Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 679 New Year's Gift

Sunlight shines into the room through the windows, and on a wooden dining table, the family gathers around to have breakfast.

"You two will stay at home for two days, right?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at Zhao Lin and Zhao Shanchuan with a friendly smile.

"Yes, we are on vacation." Zhao Lin said.

"Xiaolin, you are going to take the college entrance examination this year, so you don't care about anything except your studies. If you need anything, you can tell me or your sister-in-law at any time. You are the key protection object of our family now. " Zhao Shanhe smiled and patted Zhao Lin's head.

"I understand." Zhao Lin nodded sensiblely.

"You, don't worry about Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin is so obedient and studies well, she will definitely be fine in the college entrance examination." Li Qiuya put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hand and looked over.

"Xiaolin, when you finish your college entrance examination, my sister-in-law will give you a present."

"Thank you sister-in-law." Zhao Lin smiled.

After breakfast, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya left together and returned to Zhenghe County.

Two days later, when the vacation was over, both of them went to work separately.Li Qiuya came to Shanqiu Foods to continue handling the factory's affairs, while Zhao Shanhe came to Qingniao Glass Factory.

"Director, let's go to the production workshop!"

As soon as Zhao Shanhe arrived, Gao Shaoyuan came over to invite him excitedly.

"Old Gao, look at your appearance, don't tell me?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows, and a guess came to his mind.

"Let's go, you'll find out in a while." Gao Shaoyuan deliberately kept it a secret.


Soon Zhao Shanhe came to the workshop, and then he was shocked.

In front of his eyes were several pieces of tempered glass of different styles, each of which was quietly placed on the shelf, like soldiers ready to go, waiting for his review.

"Completed?" Even though he had guessed it just now, Zhao Shanhe still couldn't hide his excitement when he saw that the toughened glass was actually produced.

"It's done!"

Gao Shaoyuan pointed to the tempered glass with a smile on his face and said: "Here are some samples we produced. This one is produced according to the front windshield of the Santana car, this one is window glass, and the rest are very conventional. standard glass."

"Director, we succeeded!"

At this moment Gao Shaoyuan was excited.

Wang Houde and the others standing next to him were also excited.

After such a long period of research and development, they finally conquered the production technology of tempered glass, not to mention that they produced it on the first day of the new year.

This is their New Year's gift to Zhao Shanhe.

"Can it be produced in large quantities?" Zhao Shanhe asked fondly stroking the tempered glass.


Gao Shaoyuan said resolutely: "Our tempered glass has passed the inspection and assessment of the relevant state departments, and the equipment in our workshop has also been debugged and can be mass-produced at any time."

"Well, that's great!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed and said, "Old Liu, did you see that? We finally gnawed down the hard bone of tempered glass!"

"Yeah, I've finally eaten it!"

With tears in his eyes, Liu Weian said with emotion that no one yearns for this day more than him.You must know that he has paid a lot for this day, and now he finally got his wish.

"Old Wang, thank you!"

Zhao Shanhe turned his head and stretched out his right hand towards Wang Houde.

"Director Zhao, it seems that what you said is too common, this is what I should do."

Wang Houde quickly held Zhao Shanhe's right hand, and said with a smile: "Now our factory can finally be put into operation, so we can breathe a little easier."

"Yeah, you can all breathe a sigh of relief."

Zhao Shanhe said excitedly: "Your laboratory has contributed a lot this time, and everyone will get a bonus."

"Thank you, Director Zhao!"

Wang Houde quickly thanked him.

After Zhao Shanhe looked here for a while, he led the people back to the office.As for Wang Houde, they are busy with their own business. They are just R&D personnel and have no interest in sales.

"Director, since we can mass-produce tempered glass, can we fully publicize and promote it, and then accept orders?" Yang E asked.


Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"We can carry out publicity, but when it comes to production, we still have to be careful. After all, unlike other products, tempered glass can be produced and sold in advance. These products have strict requirements on styles. We must be strict. Made to order."

"Yes." Yang E said.

"Then I'll talk to Section Chief Guo next time to see how this propaganda is done. We must plan well to ensure that our tempered glass becomes a hit."

"Yes, you and Lao Guo have a good chat, as for my side..."

Zhao Shanhe paused and looked towards Gao Shaoyuan.

"Old Gao, prepare me some windshields of different styles of cars. I need to use them in the next two days."

"it is good!"


The office of the general manager of Feihuang Automobile Co., Ltd.

Wei Hong was sweating profusely, walking back and forth quickly in the room, his whole body was like a beast about to get angry, he pulled his tie vigorously, and threw it on the table after he pulled it off.

"What do you say about this matter now?"

Wei Hong shouted angrily.

Several managers of the car dealership looked at each other, then lowered their heads helplessly.

They have nothing to do with this.

What's the matter?

It turned out that the Feihuang car dealership has recently received a lot of vehicle repair orders. Each car has signed a maintenance contract, and it must be delivered to the owner according to the stipulated time.You said that if you talk about it according to the normal situation, this is not a big deal. After all, as long as you do it step by step, this matter can be easily handled.

But now there is a problem!

And this problem lies in the windshield of the car.

The batch of front windshields ordered by Feihuang Motors from abroad could not be delivered on time due to various reasons. Such a delay would definitely affect the maintenance time on his side.

If it is affected, the maintenance will be postponed. If the time is exceeded, the liquidated damages paid alone will be an astronomical figure.

Wei Hong didn't want to lose money like this.

But if you don't lose money, and you don't have a front windshield, what do you use for repairs?

That's why he was in a hurry to get angry.

"Mr. Wei, otherwise, let's buy a batch from another repair shop."

"Another repair shop?"

Wei Hong's eyes were bloodshot, and he said distractedly: "It's easy to say, you think our Feihuang car dealership doesn't have any stock, can other people have it? Even if they have it, what can a one or two dollars in stock do?" .”

"Yeah, there are thirty or forty cars in our maintenance workshop alone, and the windshields of each car have problems and need to be replaced. Where can we find so many glasses at this time? At least don’t think about it in Handong City, because if we don’t have it here, there won’t be a second car dealer.”

Chang Shanhu, Wei Hong's deputy, shook his head.

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became more serious.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

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