Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 654 They're all cowards!Bitch!Fool!

"Master, do you have anything to say?" Zhao Shanhe looked over.


Cai Shishi pondered and said, "Director Zhao, I think one of the sales strategies you mentioned to Section Chief Guo just now needs to be supplemented."

"Which one?"

Both of them looked over curiously.

"foreign trade!"

Cai Shishi said in a deep voice: "I think our sales strategy should not be limited to the domestic market. Although our domestic market is huge, if there is a chance to earn money from foreigners, why not? You think so? "

"Also, when I was in the United States, I also saw Yile chewing gum. This shows that you have already started to plan for foreign markets, but I don't know how big this plan is? Is the foreign market a key point for the development of our Shanqiu Foods? ?”

"If it's really the key point, I think we can rely on Yile chewing gum to form a stable sales chain in foreign markets, so that our products can be exported continuously through this sales chain."

Speaking of this, Cai Shishi unconsciously showed a kind of arrogance between his brows.

"I have eaten Yile chewing gum, and it is not weaker than the Green Arrow of the United States. Since we can drive the Green Arrow away from our country, why can't we go to the United States to develop the market?"

"you're right!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Yile chewing gum has indeed started to be sold in the United States, but because of various conditions, the focus on this sales is relatively light.

"However, Shishi, since you have joined our team, you have to take care of the overseas market. At the very least, you have to sort out a complete sales plan for me, and I'll talk about it after I read it. "


Master Cai said excitedly.

She didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to give her such trust just on the first day of work.She is not afraid of doing things now, what she is afraid of is that there is nothing to do.Only by doing things non-stop can she continuously accumulate experience and fully demonstrate her self-worth in Zhao Shanhe's team.


Hearing Cai Shishi's words, Guo began to admire secretly.At first, he thought that Zhao Shanhe recruited Cai Shishi because of her beauty, but now it seems that's not the case at all.

Cai Shishi is not a vase, but a truly talented woman.

It is worth celebrating to have such a woman as Zhao Shanhe's secretary!

"Let's continue to talk about the national sales strategy."



Nanjue County Cement Plant.

Zheng Nanrun is in dire straits now. He never dreamed that such a tricky thing would happen to him, and now it has intensified, which has seriously threatened his status.

"Mr. Zheng, you have to think of a way now!"

"What I'm talking about is that those cement factories seemed to be crazy, and they declared war on us in unison."

"The most terrible thing is that news. Now that it is exposed, not to mention those partners who have not signed a contract, even those who have signed a contract, have already started clamoring to return the order!"


Thinking of that news, Zheng Nanyun became more and more annoyed.

That news has been echoing in his mind for the past two days, and he couldn't help but feel angry when he thought of it.

"Who Is Waving the Banner of Inferior Cement? "

It is this news that directly targets the Nanjue County Cement Plant. That’s not to mention that the whole article does not use gorgeous rhetoric to criticize at all, but only uses the most plain words to describe it from beginning to end.It is described that Zheng Nanrun's cement has various quality problems. Compared with cement from other factories, the problems are extremely serious.

The most shocking event!

It is the most irrefutable evidence!

Everyone was blown away after seeing the news. They didn't expect that the cement factory they had always trusted would be like this. Zheng Nanrun would use all means to reduce costs in order to make money, and would do everything possible to lower the quality of cement.

Such people should be severely punished by the law.

And how could the directors of several cement factories who had launched an attack on Zheng Nanrun say that they let go of such a good opportunity, and secretly fanned the flames one by one, pushing this public opinion to a peak.

In just three or four days, the cement of Nanjue County Cement Plant was in trouble.

Order returned!

The factory can't stop yet, and it is still producing cement continuously, so that a large amount of cement is piled up.The more you pile up, the more you can't sell them. It's all about money!

"Shut up for me!"

Zheng Nanrun felt distraught when he heard their voices, each of them was usually very arrogant, and looked down on everyone outside, but now when things happen, they all become like this, everyone counts on not on.

What use do I want you to be!

You are all cowards!Bitch!Fool!

Zheng Nanrun's eyebrows were squeezed together, he waved his hand impatiently, and said weakly: "Get out!"

Several people left in a hurry.

A few minutes later, amid Zheng Nanrun's irritability, Zhou Angong knocked on the door and walked in.After seeing Zhou Angong, Zheng Nanrun's complexion did not improve at all, but looked over gloomyly.

After realizing that Zheng Nanrun's expression was not right, Zhou Angong suppressed the panic in his heart and said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng, I'll ask you to sign."

"Sign? What do you sign?"

Zheng Nanyun scolded angrily.

"This is it!"

Zhou Angong hurriedly handed over the document in his hand.

"It's time to settle the limestone that our factory provided you. I was thinking of asking you to sign it so that I can go to the financial department to settle the payment. See if you are free now. Can you sign it for me?"

Zhou Angong said with a smile.

"Sign? Checkout?"

After Zheng Nanrun glanced at the numbers, his eyelids twitched rapidly, and he clapped the documents and patted them on the table on the spot.

He said angrily: "I said Zhou Angong, don't you think this is too much? Are you really stupid or fake? Don't you know the current situation of the cement factory? The workers in our factory can't pay their wages. You still asked me to settle the settlement for you, what should I do to settle it for you?"

"But the workers in our factory have to live, Mr. Zheng, please help." Zhou Angong said humbly.

"Not now, let's talk about it in a few days!"

Zheng Nanrun's face was livid, and his attitude was firm.

"Boss Zheng!"

Before Zhou Angong finished speaking, Zheng Nanrun grabbed the document and threw it into his arms, shouting loudly, "Get out!"

Zheng Nanrun is not in a good mood when he sees Zhou Angong now. Originally, when Huang Dashan asked Zhou Angong to work here, he was very happy.

Because he knows that Zhou Angong is Zhao Shanhe's cousin, he has no way to defeat Zhao Shanhe, but the thought of being able to use this cousin Zhou Angong to do things can be regarded as finding some sense of superiority in disguise.

But this sense of superiority can't be eaten, I'm almost dying of worry now, does it matter whose cousin you are?

What's more, you still come to ask for money!

If you want money or not, I will not give it to you if you want to die!

Feeling the tense atmosphere in the office, Zhou Angong turned around and walked out with the documents in hand. When he reached the door, he suddenly paused and turned around slowly to speak.

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