Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 680 There is still such a thing!

"Come in!"

"Boss Wei, Director Zhao is here."

The secretary who walked in the door noticed Wei Hong's anger, and hurriedly said in a low voice.

"Director Zhao? Which Director Zhao? Didn't you see I'm having a meeting here? No way." Wei Hong frowned instantly into the word "Chuan" and waved his hand distractedly.

"It's Director Zhao Shanhe Zhao of Hetu Manufacturing." The secretary added.

"The Zhao Shanhe made by Hetu, I also..."


Wei Hong, who opened his mouth to refuse, suddenly stopped, then stared at the secretary and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Director Zhao Shanhe of Hetu Manufacturing!" the secretary repeated word for word.

"Please come in quickly!"

Wei Hong hurriedly said, this is so bad, almost a bad thing.

You said that if it was someone else, he might disappear if he really disappeared, but this is Zhao Shanhe, and that is his God of Wealth.Not to mention that I bought a Hutou Ben before, but I bought two business cars later on, so I had to see him.

And just a year ago, Zhao Shanhe's announcement of a profit of 8000 million yuan also stunned Wei Hong. He never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe's factory could make so much money, and such money was still developing in a healthy way.

It only took less than two years to do this. If you give him enough time, do you know how much trouble Zhao Shanhe will make?

This made Wei Hong attach great importance to Zhao Shanhe.

"Boss Wei, didn't I bother you?"

"Director Zhao, look at what you said, you are always welcome here!"

When Zhao Shanhe walked in with a big smile, Wei Hong quickly changed his smile and reached out to meet him. After the two briefly shook hands, Wei Hong let Zhao Shanhe sit down on the sofa. Speaking of the rest of the management, they respectfully stood aside.

"Mr. Wei, are you in a meeting? If you are in a meeting, go ahead, I can't say it will affect your meeting." Zhao Shanhe said after glancing at Chang Shanhu and the others.

"Is it going to happen or not? It's okay. I can't get any results anyway."

Wei Hong waved his hand.

"You go out first!"


They all walked out of Changshan Lake.

When there were only two people left here, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Mr. Wei, I know you are busy, so I won't waste your time too much. I came here this time purely to see you, and then By the way, do maintenance on that Mercedes-Benz."

"But I heard from the master worker in the maintenance room that your Feihuang car dealership has encountered trouble recently, saying that because of this, you haven't had a good night's sleep for several days."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Ah! It's hard to say!" Wei Hong sighed heavily, and his face, which had been smiling just now, was suddenly covered with sadness.

He wasn't going to hide it, anyway, he couldn't hide it, many people already knew that he just happened to be full of anger, and wanted to find someone to talk about it.Since Zhao Shanhe is sitting opposite, let's talk about it.

"That's how it is."

After Wei Hong finished talking about the whole matter, he said angrily: "You said how could I have thought that such an accident would happen. If I had known it earlier, I would have made a note on the contract. This made me very angry. Very passive."

"If it is said that all the front windshields cannot be installed in time and the car cannot be delivered on time, I will have to pay a sky-high liquidated damages."

Thinking of this, Wei Hong felt a pain in his liver.

There is such a thing!

This surprised Zhao Shanhe, isn't this a godsend opportunity?To be honest, he really didn't know about this before he came here. He wanted to rely purely on the product to speak, but now that there is a god-sent opportunity, then this matter must be done well.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Mr. Wei, do you still remember what I told you when I bought the car?"

"Which sentence?" Wei Hong asked.

"I said that a foreign windshield is too expensive. If I can produce it, would you like to use mine?" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Use yours?"

Wei Hong was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically. He stood up awkwardly, stared at Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and asked with a little shortness of breath, "Director Zhao, you won't tell me that you really gave the toughened glass to me. Has it been produced yet?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Shanhe picked up the teacup in front of him with a smile, took two sips and said, "I just produced tempered glass, and there is a car's front windshield in it. I think, if you are willing, I will I can let you try it first. Don't worry, I will give you these few yuan to try for free, and I won't charge you."

"It's easy to talk about money or not, as long as your windshield is of good quality. Director Zhao, then let's go to your place to have a look." Wei Hong said anxiously.

He was really haggarded by this matter, now that he has the opportunity to solve this matter, he will naturally not miss it.

"Don't be so troublesome."

Zhao Shanhe put down the teacup in his hand, and said calmly: "I happened to come out with a few samples. If it's okay, I'll give it to you to try first."

"That's great, hurry up and bring it here." Wei Hong was overjoyed.

Zhao Shanhe stood up: "Come on, let's go to the maintenance room."

"it is good!"

Repair shop.

When the truck came in and a few pieces of tempered glass were removed, the maintenance workers here came up to watch curiously, and some even stretched out their fingers to tap.

"Do you think these tempered glasses are okay?"

"Who knows, it's too much for me to say."

"That's right, when will our country be able to produce qualified tempered glass, hasn't it always been imported from abroad?"


Whispers like this sounded everywhere.

And Chang Shanhu also came over at this time, and said to Wei Hong in front of Zhao Shanhe: "Mr. Wei, do you want to use these front windshields to install them?"

"What? Is there any problem?" Wei Hong asked suspiciously.

"It's not just a problem, it's a big problem."

After Chang Shanhu heard this answer, he immediately shook his head like a rattle, and quickly said: "Mr. Wei, I strongly oppose your doing this. You must know that doing this is purely a waste of time and will not be of any use."

"Why?" Wei Hong raised his eyebrows and asked.

Zhao Shanhe looked over calmly.

"Director Zhao, let me tell you first, I didn't mean to target you, I was just discussing the matter." Chang Shanhu explained to Zhao Shanhe.

"You continue." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"There are two reasons for my objection. First, I don't think anyone in our country can produce qualified tempered glass, and the most important thing for a car windshield like this is quality."

"The quality is not good enough, not hard enough, and the final result can only be failure. You said that such a failure, can we accept it?"


Chang Shanhu's eyes were firm, and he said in a deep voice: "The loss of a piece of tempered glass is a small matter, but if it affects our reputation, it will be a big problem, so I firmly oppose this."

The moment he said this, Wei Hong hesitated.

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