Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 672 What can I do if I am unwilling?

"Xiangyang, I already know about the cement factory."

"I was just about to tell you that, since you know, what do we do about it?"

Li Xiangyang asked after hearing Zhao Shanhe's words.

"Sakura Club is hostile to us. Their stake in the cement plant seems to have nothing to do with us, but who knows if Miyai Saburo will secretly trick us. I always feel that this guy is a ghost, always Secretly staring at us." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Yeah, I think so too. Every one of the products made by our Hetu will make the Sakura Club salivate."

"What's more, we are still developing tempered glass. I am worried that the Sakura Club may have such a factory. If they really produce tempered glass in Dongdao, they will definitely target us."

After Li Xiangyang said this, Zhao Shanhe nodded thoughtfully.

"Xiangyang, you are right. We have to be on guard against this. In this way, you arrange someone to collect the information on the Sakura Club on the East Island. The more detailed the better."

"Okay!" Li Xiangyang immediately agreed.

"As for the cement plant, we can't control this matter if we want to, so let's leave it alone." Zhao Shanhe said, sighing helplessly.


After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe thought about it and then called Song Liu of Donghua Trading.After the connection over there, he straight to the point said that he wanted to investigate the Sakura Club. After all, Donghua Trading was engaged in foreign trade business. Song Liu must be much more familiar with the situation on Dongdao than himself, so it was difficult to investigate. It will be very convenient.

"Sakura Club? I know this company. Let me tell you. I don't know exactly how this company is in the East Island, but it has blossomed everywhere in our East Province."

"They have invested in a lot of factories and acquired a lot of companies. If things go on like this, sooner or later, the business in our eastern province will be disrupted by the Sakura Club." Song Liu said seriously.

"Really? I think so too. I'm sure the Sakura Club is not helping us sincerely by doing this. They just want to make money in our eastern province. So Brother Song, I'll leave this to you. I'm afraid that when they want to deal with me, they know my situation well, but I don't know anything about them."

Zhao Shanhe said solemnly: "This is too passive!"

"Okay, this matter is on me, and I will give you a detailed information as soon as possible."

"Thank you Brother Song!"

After arranging this matter, Zhao Shanhe said to Cai Shishi: "Master, you go and book the air ticket, we will fly back tomorrow instead of waiting for the day after tomorrow."


Cai Shishi respectfully accepted the order.

She has now fully adapted to the role of secretary.


Nanjue County Cement Factory Director's Office.

In the past here, Zheng Nanrun was the boss, the master, and no one could challenge his authority here.Here, he is a veritable emperor.

But now, the former master, even respectfully and apologetically smiling at Miyai Saburo, the words he said and the gesture he showed, if seen by those who are familiar with Zheng Nanrun, they would be eye-popping.

Is this really the director of the cement factory who can call the wind and rain in Nanjue County?

"Mr. Miyai, I will trouble you to take care of the cement factory in the future."

"This is what I should do."

Saburo Miyai glanced at Zheng Nanrun with drooping eyelids, took out a document and handed it over.

"Look at this."

"Cement Plant Expansion Plan."

After Zheng Nanrun glanced at the title, his pupils shrank slightly, and he raised his head and asked in a tight voice, "Mr. Miyai, what does this mean?"

"Is my meaning not clear enough? I think the reason why the cement factory has become what it is now is because our scale is not large enough. If the scale is not large, we cannot form an assembly line industry. In that case, there is no way to guarantee the output. So I think we should continue to expand the scale of the plant on the basis of the existing one."

Miyai Saburo raised his finger and pointed out the window, and said indifferently: "The cable factory is not far from the cement factory, right? I think if we can take down the cable factory, it should be almost the same."

"Take down the cable factory?"

Hearing this, Zheng Nanrun was dumbfounded on the spot.

What does it mean?

Miyai Saburo actually has such big ambitions, he even wants to eat the entire cable factory.

We must know that the cable factory is on the same level as the cement factory in terms of scale and grade. Why do you think we can swallow the cable factory?

What's more, the cable factory is not like it used to be. The cable factory is now a hot potato, and whoever touches it will be unlucky.

Isn't swallowing the cable factory at this time the same as setting yourself on fire?

"Mr. Miyai, I think we should change our plan." Zheng Nanyun shook his head and said.

"change plan?"

Saburo Miyai stared indifferently, and said coldly: "Director Zheng, I hope you know that the current cement plant is funded by our Sakura Club and invested by us, so any of our decisions cannot be provoked." , is the final decision.”

"If you really can't control your mouth, you can make suggestions, but your suggestions are useless."

It's useless!

Zheng Nanrun's expression became angry all of a sudden, but thinking of the current situation, he could only swallow his sullen breath.

"Then what shall I do?"

"You go to the cable factory and talk to them about it, and say we're going to acquire them. Remember, I don't want this to fail!"

Miyai Saburo raised his fingers and said word by word, "I really believe in your ability, so don't let me down. Otherwise, I think the position under your buttocks may have to be moved."

"Yes, yes, I know how to do it, and I will do it now."

Zheng Nanrun's heart trembled, and he hurried out.

Looking at his back, the corners of Lin Chaotai's mouth rose.

"Mr. Miyai, you are not afraid that Zheng Nanrun will regret it, and won't listen to you?"

"He dares!"

Miyai Saburo curled his lips proudly, and said disapprovingly: "Do you think this is the first time for Sakura Club to do this? Let me tell you, from the moment Zheng Nanrun helped us to do things, we are firmly in charge of his life and death." took control."

"If he speaks sensible enough, of course I won't touch him. But if he speaks disobediently, then be prepared to be fired."


Lin Chaotai grinned, flattering without any trace.

"Mr. Miyai is really wise!"

Zheng Nanrun, who walked out of the office, heard the triumphant laughter coming from inside. Although his heart was full of anger, there was a helpless bitter expression on the corner of his mouth.

Even if I feel unwilling, what can I do?

Today's cement plant is no longer what it says it can be.

But even if he knew this would be the result, he would still have helped Saburo Miyai in the beginning, who made him desperate.

"Forget it, let's just live in a muddle like this. But Miyai Saburo, what do you mean? Why do you want to buy the cable factory? Do you really just want to expand the scale of the cement factory?"

With this confusion, Zheng Nanrun met Xu Weidong, the director of the cable factory.

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