Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 650 With contrast, it has more advantages

"Don't tell me!"

Seeing this scene, Uncle Li hurried forward, stopped Chen Jinjun, winked at Chen Xingyu and said, "Young Master, why don't you confess your mistake quickly, what are you doing?"


Chen Xingyu was also frightened by Chen Jinjun's posture and quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Seeing that his attitude was quite sincere, Chen Jinjun put down his teacup and asked angrily, "Tell me about you, what did you ask you to go to the United States for? Did you ask you to pick up girls? You even You can do such stupid things, do you think your head was kicked by a donkey?"

"I didn't think about it that much at the time." Chen Xingyu muttered softly.

"I haven't thought about it that much? Do you need to think about it? What would you do if someone interfered with the personnel appointment of our Yongxing Department Store?" Chen Jinjun shouted angrily with a livid face.

"Me!" Chen Xingyu was dumbfounded.

"You useless thing, get the hell out of here. Go home and face the wall and think about it. If I know you dare to go out again, be careful that I will break your leg!" Chen Jinjun pointed at the door angrily.


Chen Xingyu also knew that the trouble he caused this time was a bit serious, so he didn't dare to say anything more, so he walked out in desperation.It's just that when the door closed, he gritted his teeth and showed a fierce expression on his face.

"Zhao Shanhe, it's all because you broke me, I can't finish with you!"

Inside the office.

"Master, don't be angry with the young master, he doesn't think too much about it." Uncle Li said comfortingly.

"Why don't you think so much!"

Chen Jinjun said with a dark face: "Uncle Li, you are aware of the situation, it is Donghua Trading. Let alone our Yongxing Department Store, look at the entire Eastern Province, how many people dare to provoke Song Liu? Even if there are , our Yongxing Department Store is not among them. You said that this little bastard dared to do such a thing, what should I do?"

"You didn't hear Song Liu's tone of voice, I'm going crazy!"

"Then what should we do about this?" Uncle Li asked.

"What else can I do? Come to the door and apologize."

When Chen Jinjun thought of this, he couldn't help his scalp numb. He sighed and leaned back on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and rubbed his temples vigorously with both hands.

Song Liu, that's a gold-swallowing beast that can't get enough to eat, I'm going to bleed profusely this time!


Ocean department store.

After Zhao Shanhe walked in here, he wandered casually. He didn't say hello to Zhang Longdong before he came here, because he just wanted to buy two clothes for Li Qiuya, and check the sales of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea by the way.If it is said to contact Zhang Longdong again, it would be a bit of a fuss.

And when he came over, it happened that Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea was doing an activity.

The majestic booth, the beautiful sales lady, and the strong smell of milk tea in the air attracted all the people who came in for a while.

"Let's go buy a cup of milk tea, too."

"Which one do you want to drink?"

"What do you mean? I only drink the fragrant ones, I don't drink other ones."


From another family?

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly after hearing this, what do you mean?Could it be that besides my Xiang Piaopiao, there are other businesses selling milk tea here?He walked forward and soon saw other brands of milk tea on the shelf.

There really is!

And more than one!

As far as he could see, Zhao Shanhe saw three brands of milk tea on sale.

Although basically no one came to buy these three brands of milk tea, most people came here for the fragrant milk tea.But after all, people will come to look at it from time to time, after all, the price of these milk teas is very low.

"Director Zhao!"

Just when Zhao Shanhe was thinking about this, a surprise shout came from beside him. He turned his head and found that the person who greeted him was actually Cui Ying.

"Cui Ying, why are you here?"

Cui Ying is Cui Huan's younger sister and the girlfriend of Li Xiangdong's younger brother Li Xiangdong.No, it should be called fiancee now, because the two have reached the point where they are talking about marriage.Li Xiangyang said before that the two of them planned to get married next year.

Zhao Shanhe knew that Cui Ying worked at Shanqiu Food, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

"I'll be in charge of the promotion of our Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea."

Cui Ying pointed to the booth not far away and said with a smile: "Have you seen it? Many people are tasting our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, and anyone who tastes it will buy it."

"You did a great job."

Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly, then pointed to the three brands of milk tea on the shelf in front of him and asked, "Do you know about this?"


Cui Ying glanced at the three brands of milk tea, nodded and said, "I know about this, it was deliberately arranged by Dayang Department Store."

"Deliberate arrangement?"

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"I heard people from Dayang Department Store say that they did not do this to reduce our milk tea market. On the contrary, putting these brands of milk tea here will not only not affect us, but will help us speed up sales. Because only By contrast, our milk tea can be set off better and more advantageous." Cui Ying said.

It turned out to be the case.

Zhao Shanhe instantly understood.

If you say that, it seems that there is some truth in what you say.

After all, no matter what kind of milk tea it is, as long as it's paired with Xiang Piaopiao, it's useless.

Xiangpiaopiao milk tea was developed by Zhao Shanhe and Xiao Mingyu after a lot of time and effort, if it can be defeated by the one you casually fiddle with, then how can it be possible.

"Are you sure this will not affect our market share?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Probably not."

When Cui Ying was questioned like this, she didn't dare to speak with certainty like just now.

"I also heard this from people from Dayang Department Store, and this kind of sales strategy has just been launched. The milk tea of ​​these brands has not been on the market for even a week, so I don't know if they are selling well or not."

"In this case……"

After pondering for a while, Zhao Shanhe said: "You will keep an eye on this matter in the future. If you say that the sales of these three brands of milk tea are better than ours, you must report it as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Cui Ying quickly agreed.

"That's all right, you continue to promote, and I won't bother you." Zhao Shanhe was about to leave after saying that.

"Director Zhao, why don't you go over and say hello to our people?" Cui Ying asked in surprise.

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand casually: "No, they are all busy, so don't make trouble."

"it is good!"

After Zhao Shanhe left here, he walked into the women's clothing section. He didn't plan how to choose, whichever was more expensive and which was pleasing to the eye, he would just swipe his card and leave with his bag.

Twenty minutes later, Zhao Shanhe was ready to leave with some clothes.

Who would have thought that just as he was about to leave, he was hit by a woman who suddenly broke into the store, and all the bags in his hand fell to the ground by surprise.

He hasn't said anything yet, but the woman has already shouted at the top of her voice.

"Ah, who is so blind and dares to bump into me!"

"My shoes are all dirty!"

"Losing money! Must lose money!"

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