Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 682 Accept, why not accept?


It was knocked down with a heavy hammer, but not only did the piece of tempered glass from the Jade Bird Glass Factory not have any spider patterns, it didn't even show any sign of shaking, and it continued to lie quietly on the ground.

This time, everyone was shocked.

Old Wang showed an expression of disbelief.

"Old Wang, are you working hard?" Chang Shanhu asked in surprise, frowning.

"of course."

Lao Wang hurriedly said: "I used more strength than before, but why is this tempered glass so hard, and there is nothing wrong with it? It shouldn't be, I will continue!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Pharaoh continued to swing again.

a bit!



Ten hits!

As the hammer fell again and again, more and more onlookers began to shout and count in unison. After ten hits, Pharaoh had already started to breathe, but this tempered glass didn't mean to break in the slightest, except for some Except for the shallow lines, there is nothing wrong.

This time the audience was shocked.

"Ha ha!"

The first one to burst out laughing was Wei Hong, as if he had found his favorite toy, he laughed and ran forward, caressing the tempered glass fondly, turned his head and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Director Zhao, Does your Jade Bird Glass Factory accept orders? If you accept orders, we will sign now! My front windshield and rear windshield will all be purchased from your house in the future!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly: "Of course I will take the order, then Mr. Wei, shall we go to your office to talk?"

"Good talk!"

Wei Hong waved his hand, pointed to the remaining pieces of tempered glass and said, "Hurry up and pack up these pieces for me, and see which cars need to be replaced, and replace them all!"


Now the people in the maintenance workshop were completely convinced.

Accept, why not accept?

The windshield of your Sanjiang Trading Co., Ltd. was smashed with five hammers. Although such glass is already considered good, it depends on who you compare it with?Compared with other people's Qingniao Glass Factory, there is no comparison at all.He went down ten times, not only did it not break, but even there were no lines, how can you compare with others?

They are happy!

No matter how they are, they are all made in China. The domestic glass can reach this level, and they also feel good-looking!

Only Changshan Lake's face was cloudy and uncertain.

He didn't expect things to turn out like this. He took a deep look at the shattered Sanjiang Trading Glass, and then at the safe and sound Blue Bird Glass, then turned and walked towards the office.

Inside the office.

"Director Zhao, congratulations. Since your tempered glass is of such a standard, I dare say that it will only be a matter of time before it becomes popular!" Wei Hong settled his biggest concern, and sat on the sofa with open arms, happily Said.

"I still need Mr. Wei's help." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Don't worry about this, as long as they are people I know, I will definitely recommend your Jade Bird Glass to them." Wei Hong patted his chest to make sure, then sat up straight and asked, "But Director Zhao, come to think of it , how much are you going to sell it for?"

This is the key.

Changshan Lake also walked in at this time.

He pricked up his ears and listened attentively.

"Mr. Wei, don't worry about this. I developed tempered glass for the purpose of selling it. But I also have a condition for selling it, that is, I can't make black-hearted money. For example, the tempered glass imported from Dongdao by Sanjiang Trading , you should be 8000 yuan for one piece here, right?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's about the same. The price varies according to the model, but it's about seven or eight thousand." Wei Hong said.

"If that's the case, then I'll give you three thousand!"

Zhao Shanhe raised a finger.

"Mr. Wei, I'll give you a purchase price of 5000 yuan for each piece of windshield. What do you think?"

Three thousand profit!

Wei Hong felt his mouth dry all at once.

This is too much difference, and the profit is three thousand at once, which must be a lot of money.Thinking that it used to cost 8000 yuan to buy a piece, but now it only costs [-] yuan, and there are many chain benefits that come with it, Wei Hong was so excited that he wanted to jump up.

"I have no objection. Five thousand is five thousand. Director Zhao, when can we sign the contract?" Wei Hong asked excitedly.

"at any time."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Mr. Wei, I don't have the contract with me, but since you want to sign a contract, it's easy to say, we can sign the contract at any time. There is also the style of the windshield. When you place an order, you must make a note. After all Different models have different sizes and styles of glass. Don’t you think so?”

"I am very sure of that."

Wei Hong said with a smile: "These are trivial matters, and being able to sign a contract with you is a major event. Director Zhao, you have really done a good thing that benefits the country and the people. Now let's buy windshields in the future." If you don’t, you don’t have to look at the faces of those people.”

"You don't know, it's too uncomfortable to go to them to buy their things and beg them. You said that I was going to give them money, and it depends on their faces. Is it reasonable? !"


Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "But you don't have to do this in the future. I guarantee that as long as you go to the Jade Bird Glass Factory to place an order, the whole factory will treat you as a god."

"Ha ha!"

Wei Hong laughed heartily.

The two chatted enthusiastically.

Chang Shanhu's face became more and more gloomy.

Just when he was hesitating whether to interrupt, Wei Hong suddenly said: "Director Zhao, how you want to sell this tempered glass is your business, but what I want to say is that if you want to sell automobile glass If so, I suggest you go to Thang Long City in Southern Province in two weeks."

"Thang Long City, Southern Province? Is there any explanation for this?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"There will be an auto expo in Thang Long City, Southern Province, and there will be many auto brands participating in the exhibition. If they know that your tempered glass is so high-quality and cheap, do you think they will use other manufacturers? The profit difference of 3000 yuan is enough for them to cooperate with you without hesitation." Wei Hong said.

It turned out to be the case.

If this is the case, this auto expo is really going to be attended.Not to mention anything else, just aiming to make a name for yourself should also participate.

And this news came too timely, Zhao Shanhe was still thinking about how to publicize it, and this opportunity came.It seems that this time coming to Feihuang Motors is really the right time, not only fired the first shot, but also got such important news.

"Thank you, Mr. Wei, for your guidance. I will definitely participate." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile while cupping his fists.

Wei Hong waved his hand casually: "Where is it, I will go and have a look when the time comes, so let's go together."

"That's great!"

The two chatted casually for a few more words, and then someone came in and said that Zhao Shanhe's Hutouben had been well maintained.Zhao Shanhe stood up and said goodbye, and after he left, Wei Hong walked up and down the office excitedly.

"Old Chang, did you see? The biggest problem that troubled us has been solved. Now we can go into battle with ease! There is no need to pay liquidated damages!"

"Boss Wei."

Seeing Wei Hong like this, Chang Shanhu suddenly said a word.

Wei Hong was stunned on the spot.

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