Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 653 This pond is too deep

"Brother Zhao, are you interested in cooperating with my brother to make something big?"

Zhang Longdong leaned forward with a mysterious expression.

"Cooperate to make a big one? What do you mean?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"You also heard that Chen Yongxing will die soon. If he dies, Yongxing Department Store will definitely be in panic. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I think as long as you and I work together, we can take the opportunity to eat Yongxing Department Store. A lot of shares. In this way, you and I can join forces to enter Winstar Department Store, what do you think?"

Zhang Longdong's tone brought out a kind of bewilderment.

It turned out to be such a cooperation.

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly.

He is not a philanthropist, and he also knows that Zhang Longdong's words are correct. Killing you while you are sick has always been an eternal truth.He also believed that if he said that he would make a move, he would definitely inflict serious damage on Yongxing Department Store.

But he doesn't have this idea now.

The reason is also very simple, this pool of water is too deep.

A Yongxing Department Store that has been standing in the Eastern Province for many years, even if it is really going to close down, do you think that anyone can come here to share a piece of it?Be careful not to miss the meat in the end, but lose yourself in it.

"Brother Dong, I'm afraid I can't participate in this matter." Zhao Shanhe shook his head.

"Why?" Zhang Longdong asked puzzled.

"Because I invested all the money." Zhao Shanhe shrugged helplessly and spread his hands.

"Did it go out? Where did it go?"

Zhang Longdong was taken aback.

"The development momentum of your three factories is very good now. You should not be short of money. Even if you invest in any project, how much money can you invest in? How did you invest? Do you have no spare money now? I am curious, What project did you invest in? Or did you invest in several projects?"

"Toughened glass!" Zhao Shanhe said slowly.


The moment Zhang Longdong heard this, his whole body felt like an electric shock. He stood up immediately and looked over in disbelief.

"You said it was tempered glass?"

"Yes, it's tempered glass." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"How can you vote for tempered glass? Let me tell you, I am clear about this project, so I can't vote. Anyone who says to vote will definitely be dragged to death."

"The two investors I knew before invested in this, but they lost all their money and are still begging for food. Why did you also invest in this? You should have told me earlier."

Zhang Longdong looked anxious, shook his head and sighed while clicking his lips.

He was really stimulated by Zhao Shanhe's words.

You say you have money in your hand and if you are free, it is only natural that you want to invest in a project for fun.After all, money can only be made by rolling money, but you can't invest blindly like this.

You simply have been going too smoothly all the time, so you are inflated, thinking that you are invincible, and you dare to vote for any project. Now you should be blind.

"Brother Dong, I have already invested in it, so I have no way out in this matter. I can only move forward without hesitation." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.


Zhang Longdong doesn't want Zhao Shanhe to invest in Yongxing Department Store with him now, because he knows that since Zhao Shanhe is investing in this project, he must have no money in his hand.

"Then all I can do is hope that your investment will be successful!"

"Thank you Dong Ge!" Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

Then Zhang Longdong chatted casually with Zhao Shanhe, and then Zhao Shanhe got up to say goodbye and left. As for having dinner together at night, he had already made an appointment with Song Liu, so he said no.

After Zhao Shanhe left, Xiao Qiushui looked at his back and said slowly: "Mr. Zhang, this toughened glass project is a bottomless pit, a big pit. I didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to step into it with one foot. You said, he Is it because Yigao people are bold, or is it really inflated, thinking that all the projects they want will be successful?"

"Yeah, he's really bloated. Just wait and see when he cries."

Zhang Longdong shook his head and sighed, "At first, I was still thinking about whether I could use the funds in his hands to write some articles about Yongxing Department Store, but now it seems that there is no way, we can only rely on ourselves."

"Yeah, I can only rely on myself. But do you think Zhao Shanhe will also go bankrupt? Or even go bankrupt?"

"Who knew that."

Zhang Longdong sighed and turned back.


Silent all night.

the next day.

Zhao Shanhe went back by car, unlike when he came with Guo Kaiduan, there was an extra Cai Shishi when he went back.When seeing Cai Shishi, Guo Kaiduan was a little surprised, not knowing who she was.

After Zhao Shanhe made an introduction for them, Guo Kaiduan showed a surprised expression.

Unexpectedly, during Zhao Shanhe's trip to Zhongzhou City, he even got the secretary.As for whether Cai Shishi is qualified to be a secretary or not, Guo Kaiduan won't care too much, because he knows that a woman who can be favored by Zhao Shanhe must have some ability, otherwise you think Zhao Shanhe invited her back. Is it served as a vase?

"Section Chief Guo, please give me more advice in the future." Cai Shishi said with a charming smile.

"Where, I should say this, and I will ask Secretary Cai to support me a lot in the future." Guo began to laugh.

"I said you two shouldn't give in to each other. Let me tell you something. I went to Dayang Department Store yesterday and found that the promotion of our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea there is very good. I just Thinking about it, our milk tea has already captured the market in Eastern Province, so there is no need to spend all our energy here."

Zhao Shanhe picked up a piece of paper as he spoke.

"Old Guo, here are a few clauses I randomly sorted out last night. Take a look. If there are no problems, you can compile a complete publicity plan based on this."

"I think it's time for our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea to launch a comprehensive promotional strategy to other provinces, and strive to fully capture the sales markets of other provinces in the shortest possible time."


Guo Kaiduan took it and began to ponder.

As the head of the publicity section, he knows better than anyone else that Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea's current sales strategy is to rely on major cities to expand outward, such as Wucheng, and the six cities in Shencheng are the most important frontier positions.But now it seems that Zhao Shanhe is not satisfied with only developing in these six cities, but wants to extend his tentacles to other cities.

This is a good thing.

This shows that Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is about to start its national layout.

And such a layout will directly affect and change the future development strategy of Shanqiu Foods.

Listening to the conversation between Zhao Shanhe and Guo Kaiduan, Cai Shishi sat quietly beside him, never saying a word, faithfully playing the role that a secretary should have.She knew better than anyone else that a secretary couldn't speak casually, otherwise the boss would be bored.

What's more, she is not very familiar with the situation of Shanqiu Food, let alone speak casually.

But listening to the conversation between the two, Cai Shishi suddenly frowned.

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