Is what Chang Shanhu said wrong?

Wei Hong really couldn't think that way, because he knew what Chang Shanhu said was right.

The quality of this so-called tempered glass cannot be what Zhao Shanhe says.Of course he himself said that the quality of his products is strong enough, but who knows whether it is hard or not?In case something really happened, the responsibility would have to be borne by their Feihuang car dealership.

So this matter must be cautious.

"I'll talk about the quality issue later. What's your second point?" Wei Hong asked.


Chang Shanhu looked at Zhao Shanhe calmly.

"Director Zhao, please forgive me, the foreign front windshields we bought are all valuable, so I want to ask how much you plan to offer us?"

"Manager Chang, is this question meaningful?" Zhao Shanhe asked lightly.

"What do you mean?" Chang Shanhu asked.

Zhao Shanhe spread his hands: "My meaning is very simple. If the price I offer is too high, you will definitely say that foreign people only sell it at that price. You sell it at a higher price than others. Why do you sell it so much?" high?"

"But if I sell it too low, you will definitely say that the price is not good. So no matter how much the price I am talking about now, you will resist it in your heart."

"In this case, let's talk about the product first!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled and pointed to several samples.

"You probably have foreign windshields in stock here, right? I don't think you will believe me if I show my qualification certificate or something, so let's simply point it out. It's the mule or Ma Tongtong who pulled it out for a walk."

"Director Zhao, are you sure you want to do this?" Chang Shanhu cast a suspicious look at Zhao Shanhe.


Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"That's fine. If that's the case, I don't have any objections. As long as your products can prove that they don't have any quality problems and are comparable to foreign ones, I agree to use yours!"

"But I want to put my ugly words up front. If you say that your quality is not good, please forgive me. After all, we can't risk the life of the car owner." Chang Shanhu said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly.

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe agreed, Wei Hong immediately said to the people in the maintenance workshop: "Quickly, bring me a stock front windshield made in Dongdao, and I will compare it now."

He was really anxious and didn't want to delay for a moment.

Soon a piece of front windshield produced by Sanjiang Trading was taken out and placed in front of everyone.

"Manager Chang, how are you going to compare that?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's simple."

Chang Shanhu pointed to the two pieces of glass and said, "Let's compare them in the simplest way. I will ask the workers to smash them with a sledgehammer, and the quality of whichever piece is broken will not be good."

"Okay, I have no objection." Zhao Shanhe shrugged casually.


Chang Shanhu suddenly put on a serious face and said seriously: "But what I want to say is, Director Zhao, this front windshield is not cheap. If you can win, you can say anything, but if you lose, how can you win?" Say?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly, and when he was about to speak, Wei Hong waved his hand directly.

"Winning or losing this piece of glass has nothing to do with Director Zhao, just smash it!"

Wei Hong still has this courage.

Yes, this piece of glass is not cheap, and he knows what Chang Shanhu thinks, but can Zhao Shanhe really pay for it?If that's the case, how will Zhao Shanhe's business be done in the future?

Wei Hong is very anxious, but it doesn't mean that he is blinded by profit.

When Zhao Shanhe heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up.

After hearing this, Chang Shanhu didn't say anything more.

"Then let's get started, Old Wang, you smash it!"

"it is good!"

Lao Wang is a master in the maintenance workshop. He was in his thirties when he was in his prime. He looked at the two front windshields with the same shape in front of him, smiled, and swung the hammer to hit the one on the left. piece.


With just one hammering down, dense spider patterns appeared on this piece of glass.

This piece belongs to Sanjiang Trading!

Seeing this, Chang Shanhu was not surprised at all, because he knew that although the glass was said to be tempered, whoever said that tempered glass could not be smashed, it could only be said that it was not easy to smash.



Old Wang didn't hesitate, and continued to swing the hammer in his hand.


With five hammers down, the front windshield of Sanjiang Trading suddenly shattered, and a pile of debris appeared on the ground.

"Yes, the power of the five hammers is very strong. This kind of power smashed this piece of glass. It seems that the products produced by Dongdao are really high-quality goods."

"I just don't know what will happen to this piece of glass from Blue Bird Glass."

"If you want me to talk about Xuan, don't you see that Old Wang is gearing up?"

As long as it is the people in the maintenance workshop, except for Zhao Shanhe, no one believes that Jade Bird Glass will win. For them, the current approach is a waste of time.It's not so much a comparison, it's more like making Wei Hong give up, whoever made him so anxious now, grabbing a straw can be used as a life-saving rope.

"Manager Chang, do you want to continue?" Old Wang asked.

"wait a minutes!"

Chang Shanhu turned around to look at Zhao Shanhe, and said pointedly: "Director Zhao, otherwise, let's forget about it? You see, our President Wei also said that you are not allowed to use this front windshield." money."

"What do you mean?" Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe's face darkened instantly, and he asked coldly.

"I'm thinking about you. You see, if we don't compare, you can continue to do what your tempered glass should do."

"But if it is really compared, but it is smashed, the tempered glass that you have spent countless manpower, material and financial resources to produce will become a joke. In this way, you will be out of luck. Bar?"

Chang Shanhu made an expression that I was thinking of you.

After hearing this, Wei Hong was also slightly taken aback, then looked at Zhao Shanhe and said in a low voice, "Director Zhao, I was a little anxious just now, and I was only thinking about my own affairs."

"Old Chang is right, let's just think about it. It's easy for me to hit it with this hammer, but if I really hit it, the possible consequences may be serious."

Wei Hong didn't want to affect his cooperation with Zhao Shanhe because of this matter.

"Mr. Wei, I appreciate your kindness. Since I dare to say this, I must be confident. Besides, we have already set the atmosphere here. Can we forget it? Come on, I want it too. Look, what is the difference between my tempered glass and Sanjiang Trading's?" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

Wei Hong pondered for a moment after hearing the words and asked, "Are you serious?"

Zhao Shanhe replied without hesitation: "Very serious!"

"No regrets?" Wei Hong was still a little worried, and confirmed again.

"No regrets!" Zhao Shanhe said with firm eyes and a decisive tone.

Realizing that Zhao Shanhe was really being polite, Wei Hong waved his hands directly in front of him.

"Old Wang, smash it!"

"it is good!"

Lao Wang picked up the hammer and smashed it down hard.

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