Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 646 This Risk Is Worthwhile

"In this way, I will personally talk to Teacher Fan about the album. But before that, you can tell her when you get home. I agree with the album. If she says there are suitable songs, you can Reserve it for Chen Xiao."

Zhao Shanhe quickly made up his mind.

It seems that I have to contact Zhang Jing recently, and it is time for him to prepare for the filming of that TV series.

"it is good!"


Donghua Trading.

Zhao Shanhe soon met Song Liu. You must know that Zhao Shanhe was firmly at the top of Donghua Trading's list.A benefactor who has never been in debt, and often asks them to buy equipment and send them money, who can't take good care of him?

Even Song Liu called him brother and brother when they saw him.

"Brother Zhao, I said you didn't make it clear on the phone, you just said you want a batch of equipment, and you have to tell me in person, what kind of equipment is so mysterious?"

Song Liu walked to the front of the wine cabinet, opened a bottle of red wine, poured two glasses, handed Zhao Shanhe a glass, and sat across from him with a glass, smiling all over his face.

"I said you don't want me to buy you something you can't buy, do you?"

"Look at what you said, am I that kind of person?"

Zhao Shanhe stroked the goblet, smiled speechlessly, then took out a piece of paper from his bag and handed it over: "This is the list of equipment I want to buy, take a look."

Song Liu took it in his hand, and after a brief glance, an incredulous expression appeared on his face.

"Toughened glass? You actually want to produce tempered glass equipment? I said Brother Zhao, you are not going to tell me that you are going to study tempered glass now, right?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said as a matter of course: "I'm just researching tempered glass. As soon as I research it, I'm going to mass-produce it. Mr. Song, what does your expression mean? Do you think I shouldn't research it?"

"It's not that I shouldn't, I just think you are too...too bold! It's crazy!"

Song Liu paused and said, "Tell me, how did you come up with the idea of ​​developing tempered glass? You must know that this stuff costs a lot of money. And the key point is, even if you burn a lot of money, you may not be able to research it. "

"You need to know how stable your business is now. Whether it's Shanqiu Foods, Hetu Manufacturing, or even Zhao Xiaobai Winery, you're earning money every day, so why take the risk? What about this kind of unsure research?"

"Anyway, if I were you, I wouldn't be so hasty!"

"Are you adventurous?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Mr. Song, it is indeed a bit of a risk for me to do this, but I think this risk is worthwhile. If the tempered glass project can be done well, it will be good not only for me, but also for our entire country. ,Am I right?"

"Well, it's true."

Song Liu nodded in approval.

"Our country has made some achievements in the field of tempered glass research and development, but when it comes to factories like yours, it is still weak, and there is no way to compare with foreign countries. If nothing else, just say that I returned to Beijing some time ago. , a buddy's Mercedes-Benz windshield is broken. Guess how much it costs?"

"Stop talking eight or nine thousand!" Zhao Shanhe said calmly, taking a sip of red wine.

"Eight or nine thousand?"

Song Liu shook his head solemnly, and raised two fingers.

"Twenty thousand!"

"A total of [-] yuan was spent like this, just for a piece of front windshield. I'm not afraid to tell you that this can only be replaced by entrusting someone. If you follow the normal procedure, just wait and see!"

"So if you can really develop it and put it into production, it will definitely be good for the overall development of our country. But again, I think your steps are a bit risky. Let's do this. If it can be done, everyone will be happy, but If it fails, I'm afraid you will have to lose all the money earned by these factories."

"President Song, I have already decided on this matter, and I must do it! So don't persuade me, and I will do it if you persuade me!" Zhao Shanhe did not continue to discuss this topic.

"Okay, since you have made up your mind, I won't persuade you."

Song Liu raised the list.

"I will get the equipment you want as soon as possible, and then send it over. I will wait here for the good news of your success."

"it is good!"

After the two spoke a few more words, Zhao Shanhe stood up and said goodbye.According to Song Liu's idea, he was going to invite Zhao Shanhe to dinner, but what he didn't expect was that the plan couldn't keep up with the change. There was an emergency on his side, and he had to go there to solve it himself, so it could only be next time Besides.

The two walked out of the office.

Just when he was about to separate, Zhao Shanhe suddenly heard a quarrel, followed the sound, his eyes lit up.

"is her!"

Just in front of a conference room not far away, two people were arguing, and a few people were standing beside them watching the fun.

The two sides in the dispute, on the left is a man in a suit and leather shoes. He is the section chief in charge of interviews for the personnel recruitment of Donghua Trading, and his name is Fan Huaqiang.

On the right is a girl in a dress with a disgruntled face.

She held her resume in her hand and looked sullen.

And she turned out to be the Cai Shishi who met Zhao Shanhe on the plane and was rescued by the hero Zhao Shanhe.

"What? Do you know her?" Song Liu looked at the meeting room, then at Zhao Shanhe, and asked curiously.

"I know you, Mr. Song, is Donghua recruiting people?" Zhao Shanhe asked casually.

"Yes, recently, because the business has developed rapidly, I want to recruit two who can speak English. Since you know her, I will take the decision and accept it!" Song Liu said with a smile.

For him, arranging a woman like Cai Shishi is very simple, it's just a matter of little effort.

What's more, Zhao Shanhe was also involved in it.

Then he will do more.

"President Song, no need." Zhao Shanhe shook his head.


Unexpectedly, just after Song Liu finished speaking, an embarrassing scene happened.

Cai Shishi directly raised his resume, and said to Fan Huaqiang without hesitation, "I never thought that you Donghua Trading would be so dishonorable."

"Okay, since you can even find such a reason, then I am convinced. I don't want to come to your Donghua business, right? But I advise you, if you Donghua business are all people like you , if everyone recruits like you, it will be over sooner or later!"

After speaking, Cai Shishi turned his head and left, walking resolutely and without delay.

What was left behind was Fan Huaqiang with a sluggish face, until he saw Cai Shishi's back disappearing from his eyes, he shouted angrily: "Get out, get out as far as possible. For a person like you, even if you are kneeling and begging me to accept you I won’t accept you! Why don’t you come in with your resumes and wait for me to invite you?”

"Yes Yes!"

Several men who were waiting for the interview stood up quickly, but what they said immediately stunned Fan Huaqiang on the spot.

After Song Liu heard these words, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Shanhe looked at it thoughtfully.

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