"Who is this classmate of yours?" Lin Fengzhu asked in a low voice.

"Who is he?"

Seeing Lin Fengzhu's frightened expression now, Ren Qianzhong really wanted to slap her twice.

Are you afraid now?Why weren't you afraid of that just now?

Aren't you arrogant and domineering?Anyone dares to offend and provoke.How could I have a daughter-in-law like you?Hmph, if it didn't mean that your family had some money, you thought I would curry favor with you like this.

"What did you drink when you came in just now?" Ren Qianzhong asked.

"Xiang Piaopiao milk tea!" Lin Fengzhu blurted out without thinking.

"That's his!" Ren Qianzhong said lightly.


Lin Fengzhu was taken aback and was dumbfounded.

"You said Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is his? Isn't he the owner of Shanqiu Foods?"

"Yes, you are quite right. He is not only the owner of Shanqiu Food, he is also the owner of Hetu Manufacturing. He even owns Zhao Xiaobai Winery."

"You said why you insisted on confronting him just now. If I hadn't come in time, what do you think would have happened? Do you think you can confront him with the little money in your family?" Ren Qianzhong said in a cold voice .


Lin Fengzhu was speechless.

"You, please be more restrained in the future, don't always do things regardless."

Ren Qianzhong picked up the bag, turned around and walked back.

"Come on, what are you still doing here?"

Only then did Lin Fengzhu follow up in despair, and looking at Ren Qianzhong's profile, she suddenly said, "Qian Zhong, you said he is so rich, so the matter of our factory can be resolved by asking him?"

"Yeah, I also wanted to talk to him, but who wants to be tossed about by you, what can I say? How can I have the face to say it?" Ren Qianzhong said fiercely.

"What's this!"

Lin Fengzhu waved her hand indifferently.

"It's called not being acquainted without fighting. I still don't believe that Zhao Shanhe would argue with a woman like me. How about this, I will help you with this matter, which can be regarded as paving the way for you. You know, as long as we can Climb up the big tree of Zhaoshan River, and you will be prosperous in the future, don’t you think?”

Ren Qianzhong waved his hand impatiently: "It's up to you!"

"Just watch!" Lin Fengzhu raised her chin and said confidently.


In the president's office of Ocean Department Store.

Zhang Longdong was pouring tea for Zhao Shanhe, and he said with a smile on his face, "Try the new Dahongpao tea I just ordered. Let me tell you, this tea is really rare. You will know it after you try it."

"That's right, it's true that the tea fragrance is rich and lingering."

Zhao Shanhe took the teacup, took a sip slowly and exclaimed.

Zhang Longdong proudly said: "How about it, am I right? In this way, when you leave later, take some with you."

Zhao Shanhe smiled: "This is not very good, is it?"

"What's wrong with that? It's a big deal between our two brothers."

Zhang Longdong glanced at Xiao Qiushui, and said directly: "Go and pack some Dahongpao for my brother Zhao."


While Xiao Qiushui was busy, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Brother Dong, I just checked, and the recent customer traffic of Dayang Department Store is much higher than that of Yongxing Department Store, which means that your recent business is very good. !"

"Congratulations, if you continue like this, you will be able to completely defeat Yongxing Department Store in a few days."

"Ha ha!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Longdong couldn't help laughing, because Zhao Shanhe was right.

Not only today, but in the past two or three months, the passenger flow and transaction volume of Dayang Department Store have been beating Winstar Department Store.

He believes that what he lacks now is an opportunity, as long as this opportunity comes, he can completely defeat Yongxing Department Store.

"I am able to do this because of your brother's credit. If your products are not sold exclusively here, how can I say that I have such good results. How is it? Have you released any new products recently? If so, definitely If you want to sell with me, I promise to give you the best position." Zhang Longdong said.

"It's really confirmed by you, Brother Dong. Shanqiu Foods is developing new products recently. When it is really mass-produced, I will definitely sell them here." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

Surprised and delighted, Zhang Longdong sat up straight: "Really?"

"of course it's true!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "In fact, Shanqiu Food is not only preparing to research new products, but also preparing to put some snacks into production. In this way, Shanqiu Food will become a comprehensive food factory, and it will happen to cooperate with Dongge's Department store docking."

"That would be great!"

Zhang Longdong is well aware of how powerful Zhao Shanhe's products are, and he has also tasted the benefits. If there is such an opportunity, he will definitely not miss it.Perhaps this is the opportunity for him to completely defeat Yongxing Department Store!

"By the way, have you heard? A major event happened in Yongxing Department Store recently." Zhang Longdong suddenly lowered his voice and asked.

"What's the big deal?"

"It's the Dinghaishenzhen of Yongxing Department Store. The old man of the Chen family, Chen Yongxing, is hospitalized. It is reported that he may not be able to survive this time, and may leave at any time." Zhang Longdong said.


Zhao Shanhe was stunned on the spot, he really didn't know about it.

Not to mention Chen Yongxing was hospitalized due to illness, he might die at any time?This is too fake, right?

If he is really dead, who else in Yongxing Department Store can be Zhang Longdong's opponent?

Chen Jinzhang's treatment in the United States was beyond his reach.Chen Jinjun wasn't the material to be a CEO at all, they couldn't do it, so could they still count on Chen Xingyu?


In the entire Chen family, from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, there was no one who could wrestle with Zhang Longdong.

"Brother Dong, is your news reliable?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Of course it's reliable!"

Zhang Longdong nodded and said seriously: "You can joke about anything, can this kind of thing? Let me tell you, although this matter is still in the confidential stage, everyone who should know knows it."

"Everyone is waiting for the old fox Chen Yongxing to die. As long as he dies, just wait and see. I don't need to do anything. The factions of Yongxing Department Store alone can kill this company."

"This is really the impermanence of life!" Zhao Shanhe said with emotion.

For Zhao Shanhe, what happened to Chen Yongxing was just emotion, and it was impossible to have any other emotions.He has never met Chen Yongxing, so Chen Yongxing's life or death is indifferent to Zhao Shanhe.

What's more, strictly speaking, your Chen family is targeting me. Under such circumstances, I can only be happy if your side is weakened.

I'm not a philanthropist, so there's no need to be sentimental about your affairs here.

And I think, since Zhang Longdong told me about this, there must be a conspiracy.At the very least, he wanted to tell me that in the future department store industry, Ocean Department Store will monopolize this industry and become No.1.In this way, our two companies will be even more invincible when we cooperate in the future.

This is a good thing.

Zhao Shanhe is happy to see it.

It's just that he never thought that what Zhang Longdong said next would be so shocking.

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