Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 669 Really so unfeeling?

Before the person arrived, the voice came in first.

"Mom and Dad, have you packed up? If you pack up, let's go now."

Zhou Yongjian walked into the room with a smile on his face. After seeing so many people here, he pretended to be surprised and said, "Hey, Yonghao, your whole family is here too? Are you here to see our mother?"

Zhao Yonghao looked indifferent.

Zhao Shanhe looked playfully.

Seeing that the atmosphere became so awkward, Zhao Yongxin quickly stood up and said, "Brother-in-law, why are you here?"

"I didn't hear that our mother's legs were uncomfortable, so I wanted to take my parents to my house in the county town to live for a few days to recuperate well." Zhou Yongjian said to Zhao Yongxin.

"My parents know about this. I told them before, Mom and Dad, if you clean up, let's go."


Zhao Xiuwu let out a cold snort, looking at Zhou Yongjian with cold eyes.

What he resents most now is this Zhou Yongjian. Everything that Zhou Yongjian did in the past has been replaced by resentment. He really wants to point at Zhou Yongjian's nose and scold him.

Are you, Zhou Yongjian, cheating on you?

"What are you going to do, don't go." Zhao Xiuwu shouted irritably.

"Not going? Why not?" Zhou Yongjian couldn't help being slightly stunned.

You can't go if you don't go, if you don't go, how can this play go on?

Although I don't want you guys to go to my house, it's inconvenient for me to do a lot of things.But in order to borrow money, I can only endure it.

You said that I have endured it, why did you start to lose your temper again?

How is this going?

"Yongjian, let me ask you, how much did you and Xiaoduo borrow from Shanhe when you said before? What are you planning to borrow this money for?" Wang Guizhi asked with a stern face.


Zhou Yongjian understood immediately in his heart that he dared to be affectionate because of this matter.

I said why the atmosphere is so stiff, it seems that Zhao Shanhe did not agree to borrow money.

Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, you are such an iron cock.You said that if we ask you to borrow money, it’s fine if you don’t borrow it. Now that we have moved out our grandparents, you still dare to refuse. Do you still have elders in your eyes?

"Mom, Xiaoduo is in charge of this matter, and I don't know the specifics. But I know that it is about 100 million yuan, which should be used for An Gong to invest in his father-in-law's factory."

"I think it's a good thing. You think, if you can buy shares in that limestone factory, you won't have to work so day and night after An Gong, and you can spare time to accompany you."

Zhou Yongjian smiled gently.

"Accompany us?"

Wang Guizhi shook his head.

"Yongjian, we don't need him to accompany us, and we also feel that you are not telling the truth. How about this, while Shanhe is here, you can speak clearly in front of the big guys."

"As far as borrowing money, you can ask Shanhe what his attitude is. If he is willing to borrow, he will borrow it. If he is not willing, then don't think too much about it. After all, it is Shanhe's own hard-earned hard-earned money."

"it is good!"

Zhou Yongjian also knew that this matter would have to be faced sooner or later. Since Wang Guizhi had already said this, he could only go down the slope and look at Zhao Shanhe with a smile, and said with a smile: "Shanhe, in fact, this matter is all your fault." My aunt is doing it, and I don’t know the details, so I just ask you, would you like to lend money to An Gong to do something serious.”

Do something down to business?

Zhao Shanhe sneered sneeringly in his heart, my uncle, you are really particular about your choice of words.You said that you are doing something serious, if I refuse, it will appear that I don't know how to be polite.

It's just that a trick like yours doesn't work for me.

"I don't want to borrow it." Zhao Shanhe said firmly and indifferently.

"No borrowing?"

Zhou Yongjian was instantly stunned.

How could it not be borrowed?The atmosphere has become like this, shouldn't you say that you will borrow money?Why did you open your mouth and say that you didn't borrow it?If you don't borrow it, how can you ask your grandparents to do business?

"Yes, just don't borrow it. Uncle, I have made it very clear to my aunt about the matter between me and Zhou Angong. I also hope that you can carefully consider this matter."

"It's one thing if I don't borrow money, and I also think that the limestone factory in Huangdashan can't go on. His factory pollutes too much, and there will be accidents sooner or later."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Shanhe, are you really so unfeeling?" Zhou Yongjian asked holding back the anger in his heart.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said unhurriedly: "Uncle, I have already told my aunt what I should say, and I believe she should have told you as well. So there is no need for you to continue here Acting, pretending not to know about it."


When Zhou Yongjian heard this, he knew he couldn't pretend anymore. His face darkened, and he said to Zhao Xiuwu, "Dad, did you hear that too? Zhao Shanhe won't lend money to An Gong, so you don't want to take care of it." ?"

"I care?"

Zhao Xiuwu was already a little annoyed, but now he erupted. He stared into Zhou Yongjian's eyes and asked angrily, "Zhou Yongjian, I want to know what Zhou Angong borrowed this money for? Is it to finance cement?" The factory used it to fight against Shanhe?"


Zhou Yongjian couldn't help but pause.

"It's not like that. This money is only used to help the limestone factory to tide over the difficulties, and it has nothing to do with Zheng Nanrun. I also know that Shanhe and Zheng Nanrun are not dealing with each other. You said I can let An Gong take this Do you want to use the money to fund the enemy? Impossible, Dad, don't think too much about it."

"Impossible? He has done everything, and it is still called impossible? Zhou Yongjian, I don't care about this matter. You tell An Gong not to get involved in this matter. Just do what you should do!"

Zhao Xiuwu sighed, sat on the grand teacher's chair, picked up the dry pipe, struck a match, lit it, and began to smoke.


Zhou Yongjian couldn't help feeling a little flustered now, because the progress of the whole matter had far exceeded his expectations, which caught him off guard.What he can do is to keep calm as much as possible, and then said to Zhao Xiuwu: "Dad, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter, so let's not talk about it for now, I'll go back first."

Saying that, Zhou Yongjian turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Yonghao suddenly said: "Brother-in-law, didn't you come to pick up someone? What's the matter if you leave now? Parents, didn't you just say that you packed it up? Now that it's packed up , then go with brother-in-law and live with him for two days to enjoy the blessings, so that the eldest sister can take good care of you old couple."


Zhou Yongjian, who had just taken two steps, stopped in an instant, with his back to everyone, his eyes gleaming fiercely.But when he turned around, all the fierce lights disappeared in an instant, and his expression became more relaxed.

"Mom and Dad, let's go! The car is waiting outside, so don't delay."

Do you really want to go?

Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi looked at each other, then spoke slowly.

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