Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 644 What Can I Do Now?

"Mr. Xu, why don't we discuss our matter at another time."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe was about to get up and leave.

"Director Zhao, stop!"

When Xu Weidong saw that Zhao Shanhe was about to leave like this, he hurriedly yelled to stop, and said anxiously: "It's okay, I can solve this matter, don't worry, we can continue to sign the contract."

"Are you sure?" Zhao Shanhe looked playfully.

"Very sure!"

Xu Weidong stared at the middle-aged man who questioned just now, and said indifferently: "Chen Lifeng, what do you mean? We have discussed this matter in advance, and you also voted for it. Why are you going to sign a contract now, but you backtracked? What are you trying to do?"

"What do I want to do?"

Chen Lifeng stood up suddenly, looked directly into Xu Weidong's eyes, and said angrily: "Xu Weidong, do you know how much we bought those trucks? Even if they are second-hand now, they can't be sold at such a low price, right? You are so confused I don't agree with selling those cars, I don't think this matter should be so hasty."

"You are bullshitting!"

Xu Weidong slammed the table and stood up.

He was really angry.

This Chen Lifeng usually confronted him in the factory, so how could he dare to disobey him like this on this occasion.Didn't you make Zhao Shanhe a joke by doing this?

Besides, is 50 yuan for ten cars really a cheap sale?You and I both know that this price is very good.If it is said to be sold to others, it will not even be sold at this price.

Chen Lifeng, are you brazenly provoking me because you are the deputy director of the factory?

"Chen Lifeng, if you have any comments, let's talk about it in private later. I must sign this contract today." Xu Weidong said solemnly.

"Are you sure?" Chen Lifeng narrowed his eyes slightly and asked calmly.


"Okay, then you can sign, but there is something I want to say first, as long as you dare to sign today, all the consequences caused by this matter in the future will be borne by you alone!" Chen Lifeng said.

"All the consequences? Are you threatening me?"

Xu Weidong's expression was gloomy.

"Threat? I'm just expressing my personal opinion, what? Are you, Xu Weidong, so arrogant and domineering that you want to set up a talk hall in the cable factory? Am I not even qualified to speak?"

Chen Lifeng scanned the audience, ignored Xu Weidong's angry eyes, and said slowly: "You all have seen that I have different opinions on this matter. I think Xu Weidong is selling our state-owned assets at a low price. If we say in the future If anything happens, he will be responsible for it to the end!"


Xu Weidong was really about to go mad.

Seeing such a situation, Zhao Shanhe calmly watched their performance calmly.

Is it really cheap?

Certainly not, the price given by these ten trucks is quite fair, and there are only two possibilities for this scene.

One is that Xu Weidong deliberately directed and acted on his own, in order to let himself see how difficult it is for him to sell the car.One is that this matter is true, this Chen Lifeng is really dissatisfied with Xu Weidong, so he took the opportunity to make trouble.

If the former, it should be unlikely.

Xu Weidong didn't have a deep relationship with himself, he was purely a buyer and a seller, and what he did was a one-shot deal, so he didn't need to play a bitter drama in front of his own face.And if it wasn't for this reason, it was the second.

Xu Weidong was really provoked by Chen Lifeng.

This shows that Xu Weidong's right to speak in the cable factory has begun to waver, and his prestige has declined.If he says that he can't do this today, it may be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the cable factory in the future.

But looking at this scene, Zhao Shanhe didn't care.

After all, he was an outsider.How fierce the power struggle within your cable factory has nothing to do with me, I just came here to buy a car.

"Director Zhao, let's sign the contract!"

Xu Weidong took a deep look at Chen Lifeng and said solemnly.

"Are you sure it's okay this time? Can you sign the contract?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Yes!" Xu Weidong said.

"But I don't want to sign!"

Zhao Shanhe put the pen directly on the table and stood up indifferently.

Xu Weidong was dumbfounded.

Chen Lifeng was also momentarily stunned.

All the senior executives of the cable factory showed expressions of astonishment.

What's the meaning?Zhao Shanhe refused?Didn't he say he wanted to buy a car?Now that we are about to sell, why did you come up with such a trick?Are you seeing our internal strife and wanting to sit back and bargain?I tell you, if you think so, you are wrong, we will never give in.

"Director Zhao, what do you mean by this? Didn't we talk about it well before? Change as you say, you can't do things like this." Xu Weidong asked eagerly after being slightly stunned.

"Because I don't want to get in trouble."

Zhao Shanhe looked directly at Xu Weidong, and said slowly: "Mr. Xu, in the current situation, do you think I should sign that or not? I signed it, and I got ten trucks, but I will be in trouble later. "

"I hope you can understand that what I want is a clear and clean contract, not just jumping into it when you see a pit."

"So, our cooperation is over."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he turned and left, and disappeared from the meeting room without looking back.

Zhao Shankai and the others also got up and followed them out.


There was an eerie silence in the conference room.

A group of people sat blankly.

They never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe would leave like this?

Yes, they knew that Chen Lifeng would cause trouble, and they would definitely stand up to stop Xu Weidong.Because before this, Chen Lifeng had communicated with them.But when breathing, what Chen Lifeng said was that no matter what happens, these trucks will definitely be sold, because Zhao Shanhe needs these trucks to expand the scale.

And all they wanted was to sell the truck and split the money equally.

Because of Chen Lifeng's guarantee, they chose to sit on the sidelines and watch him declare war on Xu Weidong.

But what's going on now?

The thing that was guaranteed to be guaranteed was overturned, and Zhao Shanhe didn't want to buy it, and they didn't get a penny.

And if there is no such money, not only will they lose their income, but they will also face the censure of all the workers in the cable factory.Thinking of this matter, they couldn't help frowning, and they all felt that it was tricky.

What can we do now?

A group of people subconsciously looked at Chen Lifeng.

And Chen Lifeng himself was also dazed.

In his opinion, today's matter is a sure thing, he will definitely win, and he will have the last laugh.At that time, Xu Weidong will definitely lose a complete defeat, and then his prestige will be established.

Moreover, he also laid the groundwork. If he settles this matter in the future, Xu Weidong's position under his buttocks will be taken down, and he will be able to replace it.Just thinking about it made him feel good.

But now all the good times are gone in an instant.

What should I do next?

Chen Lifeng suddenly looked bewildered.

He was at a loss, but someone was angry.

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