The woman in front of her was wearing a black down jacket and a pair of white sneakers on her feet. She was painted with makeup and powder, and she exuded a strong smell of perfume.

She ignored the bags that fell all over the floor, and looked at Zhao Shanhe with cold eyes.

"What do you look at, don't hurry to lose money!"

Lose money?

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the woman, slowly picked up his bag from the ground, and while carrying it casually, said in a calm tone: "Did you make a mistake? You hit me, and I haven't held you accountable yet." , you are yelling here instead. Besides, when did I step on your shoes? Did I step on that black spot on your shoes?"

"It's you!"

The woman ignored it, put her hips on her hips, pointed at Zhao Shanhe's nose, and shouted savagely: "Don't try to run away, I tell you, you have to apologize if you step on someone."


Zhao Shanhe snorted coldly and was about to walk out.

"You still dare to leave? Let me tell you, if you don't lose money today, don't even think about going anywhere! Husband, come quickly, someone is bullying me!" The woman stood in front and shouted towards the outside.

After such a short time, some spectators had already gathered around.

Amidst the pointing of the group of people, a man in casual clothes ran over panting, and just stopped, he said to the woman: "Daughter-in-law, didn't you tell me to wait for me? You walked so fast What are you doing?"

"Don't talk nonsense, someone stepped on me but didn't lose money, you should settle this matter quickly." The woman shouted impatiently.

"Really? Let me see who dares to provoke my daughter-in-law."

The man looked forward as he spoke, and when he saw who was standing in front of him, he froze on the spot.After wiping his eyes vigorously to make sure he was not mistaken, he shouted in surprise: "Zhao Shanhe, is it you?"

"It's just me, Ren Qianzhong, long time no see, don't come here without any problems!" Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

Ren Qianhe?

That's right, the man who came out suddenly was Zhao Shanhe's classmate Ren Qianzhong, the one who ran a cloth factory at home.I went shopping with my daughter-in-law Lin Fengzhu today, who would have thought that this would happen.

"Daughter-in-law, this is my classmate, forget it!" Ren Qian said, pulling Lin Fengzhu's arm again.

"It's really bad luck!"

Hearing this, Lin Fengzhu glanced at Zhao Shanhe, and said with a disgusted expression: "I said Ren Qianzhong, you said you are some kind of classmates, the quality is too low! Forget it, since you say so, then this is nothing Well, I'm unlucky! But you have to pay me another pair of sneakers, otherwise, I won't forgive you."

"Okay, baby, I'll buy you another pair right away!"

Ren Qianzhong chuckled, and then said to Zhao Shanhe: "Shanhe, this matter depends on my face!"


Zhao Shanhe originally wanted to argue with Lin Fengzhu, but when he heard Ren Qianzhong say this and saw him blinking at him, he shook his head indifferently, and after exhaling foul breath, he thought to forget it. Ren Qianzhong was like this, so there was no need to argue with Lin Fengzhu anymore.

"Then forget it!"

Zhao Shanhe walked out with his clothes bag in hand.

"Shanhe, since we met, let's find a place to rest for a while? I happen to have something to tell you."

"What do you say, is there anything more important than shopping with me? Let me tell you Ren Qianzhong, don't even think about going anywhere today, just go shopping with me. If you dare to go, I will go to my shop." Complain to Dad!" Lin Fengzhu said arrogantly, pouted.


Ren Qianzhong watched silently.

"Forget it, you'd better go shopping with her!"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Ren Qianzhong with deep sympathy, and walked forward.As far as Lin Fengzhu's current performance is concerned, she is vividly interpreting the famous saying that only women and villains are difficult to raise.

It would be bad luck for Ren Qian to have such a daughter-in-law again.

"Brother Zhao, where are you going?"

Who would have thought that at this moment, a voice full of air suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the voice, and when they saw who was calling Zhao Shanhe, the people from Dayang Department Store were stunned for a moment, and Ren Qianzhong's expression was also dull.

It turned out to be Zhang Longdong.

That's right, the one who called Zhao Shanhe was Zhang Longdong, the owner of Dayang Department Store, and beside him was his secretary Xiao Qiushui.

In addition to the two of them, several other high-level executives from Ocean Department Store followed.They are usually aloof, but now they look at Zhao Shanhe with respect.

Well, if you want to leave now, you can't.

Zhao Shanhe could only turn around helplessly, shrugged casually at Zhang Longdong who was approaching, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, long time no see, don't come here!"


These words were harsh to Ren Qianzhong's ears!

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Longdong opened his arms, hugged Zhao Shanhe fiercely, and said with a hearty smile: "You said that you have come all the time, so why don't you notify me, so that I can show that I am an older brother."

"Mr. Zhang, do we still use such politeness? That doesn't seem natural." Zhao Shanhe said.

"You're welcome, you still call me Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Longdong showed displeasure, patted Zhao Shanhe on the shoulder, and complained, "Brother!"


"That's right." Zhang Longdong couldn't help but smile when Zhao Shanhe changed his words obediently.

He glanced at the big bag and small bag that Zhao Shanhe was carrying, and said to Xiao Qiushui: "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and take it, I'll go chat with brother Zhao."


Xiao Qiushui immediately took the bag from Zhao Shanhe's hand.

"It's okay, it's not sinking, I can just carry it."

After Zhao Shanhe rejected Xiao Qiushui with a smile, he asked, "Brother Dong, how do you know I'm here?"

"How did I know you were here? I was in a meeting, and then I heard that there was trouble here, so I hurried out to have a look. Who wants to see you, brother, but didn't it mean that there was trouble here? What do you mean? Yes Are you making trouble with my brother Zhao?" Zhang Longdong glanced at Ren Qianzhong with a dignified expression.

He had a playful smile to Zhao Shanhe, but in their eyes before taking office, he was like a high mountain with majestic momentum.

"No, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Ren Qianzhong hurriedly shook his hands to explain. Feeling Zhang Longdong's strong aura rushing toward his face, he quickly pointed to Zhao Shanhe and said, "Shanhe is my classmate. What happened just now was just a misunderstanding. Mr. Zhang, don't worry about it."

"Student?" Zhang Longdong looked over suspiciously.

"Yes, he is indeed my classmate. What happened just now was a misunderstanding, and I have already explained it clearly." Zhao Shanhe said lightly when he met Ren Qian's re-reading eyes with some longing eyes.

"It's best to misunderstand."

Zhang Longdong is a fine character, how can he not see that there is something tricky in it, but since Zhao Shanhe has said so, he doesn't bother to care about it.

He stepped aside and said, "Come on, Brother Zhao, let's go to my office and have some tea."

Zhao Shanhe readily agreed: "Okay!"

The two started to walk forward.

Xiao Qiushui and the others followed suit.

And Lin Fengzhu here is already stupid.

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