"Manager Chang, have you ever thought about changing jobs?"

Job hopping?

Chang Shanhu was stunned for a moment, I was telling you about Zhao Shanhe here, but you told me about job hopping, where should I jump?come to your place?What on earth are you thinking?How can you not be in a hurry?

"Mr. Huang, it doesn't matter whether I quit or not? Shouldn't you be concerned about this matter first?" Chang Shanhu asked a little puzzled.

"It doesn't matter. Zhao Shanhe is a grasshopper after autumn. Don't worry, someone will take care of him soon!" Huang Weile took a long puff of cigarette and let out two smoke rings leisurely. Said softly.

Chang Shanhu was a little terrified when he said this.

Can someone clean up Zhao Shanhe?

What does it mean?

Could it be that Huang Weile knew about the toughened glass a long time ago, so he arranged for a backup?

Yes, that should be it.After all, Zhao Shanhe had already announced the successful development of tempered glass. With Huang Weile's cautious character, it made no sense to let him do nothing.

It seems that I was worrying for nothing.

But even so, there are benefits for me. Don't you see that Huang Weile's attitude towards me is different?They all offered me olive branches.

You must know that before this, all Chang Shanhu could do was to get some kickbacks from Huang Weile. As for other benefits, he couldn't get any of them.

"It seems that Mr. Huang has already figured it out, so I can rest assured. As for the matter of job-hopping, I don't have this idea yet." Chang Shanhu said after thinking about it.

He knew very well that even if he really wanted to change jobs, he couldn't agree so readily, otherwise Huang Weile would only look down on him.

You must know that in this world, no one likes a betrayer.

"That's it. If Manager Chang has this idea someday, just tell me that the door of our Sanjiang business will always be open to you." Huang Weile said indifferently.

"it is good!"


An elegant room in a teahouse in Nanjue County.

On the table in front of you is a pot of Longjing that has just been brewed.

Saburo Miyai was holding a teacup, tasting it slowly.

He took a sip, smacked his lips, thought about it carefully, shook his head very satisfied, then put down his teacup, slowly raised his head to look at the opposite side, and said slowly: "Zheng Sang, have you thought about how to deal with Zhao Shanhe? "

"Think about it!"

A cold light flashed in Zheng Nanrun's eyes, and he said decisively: "I have made all the preparations here, and I am just waiting for Mr. Miyai's order. As long as you give the order, I will start working immediately."

"is it?"

Saburo Miyai raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

"I intend to……"

After Zheng Nanrun finished talking about his plan, Saburo Miyai nodded slowly and smiled with satisfaction.

"Zheng Sang, you are indeed a talent. If anyone says against you, it will be a dead end. Then you can go ahead and do it. As long as you can bring down Zhao Shanhe and his Jade Bird Glass Factory, it is best to buy it. , then I will do what I promised you.”

"Really? Mr. Miyai, are you willing to continue injecting capital into the cement plant?"

Zheng Nanrun's eyes lit up.

"Why not?"

Saburo Miyai said slowly: "You must know that I am also a shareholder of the cement plant, and I would like to see the cement plant making money."

"I'll tell you another piece of good news. After two more days, the cement production line I found for our factory will be settled. At that time, the equipment for the entire production line will be shipped in. By then, the quality of cement produced by our factory will be better than that of the cement production line." Other factories are several times higher.”

"Think about it, if this is the case, it will not be a matter of minutes for you to defeat those cement factories. You can become Nanjue County, no, even the largest cement factory director in Handong City!"

"Then I'll leave it to Mr. Miyai!" Zheng Nanrun's blood boiled, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"It's easy to talk, drink tea and drink tea."

Saburo Miyai raised his teacup, touched Zheng Nanyun, then raised his neck and drank it down.

It's just that when he lowered his head, Zheng Nanrun didn't see that Miyai Saburo's raised lips flashed a sneer of disapproval like lightning.

The smile is gloomy and cold.


For the next time, Zhao Shanhe stayed at the Jade Bird Glass Factory, and he and Guo began to study the sales strategy carefully.

You must know that tempered glass does not mean that it can only be used as the windshield of a car, it can also be used in many other fields.

For example, in the construction industry, the glass decoration of the whole building.

For things like this, the required tempered glass styles are different in different fields.And what they have to do is to find the best publicity outlet to make Jade Bird Glass famous in one fell swoop.

Only in this way can we ensure that manufacturers from all over the world come to seek cooperation.

As for the video shot by Feihuang Motors, it was the focus of discussion.

Everyone thinks this focus is good, what they discuss is not whether to use it or not, but how to use it.We must show the maximum publicity effect of this video, only in this way can we achieve blockbuster success.

"Sanjiang Trading is not a good thing either. It is not a psychological burden for us to step on their shoulders. You should do your best to do this." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.


Guo Chuan nodded with a smile, and he would not be merciful to deal with black-hearted foreign companies like Sanjiang Trading.

"Dong dong!"

Just then Cai Shishi knocked on the door and came in.

"Factory Director, Section Chief Guo."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe raised his head and asked.


As Cai Shishi spoke, he took out a Nanjue Daily, handed it over, and said with a serious expression: "In the Nanjue Daily that was just released today, there is an article that is very targeted. Although we didn't name us, but I feel like what’s being said between the lines is us.”

"Really? Let me see."

Zhao Shanhe reached out to take it, and after seeing the article, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

The length of this article is not too long, but the title is eye-catching, the content is pungent, and it directly points to the illegal operation of the company. In just a few hundred words, it exudes a sharp aggressiveness.

"Nipulate all dark operations in infancy!" "

The most ruthless thing is this passage.

"We must not allow some unscrupulous entrepreneurs to start their businesses by cheating and abducting, walk on several feet, and get away with tax evasion. Such behavior is vile! It is dark! It is shameful! It is what all of us want to do. We should unite and crusade!"

"We should completely crush such a company into slag!"

"If he wants to know, let alone a profit of 8000 million, even if it is a profit of [-] million, his money is not clean, it is earned against his conscience, and he should be accused by thousands of people and whipped by all people!"

Zhao Shanhe handed it to Guo Kaiduan after reading the article.

Guo Chuan frowned the first time he saw it, and after watching it from beginning to end, his face was terribly gloomy.

He slapped the newspaper on the table and stood up with a clatter.

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