import and export trading company, the Sanjiang branch is located in a commercial building, renting an entire floor as a company.And now in the boss's office, Chang Shanhu was sitting on the sofa, talking respectfully.

Sitting opposite him was a middle-aged man.

In his forties, he combed his hair back, wore a black suit, and wore several jewel rings on the ten fingers of his hands. He still had a cigarette in his mouth, and blue smoke curled up in front of him. .

He is Huang Weile, the person in charge of Sanjiang Commercial Branch.

Chang Shanhu was talking, and he listened quietly.

"Mr. Huang, that's how things are. Let's see what to do now? If we don't think of a way to solve this matter quickly, I'm afraid our Mr. Wei will really sign a contract with Zhao Shanhe."

"If this is signed, you will never want to sell the windshields of Sanjiang Trading to us in the future. Who told Zhao Shanhe to sell the windshield at such a low price!"

Chang Shanhu's mouth was parched, he grabbed the water glass on the table and drank it.

When Huang Weile heard this, the corners of his mouth slowly turned up, and he spoke without haste. Chang Shanhu was stunned by what he said. He never expected that Huang Weile would say this.

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