Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 670 There will be a big move

"Alright, then we'll go to your elder sister's house to stay for two days, second child, you can entertain your elder brother and them."

Zhao Xiuwu really wanted to leave.

The reason why he wants to leave is very simple, he wants to ask Zhao Yongduo about this matter in front of Zhao Yongduo, he wants to know what Zhao Yongduo thinks.

It’s okay for you to ask us to help you borrow money, but you can’t hide something from us, or even deceive us and use us as a weapon.

"Mom and Dad, let's go, I'll greet Big Brother and the others."

Zhao Yongxin smiled all over his face.

"it is good!"

Do you really want to go?

Now it was Zhou Yongjian's turn to be dumbfounded, he never thought that Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi would follow him under such circumstances.

I said, are you two okay?The things I begged you have not been done, but now I want to go to my house to eat mine and use mine, are you embarrassed?

But the words have already been said, and he has no way to change them, so he can only bite the bullet and admit it.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yongjian left with Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi.When only Zhao Yonghao and Zhao Yongxin were left here, Zhao Yongxin started to greet them and eat.

In the kitchen, Zhao Guoer also started cooking.

"Brother, don't be as knowledgeable as Zhou Yongjian. Let me tell you, just his kind of person, heh heh, doesn't deserve our respect. If he wasn't our brother-in-law, I wouldn't even bother to talk to him." Zhao Yongxin handed over a cigarette, Said with a grin.

"Second, you!"

Zhao Yonghao took a deep look, but didn't say anything else.

Zhao Yongxin was thick-skinned, smiled indifferently, turned his head and said to Zhao Shanhe beside him: "Shanhe, I won't ask you to borrow money, but well, I have something here, I want to see if you can Help. Of course, the second uncle said it first, if you can help, you can help, if you can’t, forget it, don’t force it.”

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

You talk so much, what else can I say?

"It's your brother-in-law, he has something to do."

Zhao Yongxin yelled to the kitchen as he spoke, "Wen Zhi, come here."


Shang Wenzhi wore an apron, wiped his hands and came in, smiled at Zhao Yongxin and said, "Dad, what do you need from me?"

"Didn't you say that you want to hear Shanhe's opinion on something? Now that Shanhe is here, you can talk to him." Zhao Yongxin said.

"That thing."

Shang Wenzhi showed a suddenly realized expression, then looked at Zhao Shanhe and said with a smile: "Brother, actually, I really want to hear what you mean."

"You said."

"Isn't it that I work for China Merchants now? Every member of China Merchants is assigned a certain task of attracting investment every year."

"I was thinking, if it is possible, can you give me a share of the investment promotion of the Qingniao Glass Factory. Really, just want a share, and I don't need it. As long as I have such a share, I can It's a business trip." Shang Wenzhi looked expectantly.

It turned out to be the case.

Hearing this Zhao Shanhe slowly raised the corners of his lips, he said calmly: "Wen Zhi, logically speaking, since you said this, I should agree to you. But the matter of the glass factory, it is That's enough."

Is it choking enough?

Shang Wenzhi's face darkened instantly.

Zhao Yongxin also shook his head in disappointment.

"It's okay, brother, I just said it casually, I'll think of a way later." Shang Wenzhi said with a forced smile.

"Don't worry, I just said that the Jade Bird Glass Factory can't be counted as your achievements in attracting investment, and I didn't say that other things can't be counted. After all, you also know that the Jade Bird Glass Factory is a foregone conclusion. You suddenly stepped in at this time, It won't do you any good."

Zhao Shanhe said suddenly, the moment he said this, Shang Wenzhi, who was already disappointed, suddenly had bright eyes, and his breathing immediately became short of breath.

"Brother, what do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is, next year, there may be a big move in the factory. At that time, you can follow up on this matter. I believe that as long as this matter is done well, your performance for a year should be fine. .” Zhao Shanhe said slowly.


Shang Wenzhi suddenly became excited, and said happily: "Okay, then I know, brother, I will definitely fight for the most favorable policy for you, and give everything I can."

"Then thank you." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Thank me for nothing. This is what I should do. Then I'll go to cook. Let's have a good drink or two later."


Shang Wenzhi happily walked into the kitchen.

"Shanhe, thank you for this!"

After Zhao Yongxin's lips twitched twice, he said sincerely.

"Second uncle, you are an elder, so you don't have to be so polite!"

However, Zhao Shanhe didn't accept this thank you with peace of mind. After dealing with it casually, he got up and walked out with Li Qiuya. He wanted to take Li Qiuya around this small town in the mountains.

The river at the door.

"Qiuya, I know you are thinking of me, and I am afraid that the relationship between me and my grandparents will become too tense, but I can do this myself, you, you should have let me tell you just now." Zhao Shanhe said gently .

"We are husband and wife, whoever says it is not the same? You can say what you said just now, but if I say it, grandparents will not blame or think too much."

"After all, I'm the granddaughter-in-law, not their grandson. If it's true that they contradict me, they will also blame me. In this way, with you, the atmosphere can be eased." Li Qiuya said with a smile.

"You, you are not allowed to do this in the future." Zhao Shanhe raised his finger and scratched Li Qiuya's nose lightly.


Li Qiuya pursed her lips, and asked suddenly: "Do you really want to help Shang Wenzhi? You must know that what I said just now was also for my second uncle. He didn't lend it to us back then. family money."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head with a smile, looked at the calm water and said lightly: "It's not helpful, I just think that sometimes you don't have to slap your face if you want to express your anger. Don't you think it's more effective to do so?" Enjoy the thrill of conquest?"

"You are really bad, I thought you really forgave them." Li Qiuya could not help but smile in relief.


Zhao Shanhe picked up a stone and hit a beautiful four-stroke combo, then said slowly: "Some things will be deeply engraved in the bottom of my heart, how can I let it go easily with a few words? It's impossible."

Li Qiuya smiled, did not continue the topic, but picked up a stone and held it in front of Zhao Shanhe.

"Teach me how to swim."


Under the sunshine, a pair of teenagers and girls are playing happily.

And when Zhao Shanhe was enjoying a short happy time, Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi also came to the county town, walked into Zhao Yongduo's house, and saw Zhou Angong who opened the door to welcome him.

The moment he saw Zhou Angong, Zhao Xiuwu's expression sank.

"An Gong, I have something to ask you, you have to tell me honestly."

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