"A few years ago, on behalf of Hetu Manufacturing, I held a meeting with the directors of Shanqiu Food and Zhao Xiaobai Winery. At the meeting, they and I issued a military order, saying that we would complete our respective plans during the Chinese New Year this year. We set our goals. And now I want to say that not only did we all meet our goals, but we all exceeded our goals!"

Zhao Shanhe's voice resounded powerfully.

"8000 million!"

"This is the profit of all our factories!"

8000 million!

When the number blurted out, everyone was stunned.

The entire small auditorium was silent, followed by applause like waves.The smiles on everyone's faces became brighter, and they clapped desperately, as if only through this could they vent their excitement.

"It's really amazing to have a profit of 8000 million a year!" Xia Zhizhang also admired sincerely.

"One year?"

Who wants to hear his voice, a woman sitting next to him smiled and said calmly: "You are wrong, this is not a year, at best it can only be said to be half a year."

"Half a year?" Xia Zhizhang was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but look up and down at the woman in front of him who spoke surprisingly.

"Yes, it's half a year. You know that Zhao Xiaobai Distillery has only been established for half a year, so how can it be said that it is a year's profit? What's more, apart from the 8000 million, we don't even count what we consumed. , If you add the wages of the workers and the money to buy equipment, it will be more than 8000 million!" The woman said proudly.

"How do you know this?" Xia Zhizhang asked curiously.

"Because I am Cui Huan."

Cui Huan smiled, stretched out his right hand, and said to Xia Zhizhang: "President Xia, please get to know Cui Huan, the chief of the finance department."

Xia Zhizhang suddenly realized.

Let me just say, I greeted Zhao Shanhe before, after he knew the news that I was coming, how could he say that there was no arrangement at all, he dared to wait here.

And since the person in front of her is the chief of the finance department, her words must be the most authoritative.

"Section Chief Cui, congratulations." Xia Zhizhang also reached out his hand and shook it briefly.

"President Xia, congratulations."

While the two were joking, Zhao Shanhe on the stage continued: "The first thing announced the complete success of our work this year, and also won a good start for our work next year. Then the second thing I want to say now I believe you will also be very interested in it.”

"I believe you all know that I bought a glass factory in Nanjue County a few days ago, and it is now named Blue Bird."

Zhao Shanhe paused, scanned the audience, and continued.

"From the day of the acquisition of Qingniao Glass Factory, I know very well that many of you are doubting whether it is right for me to do so; talking about whether it is necessary for me to do thankless things under the current situation; I am worried that if I do this, I will lose all my investment in the end!"

"It's good even if it's in vain. Some people are even more afraid that doing so will affect the stable and orderly development of other factories."

"Am I right?"

After saying this, there was a burst of whispering discussions in the small auditorium.

Yes, Zhao Shanhe was right, what he said was really what they said before.After all, the glass factory was completely unreliable in their opinion.

Zhao Shanhe invested so much money just to develop toughened glass. Does this thing have a future?

If you want to earn money for the front windshield of the car, isn't that too much investment?Don't even get your money back at that time.

But because it was Zhao Shanhe who did this, even if they had doubts in their hearts, none of them dared to obstruct it openly.Because they knew that none of the decisions Zhao Shanhe made could be blocked by them.

And now Zhao Shanhe said this, what did he want to say?

In fact, it's not just the people sitting below, even the executives sitting on the stage couldn't help but feel ashamed when they heard Zhao Shanhe's words.Because they were the main force in obstructing the opposition before, no one felt that the tempered glass project was reliable.

But now they lost!

Zhao Shanhe won!

Because Zhao Shanhe succeeded!

"Whether you supported or opposed it before, the second thing I want to tell you now is that our Jade Bird Glass Factory has developed toughened glass!"

Zhao Shanhe said loudly.

There was an uproar in the small auditorium.

Their doubts are doubts, but if it is true that tempered glass is developed, it is definitely a good thing.After all, no one knows that toughened glass is in short supply, and there is no need to worry about selling it.

"Really? Director, have we developed tempered glass?"

"So the Jade Bird Glass Factory is also our factory?"

"We will have another new factory to produce new products in the future!"


The sentiment is exciting.

"Really developed it?"

Xia Zhizhang was in a trance when he heard this.

No one knows the situation of that glass factory better than him. The former Jinlu Glass Factory went bankrupt because of the research and development of tempered glass.

When he knew that Zhao Shanhe was going to acquire the glass factory, although he admired Zhao Shanhe's courage in his heart, he was not optimistic.He even took a lot of risk to do the loan of 500 million at the beginning.

He would take the risk purely because Zhao Shanhe was backed by Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing and Zhao Xiaobai Winery.

He never thought that one day Zhao Shanhe would really use the benefits generated by the glass factory to repay the loan.

But now Zhao Shanhe said that tempered glass has been developed. Does this mean that Zhao Shanhe has another new product in his hand? As for whether it can be sold, Xia Zhizhang has no doubts at all.

Are there any products in this world that Zhao Shanhe cannot sell?

What's more, it's tempered glass.

"Section Chief Cui, your factory director Zhao is really a god-man, amazing!" Xia Zhizhang said with emotion.


Cui Huan nodded with a smile, and said in agreement: "Our director Zhao is really good. If you know what he has done before, you will understand that the research and development of toughened glass is a trivial matter."

"With him, there is nothing that cannot be done. The only thing to consider is whether to do it or not."

"Really? It seems that you are quite familiar with Director Zhao. Since that's the case, Chief Cui, would you mind telling me about your Director Zhao's family history someday." Xia Zhizhang suddenly became interested.


Cui Huan agreed with a smile on her face.

The whole small auditorium has been plunged into a sea of ​​excitement. Everyone looked at Zhao Shanhe with beams of excitement. They are eager to know how the tempered glass was developed and by whom.

After feeling this excited atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe's heart was also excited.

You are excited, and so am I.

You all don't know what I was like when I heard the news, I was even more exaggerated than you guys.

Zhao Shanhe pressed his hands down slightly, and after the audience quieted down, he continued to speak.

What he said this time was even more astonishing.

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