Unexpectedly, when he came to greet grandma and grandpa, without saying a word, Zhao Xiuwu put on such a serious posture. Zhou Angong was a little dazed for a moment. He subconsciously glanced at Zhou Yongjian, and found that his father's expression seemed to be a little gloomy.

"What's going on here?"

Zhou Angong, who was thinking like this in his heart, asked with a gentle smile: "Grandpa, do you have anything to say to me?"

"Yes, I have something to tell you, let me ask you, did you do something to offend Shanhe?" Zhao Xiuwu asked in a deep voice.

Zhou Angong became nervous all of a sudden, and his eyes were a little flustered when he looked over.

"Grandpa, what do you mean by that?"

"Isn't my point simple? I'm just asking you, did you do something to offend Shanhe? Why did he say he didn't lend money because he would be an enemy if he lent money to you?"

"Tell me honestly, what's going on here? What's the explanation? Otherwise, I will definitely not help you." Zhao Xiuwu asked coldly.

"This one……"

Zhou Angong was at a loss for a while, this question really caught him off guard.

"Dad, Mom, let's sit down and talk!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Zhao Yongduo hurried forward and beckoned them to sit on the sofa, and Zhou Yongjian and Zhou Angong also sat down together.

"Now tell me!"

Zhao Xiuwu's face was livid.

"Let me tell you that I already know what happened, but I still want to hear you tell me yourself. You guys, don't even think about saying that Jiangshan is wrong. I will judge who is right and who is wrong."

"Dad, let me tell you about this."

Seeing that the matter has come to this point, Zhao Yongduo didn't hide it, and told all the things that happened during this period of time.She didn't confuse black and white, she was just talking about the facts.

"Dad, do you think this can be called an enemy?"

After Zhao Yongduo finished speaking, he couldn't help but look a little annoyed.

"This Zhao Shanhe is a rich man now, so he looks down on us poor relatives. You say that he will not borrow money if he doesn't borrow money, and he insists on making up so many right and wrong, what is this? Do we still have to borrow his money? Is that okay?"

"You are bullshitting!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xiuwu, who had already fully understood the whole thing, looked at Zhao Yongduo with some disappointment, and said angrily, "Why don't you call yourself an enemy? Let alone mountains and rivers, even if it were I would not lend you money's."

"You, you are really confused. How dare you do anything? You said that it would be great if An Gong was not allowed to leave Xiaorui's factory. Then there would be no such troublesome things now."

"Dad, let's stop talking about it now, tell me, what should we do about it?" Zhao Yongduo asked.

"Cold salad!"

With a sullen face, Zhao Xiuwu said seriously: "Let me tell you, for this matter, you don't want to borrow money from Shanhe, and he won't lend you any money. So you can buy the shares of Huangdashan Factory. Get rid of this idea as soon as possible, it's not your thing, so don't be wishful thinking."


"Don't call me dad, I don't have a girl like you."

Zhao Xiuwu interrupted Zhao Yongduo, his face was terribly gloomy.

He loves Zhao Yongduo and Zhou Angong, but it doesn't mean that he will be confused when doing things.Zhao Shanhe is his eldest grandson no matter what, so let it be if he can't help, at least he can't be said to be a nuisance to others.

"That's the end of it."

Zhao Xiuwu stood up after speaking.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Zhao Yongduo asked in confusion.

"go home!"

Zhao Xiuwu took a deep look at Zhou Yongjian, and found that this son-in-law who usually greeted him with a smile was just standing beside him silently, even avoiding his gaze intentionally or unintentionally, and had no intention of keeping them at all. He snorted coldly, turned his head and walked out.

Wang Guizhi followed behind.

"Mom and Dad, wait a minute!"

Zhao Yongduo hurriedly chased him out the door.

"Dad, what's going on?" Zhou Angong asked suspiciously.

"It's like this..."

After Zhou Yongjian told what he heard and saw at Zhao Xiuwu's house, Zhou Angong couldn't help but widen his eyes with an angry expression.

"What's the meaning of Zhao Shanhe? He dare not even give grandpa face! Dad, what do we do if he doesn't lend us money? Such a good opportunity will be missed."

"Yes, such a good opportunity must not be missed!"

Zhou Yongjian gritted his teeth.

"I'll figure it out."

outside the house.

Zhao Xiuwu looked at Zhao Yongduo who was chasing after him, and said earnestly: "Girl, I know you want to find a way out for An Gong, but you must also remember that sometimes there are some things that you have to admit as long as you have done them. "

"You know how you treated Yonghao's family before, even if I don't tell you. So let's talk about it, and don't blame Shanhe for being unfeeling."

"Dad, but I really have nothing to do with this matter. If I have a way, why would I think about borrowing money from him." Zhao Yongduo couldn't help being upset when he mentioned this.

"Anyway, I don't care about this matter, and I don't care about it. That's it, your mother and I are going home, so you should go back quickly!" Zhao Xiuwu said and took Wang Guizhi out.

"Dad, it's already here, you can stay for two days before leaving." Zhao Yongduo said quickly.

"Stay for two days?"

Zhao Xiuwu took a deep look at the house behind him, and said slowly: "As it is now, do you think I can live here with peace of mind? Do you think Zhou Yongjian will still treat me like before?"

"Forget it, your mother and I should go home. You guys, just think about how to solve this matter. My opinion is to leave it alone. This matter is originally a matter of the Huang family. What does it have to do with you?" .”


"That's it, you go back!"

Zhao Xiuwu let out a long breath, waved his hand weakly, and didn't stay any longer after speaking, he took Wang Guizhi's hand and left.

Seeing the old couple go out and take a taxi and leave, Zhao Yongduo sighed helplessly.

"What can we do about this?"


It's another week.

Within this week, the business landscape in Nanjue County has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The most sensational thing is the restructuring of the cement plant.

During Zhao Shanhe's business trip, the cement factory, under the operation of Zheng Nanrun, successfully introduced funds from a foreign company, the Cherry Blossom Club.

Sakura Club holds 30.00% of the shares under the condition of Miyai Saburo's investment.Although this share is less than half, everyone knows that 30.00% is already the second shareholder, and it is only a matter of time before Saburo Miyai works a little bit to win the first place and take charge of the entire cement plant.

When this matter got to Zhao Shanhe's ears, he was signing the contract outside.The moment he heard it, a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Unexpectedly, even though I had been exhorting and exhorting, the cement factory could not resist this temptation in the end.

Thinking of the consequences of this, Zhao Shanhe made a call.

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