Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 676 Talent Recruitment Order!

"Now I want to announce the third matter, which I believe everyone here is most interested in."

The moment Zhao Shanhe said this, all the workers present showed surprise expressions. They knew that, according to the routine, the so-called third thing should be the bonus.

as predicted.

The third thing that Zhao Shanhe announced immediately ignited the atmosphere of the audience, and everyone burst into deafening applause the moment they heard it.Even the top executives sitting on the stage are no exception, because they are also beneficiaries.

"From now on, everyone's wages will be uniformly increased by 50 yuan on the previous basis!"

"Everyone counts as one, and this year's bonuses will be paid along with wages."

"The same as last year, the factory has prepared a benefit for everyone. After the meeting, you can all go to the logistics department to get it, so that you can have a fat New Year."

Zhao Shanhe's voice echoed in the small auditorium.

Everyone shouted Zhao Shanhe's name excitedly as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

The atmosphere reached a peak for a while.

Feeling such an atmosphere, Xia Zhizhang's originally calm mood became excited, and after asking what the salary standard of everyone here was, he was even more astonished on the spot.

"Is it really that tall?"

"Of course!"

Cui Huan smiled slightly, and said calmly: "The salary of our factory has always been the highest in our county, and even ranks first in our city. Otherwise, why do you think so many workers would squeeze their heads? Come to our factory?"

"I can tell you responsibly that starting next month, the basic salary standard for all workers will reach 360 yuan per month. And this is only the most basic salary. Apart from this, there are other subsidies and overtime Fees and such."

"To put it simply, any worker in our factory can get at least [-] yuan a month. President Xia, you are the president of the bank, so you should know that [-] yuan is not low."

Not only is it not low!

Xia Zhizhang curled his lips, I am a dignified vice president of a bank, and my salary is only so much a month. I used to be complacent all the time, but now it seems that I am not qualified to be proud when I am here with you.

Zhao Shanhe, you are really courageous.

No wonder the county government supported you so much when it came to winning the Jinlu Glass Factory.If I knew today's scene, I would support you, and I wouldn't even doubt you.

"Zhao Shanhe is really an excellent entrepreneur, Dong Siyuan, what kind of impact will it have if today's news is reported?" Xia Wan asked with the corners of her lips curled up.

"Is it affected?"

Dong Siyuan looked at Zhao Shanhe on the stage with a lot of emotion, and after taking a few more photos of the small auditorium, he said excitedly: "It will definitely cause a sensation in the city!"


Xia Wan shook her head.

"Isn't it? If the whole city can't, the whole county can, right? Besides, such a high salary standard will definitely shock many people. By then, they will definitely want to come to Zhao Shanhe’s factories go to work, then his factories will definitely set off another wave of recruitment.” Dong Siyuan said.

"I'm talking about the whole province!"

Xia Wan looked sideways and said slowly, "The whole province will be a sensation."

Dong Siyuan was stunned.

Feeling the hot atmosphere in the small auditorium, Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and after everyone quieted down, he said gently: "The three things have been finished, and I will talk about the last one. This last one is for you , but also for the whole society, because what I want to talk about is the recruitment order."

Recruitment order!

Everyone whispered.

Last year, I seemed to hear Director Zhao talking about this recruitment order, but I didn't expect to talk about it again this year.

"I hope that all people with lofty ideals can come and join our big family. As long as you have a talent, I will give you room to display it to your heart's content. Please remember our slogan, super first-class treatment welcomes you!"

Super first-class treatment welcomes you!

Be concise and to the point.

Zhao Shanhe knows better than anyone else that no matter how much you say, it is better to get money to open the way.No one is a saint, they have to support their families, if you can't give them enough benefits, why should they trust you?

So Zhao Shanhe said so.

Obviously, the effect of saying this was good, and all the workers immediately became excited.They are now Zhao Shanhe's workers, but that doesn't mean they don't have relatives and friends. They couldn't be introduced before, but now that the recruitment order is in place, it will be much easier for them to be introduced.

"The meeting is over! It's a three-day holiday!" Zhao Shanhe finally raised his hand and said loudly.

Now the small auditorium was completely immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

This concludes the meeting.

Amidst the laughter of the workers, Zhao Shanhe met Xia Zhizhang in the office.

"President Xia, I'm really sorry, please forgive me for the poor hospitality." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

Cai Shishi put a cup of tea on the table and turned to go out.

"Where is it, Director Zhao is really polite." Xia Zhizhang laughed.

"President Xia is the one who is being polite. Just say it again at some time in the future. I welcome President Xia to come and guide our work at any time."

"I guide you?"

Xia Zhizhang shook his head and said with a smile: "Director Zhao, you are really humble, do you still need my guidance? From what I have seen today, I can only say I admire it!"

"I really didn't expect you to be able to create such brilliance. If we had known this earlier, let alone a loan of 500 million, even 1000 million would be fine."

"President Xia, are you serious?" Zhao Shanhe smiled playfully.

"Of course!" Xia Zhizhang nodded vigorously.

Zhao Shanhe frowned: "If that's the case, can I directly borrow 1000 million now?"


Xia Zhizhang really wasn't intimidated, not only wasn't he, but there was even a look of anticipation between his brows.

"Director Zhao, are you serious? If you're serious, we can talk about it, let alone 1000 million, even if you borrow more, I won't have any problems!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled heartily, waved his hands and said casually: "President Xia, just for this attitude towards you, I'm committed to you as a friend! But don't worry, I really don't need a loan now."

Yes, you definitely don’t need it now, you already have a profit of 8000 million, so why would you want a loan?

Xia Zhizhang is well aware of this.

"Director Zhao, is it true that you said at the meeting that the Jade Bird Glass Factory has developed toughened glass?" Xia Zhizhang frowned slightly and asked.

"Of course it is true." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

Xia Zhizhang stretched his eyebrows and said, "This is great. I didn't expect to see the glass factory come back to life in my lifetime. But Director Zhao, there is something I want to remind you, I hope you can think twice."


"that is……"

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