"I don't know how to knock on the door, you... hello."

After Zheng Nanrun saw who was walking in, he swallowed the words that came to his lips, stood up immediately, put on a smiling face quickly, and walked forward obsequiously to greet him.

The person who let in was Miyai Saburo.

"Zheng Sang, you are really leisurely, and you are still drinking tea here. Don't you know that there is already a lot of noise outside?" Miyai Saburo glanced at the teapot and said sneeringly.

"What's the noise?" Zheng Nanrun was slightly taken aback.

"Don't tell me that you don't know that Zhao Shanhe just held a staff meeting, and he announced at the meeting that this year's profit is 8000 million!" Miyai Saburo said with a livid face.

"I know about it."

Zheng Nanrun nodded subconsciously and asked, "Mr. Miyai, what can I do if I know about this? It's his normal income, and I can't help it."

I've already figured out the solution just now, but I still have to pretend that I don't have it, otherwise how can I show that I have used my brain and effort?

"You can't do it? You must have a way. You have to know that after Zhao Shanhe stabilizes there, he will develop the Qingniao Glass Factory. And this is absolutely not allowed!" Miyai Sanlang said a little He knocked on Zheng Nanyun's desk angrily.

"I understand what you said, and I will find a way to solve this matter." Zheng Nanrun said quickly.

"I'll give you three days to find a way." Saburo Miyai said coldly.


Zheng Nanyun immediately patted his chest and promised.

He is a little curious now, why Saburo Miyai hates the Blue Bird Glass Factory so much. You must know that the most important thing Miyai Saburo should do now is not to stare at the Blue Bird Glass Factory, but to develop the cement factory.

How much hatred must be in it to make Saburo Miyai so fearful!


The Zhou family in Nanjue County.

At this moment, the atmosphere here is somewhat dignified.

The reason is simple, that is, Huang Dashan came to borrow money again.He was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at Zhou Yongjian and Zhao Yongduo with no respect in his expression, and his words were full of gunpowder.

"I'm talking about my in-laws, what do you guys think? Before I told you to make a total of 100 million yuan. At that time, you were confident that it could be done, but did you make it later?"

"No! Since there wasn't one at that time, there must be an explanation now, right? You can't say that you don't give out a penny, can you?"

"I'm just telling you that my factory is already in trouble. If you say you won't help me get through this, then I will seriously consider An Gong and Yingying's marriage next week."

Huang Yingying sat beside her and did not speak.

"In-law, it's not that we don't lend you money, it's because we don't have much money." Zhou Yongjian said hastily.

"You have no money. Some people have money. Don't tell me. You don't know the number that Zhao Shanhe just announced, 8000 million! He has 8000 million, and I only want 100 million. Is this too much? With you and With his relationship, it shouldn’t be too difficult to borrow 100 million, right?”

Huang Dashan smoked a cigarette, and said in a low voice: "I'm going to tell you this very clearly. Without the 100 million, my factory will go bankrupt soon. If you don't want Zhou Angong to have no way to make money in the future, you can quickly lend it to me." Money go!"

"Zhao Shanhe won't lend it to us!" Zhou Yongjian shook his head.

"That's your business, not mine. In a word, Zhao Shanhe has a lot of money. You are his uncle, uncle, uncle, and he will never say nothing. That's it, I'll wait for you information."

Speaking of which, Huang Dashan got up and walked out.

Huang Yingying followed closely.

When the two father and daughter walked to the door, Huang Dashan suddenly stopped and said, "I forgot to tell you something just now. If there is no one million, Yingying will not come back to you for the time being. As for the future, Let’s talk about things later.”

After speaking, Huang Dashan opened the door and walked out without looking back.

There were three people left looking at each other.

"8000 million, is what Huang Dashan said true or false? Can Zhao Shanhe earn so much money a year?" Zhao Yongduo still couldn't calm down when he thought of this figure.

"It should be true. What Zhao Shanhe said himself will never be false. Besides, I also believe that he can make so much money. After all, his factories are all sold to the whole country." Zhou Angong said.

"That's true."

Zhao Yongduo was very emotional.

"I didn't expect my nephew to be so promising."

"Mom, the more promising Zhao Shanhe is, the more we are incompetent. I think we must quickly find a way to solve this matter." Zhou Angong said with twinkling eyes.

"How do you want to solve it? Didn't you hear what your grandfather said? He doesn't care. If he doesn't care, do you think we can borrow money from Zhao Shanhe? Impossible!"

Zhao Yongduo looked pessimistic and desperate.

"You have to try. No matter how I say it, I can't just sit and watch my father-in-law's factory go bankrupt, right? You've all heard that, if it really goes bankrupt, Yingying and I will come to an end." Zhou Angong grimaced. Said.

"Stop humiliating yourself."

Zhou Yongjian shook his hand, sighed and said: "Well, your mother and I have already thought about it. Since Huang Dashan insists on forcing us to borrow money like this, and you want to go to work with him, then take me and your mother together." Take out all your mother's savings, and then mortgage our house to the bank for a loan."

"If you make it together in this way, you should be able to make up about a hundred thousand. You should take this money to meet an emergency."

"Okay, that's it for now!"

Zhou Angong immediately said excitedly, he was so excited that he didn't realize the importance of this money to his parents at all.It would be best if they could make money, but if they failed, Zhou Yongjian and Zhao Yongduo would be miserable.

The old couple looked at each other with bitterness on their faces.


Two days later.

Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya back to Zhaojiazhai, and after calling the third uncle's family over, everyone got together for a reunion dinner.The family sat together like this, talking and laughing, feeling the warm atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe showed a warm smile on his mouth.

Of course, during the meal, Zhao Yonghao and Zhao Yongjun also subconsciously wanted to talk about Zhao Yongduo, but whenever they talked about it, Zhao Shanhe would directly diverge, which made them feel helpless.

Of course, they didn't mean to intercede for Zhao Yongduo, they just wanted to ask Zhao Shanhe how he was going to deal with this matter, but they didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe didn't even want to mention it, it seemed that he was really heartbroken.

After dinner, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya went out for a walk.

The night passed quietly like this.

the next day.

When Zhao Shanhe got up and tidied up, he opened the door and came out. He was greeted by the warm sunshine, breathing in the chilly morning air, he slowly closed his eyes and smiled gently.

"Hello, [-]."

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