Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 67 The situation is stronger than people

in the office.

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Xiangyang who was standing in front of him and asked directly: "Have you got the sales statistics for yesterday?"

"Shanhe, come out!"

Li Xiangyang handed over the list in his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Only yesterday, we sold [-] boxes of popsicles. And most places are in short supply. If this trend continues, we will have to work overtime." Produced."

"So the sales volume of the three canned foods is also quite high." Zhao Shanhe nodded and asked.


Li Xiangyang nodded with a smile: "Those three cannery factories should be very happy now, they certainly would not have imagined that they could sell so many canned goods in just one day."

"According to this trend, there will be no place for Fengfan Cannery in our county."

"No, it's not enough!"

Zhao Shanhe put the list on the table, and said unhurriedly: "Fengfan Cannery also has sales channels in other counties besides our county. Collapse Huanglian Mountain."

"In this way, you go and tell Chen Jinhua and the others, and tell them to handle this matter. They must know where Fengfan's sales channels are. After they know, we will launch our combined sales model. I believe those sellers will definitely would choose this."

"In this way, we can block all the roads of Fengfan Cannery."

"Okay, I'll handle this matter, I believe Chen Jinhua and the others should be willing to cooperate."

After Li Xiangyang left, Chen Guohua was not idle, and immediately went to the workshop to check the production work.

"Our group is the backbone group in the factory, and the task assigned to us is also the heaviest."

"But the task is heavy, which means more overtime pay and bonuses. If anyone is not willing, you can raise it."

"Okay, everyone hurry up and get to work!"

Li Yan clapped her hands in the workshop and said loudly.

In the current beverage factory, there are more than 40 workers in total, divided into three teams, all of whom have signed employment contracts.

Their enthusiasm for work is very high with the stimulation of overtime pay and bonuses. No one wants to be lazy when they think that as long as they work hard, they will get paid.

Li Yan was even more enthusiastic.

Because of her excellent performance and firm stand in the poaching incident, Li Yan was promoted to be the team leader that day.

"Miss Yan!"

"Hey, factory manager, why are you here?"

Seeing Zhao Shanhe coming in, Li Yan hurried forward.

"I'll come over and see, what's our current output, how many popsicles can we produce in half a day?" Zhao Shanhe asked, pointing to the assembly line.

Li Yan said without hesitation: "Factory Manager, the current production capacity of our workshop is [-] boxes in half a day, or [-] boxes a day. If you count overtime work at night, it can be about [-] boxes."

"Because you said before that overtime hours cannot exceed twelve o'clock, so there can only be so many. If we can continue to produce at night, 24 hours a day, we can produce at least two thousand boxes."

There is clearly a subtext in this statement.

We are not afraid of hardships or tiredness, even if the wheel shaft rotates 24 hours a day, it is all money.

Overtime pay of one yuan an hour, looking at the entire Zhenghe County, which factory can have it?

Only the Shanqiu family!


According to the current progress, it will be fine, and it will not be needed at night for the time being. "

Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, "We must explain clearly to our workers and pay attention to production safety."


Linxian County is next to Zhenghe County, which is a county with a relatively backward economy.

Although there are factories here, there is no way to compare it with Zhenghe County.

There is not even a decent cannery, some are just small canning workshops.Under such circumstances, some people start a canning business.

For example, Lu Haochen.

Lu Haochen has always cooperated with Fengfan Cannery and is the seller of Fengfan.With this kind of cooperation, Lu Haochen can be regarded as a small boss in Linxian County.

He originally thought that such cooperation would never change.

Until Chen Jinhua came to the door.

He knew who Chen Jinhua was, to be exact, he had worked with Chen Jinhua before, and was later pried away by Huang Lianshan.

He could fully guess the reason why Chen Jinhua came to the door, but he didn't think about agreeing.

I have cooperated well with Huang Lianshan, so there is no reason to say that I will find you, Chen Jinhua again.

Unless there are enough temptations of interest.

"What? Are you serious?"

No, after listening to the other party's words, Lu Haochen put down the tea cup in his hand in surprise, and asked in a surprised voice.

"Boss Lu, do you think I'm joking? In fact, the combined package sales I told you have already been rolled out in Zhenghe County."

"I dare say it's only a matter of time before Sail Cannery is overwhelmed. If so, you'd have no cans dumped."

"Think about my suggestion carefully. This is obviously making money. You can only buy a bottle of canned food for five yuan, but now for six yuan, you can not only buy canned food from our Green Garden, but also a bag of mountains. Autumn popsicles."

"That's Shanqiu Popsicles. The product that shined at the promotion meeting in the provincial capital is now selling well in the whole province, and the supply exceeds the demand."

"That is to say, the two of us are now in a cooperative relationship, so the popsicles will be given priority to us. Otherwise, do you think you can get them in advance?"

"Boss Lu, this opportunity is rare, you have to seize it!"

Lu Haochen just pondered for a while, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were full of longing and eagerness.

"Yes, yes, you are right. There is such a good thing, why should I refuse it! This is equivalent to stuffing money into my pocket. Whoever refuses is a fool."

"Boss Chen, let's make a deal like this. From now on, I will act as an agent for your canned food. Each bottle of canned food will have a bag of popsicles. If you have no objection, we will sign the contract!"

"I have no objection, sign it!"

After the two signed the contract, Chen Jinhua's heart that had been hanging around slowly relaxed. He knew that from this moment on, the canned food market in Linxian County was in his pocket.

Huang Lianshan has been kicked out of the game unceremoniously.

Although doing so is equivalent to promoting Shanqiu Popsicles for free and opening up the market, Chen Jinhua is willing to do so.

Whoever makes the situation stronger than others, how could this contract come about without popsicles!

If he wins this contract by himself, there is nothing wrong with Lin Donghao and Huang Zhizhong. With a county market, even if the profit is small, it can still make money.

Of course Lin Donghao and Huang Zhizhong were not idle either.

The two also attacked separately, and almost effortlessly, they also won the markets of several surrounding counties.

Now Fengfan Cannery's sales channels outside the county have been completely cut off.

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