Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 673 Not Even Qualified To Lift Shoes!

In fact, Zheng Nanrun hadn't seen Xu Weidong for a while. Although they couldn't hang out all day long, they always sat down and got together every now and then.

But now it's different.

Since the incident last time, Xu Weidong and Zheng Nanrun have been at odds with each other, and the relationship between the two has become very distant.This time, if Zheng Nanrun hadn't come to block the door in person, Xu Weidong might not have met him.

"You have something to do with me?" Xu Weidong asked slowly, without raising his head while asking, but he was holding a pair of scissors in his hand, and was trimming a pot of green plants on the desk.

Be as lazy as possible.

Feeling the negligence revealed by Xu Weidong, Zheng Nanrun was annoyed.Well, you Xu Weidong, you dare to push yourself in front of me, don't you?

who do you think You Are?Even if my cement factory is not as strong as before, compared with your cable factory, it is still a hundred times stronger, right?What right do you have to show off in front of me?

"Xu Weidong, I know you have a problem with me, you..."

"Don't tell me."

Xu Weidong trimmed the green plants on his own, and interrupted Zheng Nanrun unceremoniously without even looking at him, and said slowly: "If you come here to catch up with old friends, you can avoid it. I am very busy here, and some Things have to be dealt with. So if there is something to talk about, if there is nothing to do, you can leave."


A coldness flashed across Zheng Nanrun's eyes.

Are you very busy?You are cutting flowers here and you are still busy with a hammer!

But thinking of the purpose of coming here this time, and thinking of Miyai Saburo's cruelty, Zheng Nanrun still tried his best to control the anger in his heart, and said calmly: "I really came here this time to find you, Xu Weidong, what is the current situation of your cable factory?" Yes, you don’t need to tell me, do you understand?”

"Then what?" Xu Weidong asked casually.

"Then I thought our previous relationship was pretty good, so I wanted to help you. My cement factory is going to take over your cable factory. What do you think?" Zheng Nanyun said in a deep voice.

"What? You want to annex my cable factory?"

Xu Weidong, who was obviously stimulated by these words, sat up straight at once, raised his head to look over, and said with a surprised expression: "Zheng Nanrun, are you okay? Don't say that my cable factory has not closed down yet, even if it really closed down Now, how much better do you think your cement factory will be?"

"Do you have an order? You don't have any bullshit orders, and it's a problem for you to support your own workers. How dare you say that you want to annex my cable factory? Even if you are bragging, you have to make a draft first!"

"That's my business, I'll ask you now, what do you think about this?" Zheng Nanrun asked indifferently.

"Don't think about it!"

Xu Weidong refused on the spot without hesitation.

"Okay, I hope you can still be so tough in the future!"

Zheng Namyun got up and walked outside.

"I will always be so tough! Zheng Nanrun, you know? I actually look down on you now." Just as Zheng Nanrun was about to walk out the door, Xu Weidong said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Nanrun's expression changed involuntarily.

"In the past, I was obsessed with ghosts, and I was willing to use your gun to fight Zhao Shanhe. At that time, I thought that Zhao Shanhe was my enemy, and I wanted to defeat him. But now, it seems that you and Zhao Shanhe are the same. There is no comparison at all, you are not even qualified to carry shoes for others!" Xu Weidong said mockingly.

"Xu Weidong, what nonsense are you talking about here!" Zheng Nanrun shouted with a sudden change of expression.

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Xu Weidong raised the corners of his lips in disdain, and said dismissively: "Zhao Shanhe can reject the Sakura Club, can you? You can't, not only did you not reject the investment from the Sakura Club, but you helped them do things and became the palace willingly." A dog next to Jing Sanlang, what face do you have to fight Zhao Shanhe?"

"Me!" Zheng Nanrun was at a loss for words.

"You, hurry up, I don't welcome you here, please don't come here again!"

Xu Weidong said mockingly.

"Xu Weidong, you will regret it, I swear, you will regret it!"

Zheng Nanrun put down a harsh word, turned his head and walked out of the office.

When he was the only one left here, Xu Weidong's face was a little dignified.He let out a fierce breath of anger, but he also knew that the embarrassing reality of the cable factory could not be changed just by talking.

Zheng Nanrun's saying is correct, if the cable factory continues like this, it will go bankrupt sooner or later.

But why does the cement factory want to merge the cable factory?

Could it be that there is some conspiracy and trick in it?

"Hmph, Zheng Nanrun, I will not be as spineless as you. Even if I really want to sell the cable factory, I will not sell it to that Miyai Saburo."

"I have to sell it to Zhao Shanhe! Yes, it is Zhao Shanhe. If his Jade Bird Glass Factory wants to develop, it will definitely not work on the current scale. Maybe he will be interested in the cable factory."

Xu Weidong had a thoughtful expression on his face.


December [-], [-].

A small auditorium made by Hetu in Zhenghe County.

This place is already full of workers, each of them is wearing a uniform made by Hetu, with happy smiles on their faces.Sitting in twos and threes, casually chatting in whispers.

At the front of the auditorium are arranged tables and chairs.

A huge banner hangs on the back wall: Warmly celebrate the successful holding of the annual work summary meeting.

It turned out that this was the working conference that Zhao Shanhe had said before when the new year was approaching.Although the conference was held at Hetu Manufacturing, Shanqiu Foods, Zhao Xiaobai Winery, Jiuquan Manufacturing and Nanjue Branch would each send representatives to attend.

"It's really festive. Have you seen it? There are seas of flowers everywhere. I can't even pronounce the names of some of those flowers."

"You, don't just look at the flowers, look at other things."

"Hey, I'm waiting for Director Zhao to come now. What do you think Director Zhao will tell us this year?"

"I want to know too, just wait and see!"


Just like the excitement of the workers, the mood of two people here is also very exciting.Although they said they had guessed about the scene here, they were still very shocked after witnessing the scene in front of them.

"I didn't expect the scene here to be so huge. It's not much better than the conferences of state-owned enterprises I have attended before." Xia Wan said with emotion as she looked at the crowded crowd in front of her.

"The scene is still secondary, the main thing is the spirit of the workers. Reporter Xia, have you seen this in the previous interviews? Everyone is full of energy, and everyone has eyes. Light, they are all full of hope for life, and they all have respect for Zhao Shanhe, the director of the factory. I have never seen it anyway, and it is too shocking."

As a reporter for the Zhenghe Evening News, Dong Siyuan has now completely joined the team of Hetu Manufacturing. Feeling such an atmosphere, he is also very proud.

"Yeah, you're right, they all have light in their eyes." Xia Wan nodded approvingly.

"Look, the factory manager is here!"

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