Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 645 Really Understand?Tell me

"Now are you happy?"

"Chen Lifeng, Chen Lifeng, I really don't know what you're thinking. Do you have to mess with this to be satisfied?"

"Do you know how long it has been since our cable factory paid full wages? Do you know that the 50 yuan is going to be used to pay all workers the wages they owe?"

Xu Weidong pointed at Chen Lifeng's nose and shouted in pain.

"It's all right now, you made things like this, and Zhao Shanhe didn't buy it anymore, so tell yourself, how do you clean up this mess?"

"Even if Zhao Shanhe doesn't buy it, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to sell it to someone else. No matter how ten trucks can be sold for more than 50, let me say, these ten trucks cost at least 80." Chen Lifeng said sternly.


Xu Weidong laughed back in anger.

"Okay, that's what you said. From now on, you'll be responsible for this matter. I'll give you a week to sell all these ten trucks. Listen, you just now The said 80, then sell according to this figure! If you sell less than 80, you will make up for me by how much is short!"

After saying this, Xu Weidong turned his head and left.

What was left behind was Chen Lifeng who was full of astonishment.

He was completely dumbfounded.


I just said casually just now, how could it be possible to sell 80?Let alone 80, is it enough that these ten trucks can be sold for 50?Xu Weidong, how dare you dig a hole for me!


The tiger head running outside the cable factory.

Zhao Shankai looked over with a puzzled face.

"Director, aren't we going to buy these ten trucks? Why didn't you buy them later?"

"Shan Kai, what do you think is the reason why I didn't buy it?" Zhao Shanhe didn't answer directly, but wanted to cultivate Zhao Shankai, so he asked him out loud.

"The reason I can think of is that Chen Lifeng, the deputy director of the cable factory, meddled indiscriminately. Because of his meddling, you said that you didn't buy it in order to avoid future troubles."

Zhao Shankai rubbed his head and smiled mischievously.

"But I have a vague feeling that it's not because of this reason, at least not entirely."

"Okay, I know I have thought about the problem, not bad. In fact, you are right. I will refuse to buy. Chen Lifeng's random intervention is indeed one of the reasons."

"What do you think we bought a car for? Isn't it just for transportation without any worries in the future? If it means that we know that there will be endless troubles, we still have to buy it because we want to be so cheap. This approach is not advisable."

"You need to know that cheap goods are not good. We can't just look for trouble and cause trouble for ourselves, so if we can avoid it, we should try our best to avoid it."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said the first reason.

Zhao Shankai listened thoughtfully.

"Any more?"

"Of course there is."

Zhao Shanhe looked over meaningfully and asked, "Shan Kai, why do you think we wanted to buy these ten trucks? Is it really just to covet the cheapness of these trucks?"

"Of course not! Although they are said to be cheap, they are not so cheap that they are very attractive to us. The most important reason we will buy them is to completely cut off the opportunity for the cable factory to continue to engage in transportation."

When Zhao Shankai said this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh! I see!"

"Do you really understand? Tell me!" Zhao Shanhe showed a childish smile.

"Yes, that's what I think. Our goal was to cut off the opportunity for the cable factory to compete with us in transportation. Now their transportation team is obviously failing, and it is impossible to continue to carry out transportation."

"Since this is the case, it would be best for us to buy out their trucks if we have a chance. Even if we can't, it doesn't matter. After all, transportation depends on people, not cars. People have no fighting spirit. What's the use of just having a few cars? ?”

After Zhao Shankai finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Shanhe expectantly, waiting for his comment.

"You've finally figured it out. That's right, people have no fighting spirit, so what if they have a car? It's best if you can buy it. If you can't, we don't have to worry about getting angry."

"And with the current situation of the cable factory, I think it's better for us not to get involved. After all, they are fighting so fiercely. Be careful that we will also be pulled into the pit."

Zhao Shanhe pointedly explained the mystery.

Zhao Shankai was overwhelmed with admiration, nodded and said, "I know how to do it."

"As far as these ten trucks are concerned, it's best for their cable factory to sell them. If they can't sell them, I'll find you again. Listen, there are [-] second-hand cars, and none of the third-hand or fourth-hand cars. That is to say, they can get [-] at most. Six." Zhao Shanhe ordered.


Zhao Shankai immediately understood.

After the two finished talking about it, Zhao Shankai suddenly hesitated.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Zhao Shanhe glanced at him and asked gently.

"Brother, I also know about Zhou Angong, don't be angry for him, it's not worth it." Zhao Shankai said.

"You little brat, I know this matter well, you don't need to worry about it. And tell my third uncle, we brothers can solve this matter, don't let him follow my father to make trouble." Zhao Shanhe said lightly Smiled, then reminded.


Zhao Shankai nodded and agreed, but he still insisted on saying: "This Zhou Angong is really a capricious villain."

"And our sister-in-law, Huang Yingying, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She knows that we have a problem with Zheng Nanrun from the cement factory, but she insists on helping with such a pole. It's really dishonest. I don't know how close we are."

"Let's leave it at that."

Zhao Shanhe smiled noncommittally.


Two days later.

Zhao Shanhe took Guo Kaiduan, the head of the publicity department, to Zhongzhou City. He was going to meet Song Liu of Donghua Trading. He wanted to purchase a batch of tempered glass production equipment from Song Liu.After all, only Song Liu could get equipment like this, not to mention that the two also had a very close cooperative relationship and believed in each other's reputation.

As for bringing Guo Kaiduan, it was purely because Zhao Shanhe wanted him to go home by the way, otherwise his wife would be in a hurry.

"Is Teacher Fan busy recently?" Zhao Shanhe asked while flipping through the documents on his lap.


Guo began to think about what Fan Yuzhen said before, so he said with a smile: "She is helping Chen Xiao record a song recently, and she said that there is a song that is especially suitable for Chen Xiao to sing."

"She also asked me to ask you, have you ever thought about releasing an album for Chen Xiao while the iron is hot? In this way, not only will Chen Xiao's reputation be established, but it will also help the sales of our Xiang Piaopiao milk tea."

"Is there an album coming out?"

Zhao Shanhe pondered for a while, this is not to say that it cannot be done, after all, album sales are still very important in this era.A good sales performance will directly determine the popularity of a star.

Moreover, if an album is released, Chen Xiao's reputation will also increase, which will also benefit his future arrangements.

However, compared with releasing an album, an idea suddenly popped up in Zhao Shanhe's mind.

"Perhaps it's time to arrange this."

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