Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 677 1st Grade 1st Grade

"Have you ever thought that it would be too hasty to announce that you have developed tempered glass at the conference?"


Zhao Shanhe looked over and said seriously: "President Xia, do you have anything to say? If you have something, just say it directly. I don't like chatting around the bush."

"Then I'll just say it."

Xia Zhizhang smiled lightly.

"Do you know Sanjiang Trading?"

"Sanjiang Trading? It should be a company in Handong City, right? I've heard of it." Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly.

"Sanjiang Trading is indeed an enterprise in Handong City, and this company is engaged in foreign trade business. Among all his businesses, tempered glass trading is the main business. As far as I know, Sanjiang Trading has offices in every prefecture-level city in our eastern province. They all have sub-points, the Sanjiang Trading Company in Handong City you know is just one of his sub-points."

"And the most important thing for these branches to do is to sell tempered glass."

"Before your Jade Bird Glass Factory has really grown up, you rashly announced that you have developed the tempered glass production technology. Aren't you afraid that Sanjiang Trading will make trouble?"

Xia Zhizhang said with a heavy tone: "I can even bet you that Sanjiang Trading will definitely find trouble."

"So you mean that I need to be on guard against Sanjiang Trading?" Zhao Shanhe suddenly came to a sudden, and asked thoughtfully.


Xia Zhizhang nodded.

"You really should be on your guard. Otherwise, Sanjiang Trading will definitely find trouble. In fact, the previous Jinlu Glass Factory will go bankrupt. It is reported that Sanjiang Trading is also behind the scenes."

"I know what you said, but since I have announced it, it is done, so there is no need to be afraid of anyone." Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly and said calmly, "President Xia, I know this matter well, no matter what ,Thank you anyway."

"That's fine."

When Xia Zhizhang saw what Zhao Shanhe said, he didn't continue the discussion.Anyway, I have already said what I should say, as for what to do next, it depends on Zhao Shanhe himself.


And what happened here today spread immediately.

When they knew that Zhao Shanhe's profit this year was as high as 8000 million, everyone who heard about it was shocked.They knew that Zhao Shanhe was very capable and courageous, but they didn't expect him to be so strong.

"Fortunately, Director Zhao is from our Zhenghe County, otherwise, what a pity we would be."

"It's just that, didn't you hear? Director Zhao is going to recruit workers, and I'm going to try it."

"You must go, you don't know the conditions offered by others, it's super first-class!"


The whole city was in an uproar.

And this kind of turmoil was just the beginning in Zhenghe County. After Xia Wan and Dong Siyuan's news came out, people in other places saw the recruitment order announced by Zhao Shanhe, and everyone was moved.

The maintenance workshop of a machinery factory.

A middle-aged man being reprimanded by the workshop director.

"Niu Defeng, you are enough!" The middle-aged man suddenly raised his head and looked over angrily.

Niu Defeng, who was called Niu Defeng, became furious instantly, his eyes widened and he shouted: "Liu Feng, what are you doing? Do you want to eat me? Let me tell you, I am the director of this maintenance workshop, and everyone here belongs to me. I take care of it."

"Don't say you haven't joined the list yet, even if you do, it's only a matter of one sentence for me to clean you up. Just listen to me honestly, and if you dare to grin at me again, I'll..."

"What are you?"

Liu Feng raised his head high and looked over with disdain.

"Listen to me, I won't take care of a workshop director like you! A person who doesn't understand bullshit insists on playing tricks here, can you pretend? Didn't you dislike me a long time ago? Coincidentally, I don't want to put up with your uselessness either. I'm leaving, I'm leaving now, and we'd better never see each other in the future!"

After speaking, Liu Feng threw away the gloves, turned around and left.

"Well, you Liu Feng, do you really dare to leave? Believe it or not, as long as you dare to take a step, you will never come in again!" Niu Defeng shouted angrily.

"Come in again?"

Liu Feng stood still, turned around and said with a sneer: "Listen clearly, as long as I leave here today, I will never come back."

Niu Defeng sneered: "Do you think someone will want you?"

"Of course!"

Liu Feng raised his chin proudly.

"My maintenance skills are top-notch. I don't believe that I can't find a job with my skills. I'm going to Hetu Manufacturing for an interview now. Niu Defeng, just wait for my good news!"

Made by Hetu?

Niu Defeng's face changed slightly.


Zhenghe County Government.

After hearing what Gu Changbei said, Du Jingming was stunned on the spot.

"What you said is true?" Du Jingming asked in surprise.

"It's true, this was announced by Zhao Shanhe himself, so it shouldn't be false." Gu Changbei said.

"8000 million profit!"

Du Jingming stood up and walked back and forth in the office with excitement, his face full of excitement.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, Zhao Shanhe actually created another miracle! Such a profit, not to mention our Zhenghe County, even if it is placed in the city, it is a first-class result. Just relying on such results , how many things can be solved for our Zhenghe County."

"Yes, not to mention anything else, just the employment problem of the labor force can solve a lot." Gu Changbei deeply agreed.

"More than that!"

Du Jingming said excitedly: "I heard Wang Luya from the Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory talk about the cooperation with Zhao Shanhe before, because of Zhao Shanhe's support, their embroidery factory that was about to go bankrupt not only did not go bankrupt, but turned into a profit .”

"And this is just a company that has been favored. There are many other companies that rely on Zhao Shanhe to survive."

"These are all benefits!"

"Yes, because of Zhao Shanhe, he helped us solve many unnecessary troubles at once." Gu Changbei said with emotion.

"As you arrange, I will go to Hetu Manufacturing in the near future to investigate."



Nanjue County Cement Plant.


The moment he heard the news of the 8000 million profit, Zheng Namyun smashed the teacup on the spot.He stood in the office with a livid face, like a wild beast that could go berserk at any moment.

Zhao Shanhe, you can actually create such a high profit.


Now I seriously suspect that the figures you mentioned are false. What you are doing is false propaganda, and you are using unreliable figures to confuse the people, and you want them to respect you. You are really calculating!

But I won't let you succeed.

Do you think it is a good thing that you announced the figure of 8000 million?

hum!This is a big disaster, I'm going to report you, I'm going to ask the Taxation Bureau of the Industry and Commerce Bureau to check your account, I'm going to see if you have evaded taxes, I'm going to kill you.

Zheng Nanrun's face was like a ghost.


At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open brutally.

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