Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 643 I disagree with this matter!

"Dad, you don't need to come here again. I know this matter well. You see, you came here, not only didn't you ask for an explanation, but you also made yourself feel sulky. If it makes you angry, how much is it?" Not worth it."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and lit a cigarette for his father.

Zhao Yonghao took two puffs hard, and still said angrily: "I know what you said, but I have to come. If I don't come, they will think that everyone in our family is easy to bully. I will let them I know how nasty the things they do are, and they can't be put on the table."

"Okay, now you have asked, so let's leave it at that." Zhao Shanhe said.

"that's it?"

Zhao Yonghao looked at Zhao Shanhe and asked in disbelief: "Shanhe, can you swallow this breath?"

"Dad, look at what you said, what can I do if I can't swallow this breath? Can I still go and beat Zhou Angong out? There's no need for that. It's against the law to beat someone. It's going to rain today, mother For those who marry, let him go. He will know how stupid what he did in the future." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"It's best for you to think like this. What I'm afraid of is that you did something wrong on the spur of the moment. Because of Zhou Angong, it's not worth it to drag you down again!" Zhao Yonghao felt relieved.

"Me? Squat?"

Zhao Shanhe laughed, and then shook his head: "Impossible! Dad, stop thinking about it, I will handle this matter, let's go to dinner now. After dinner, I will ask Chen Ju to send you back."


After lunch, Zhao Shanhe arranged for Chen Ju to see him off, and after sending his father away, his hanging heart quietly fell to the ground.

My father is really lonely, if I don't arrive in time, maybe there will be some troubles.But thinking that his father was so impulsive for his own sake, Zhao Shanhe still felt quite happy.

"Are you really going to let Zhou Angong go?"

Li Xiangyang walked to the side and asked in a low voice.

"Leave Zhou Angong alone?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with cold eyes: "I just said that because I didn't want my dad to worry. Do you think I should let Zhou Angong go?"

"I'll just say it!" Li Xiangyang laughed, showing an expression that was as expected.

When he heard Zhao Shanhe said at the dinner table that he would let Zhou Angong go, he secretly became suspicious, and there were 1 people in his heart who didn't believe it. Now it seems that he guessed it right.Zhao Shanhe is not the kind of person who will give up easily, Zhou Angong has done this, and you still want to be so carefree, is it possible?

Do you really think that Zhao Shanhe is muddy and has no temper?

"Tell me, how to deal with him?"

"It's so boring to deal with him. A small role like him is not worthy of our fanfare. If we clean up, we will fight a big tiger. You said that if we take advantage of Zheng Nanyun's busy time, what will happen to him? What happened?" Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes and asked slowly.

Li Xiangyang tilted his head and rubbed his chin for a while, then said: "Zheng Nanrun will suffer heavy losses. If he is lucky, the cement factory may even face bankruptcy. If that is the case, the limestone factory in Huangdashan will not make money. Zhou Angong It's an embarrassing position."

"That's right, that's how it should be!" Zhao Shanhe stretched his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Hit the big tiger! Torture the little traitor!"

Li Xiangyang said excitedly.

"But how exactly?"

"I heard that Zheng Nanrun is negotiating a big project. If this project can be won, the output of the cement plant will be fine for half a year. And he is competing with two cement plants in Lin County. You said that if at this time, It is revealed that the quality of cement produced by Zheng Nanrun's factory is not up to standard, what will happen?"

Zhao Shanhe said without haste.

"I understand, I'll take care of it." Li Xiangyang immediately understood.

"I'll come to the office with me later, I have a file for you." Zhao Shanhe showed a satisfied smile.

"it is good!"


Two in the afternoon.

Nanjue County Cable Factory meeting room.

Zhao Shanhe arrived as promised.

Sitting here are all the senior executives of the cable factory. Each of them looked a little discouraged, and they all looked at Zhao Shanhe with undisguised anger.Thinking that it was Zhao Shanhe who caused them to lose a golden job, each of them looked like they wanted to tear Zhao Shanhe into pieces and eat them alive.

Feeling this weird atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Mr. Xu, let's sign the contract. This is the contract. If you have no opinion, just sign it."

Xu Weidong took it and started watching.

In fact, such a contract is very simple, nothing more than a sales agreement, as long as the price is right, the rest is easy to talk about.When Xu Weidong watched, some high-level executives of the cable factory couldn't help it, and began to speak in a strange way.

"Director Zhao, your wishful thinking is really good. You can buy ten of our excellent cars for 50 yuan. You have made a lot of money now."

"It's obvious that you caused our transportation department to disappear, and now you are pretending to be the savior. It's really ridiculous."

"It turns out that you, Director Zhao, have come so far because of your shameless spirit."


When such yin and yang words were uttered, a cold light flashed in Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

But before he got angry, Zhao Shankai had already charged the case, pointed at these people, and said unceremoniously: "What nonsense are you talking about, keep your mouth clean."

"Let me tell you, you are the ones who want to sell us the car, not that we are begging you to sell it. If you say you don't want to sell it, it's easy, just don't sell it, and we don't say we have to buy it."

"We bought it to help you do good things, don't you don't know the good and the bad."

"Boy, what are you talking about! Who do you think you are? Dare to shout so loudly in the conference room of our cable factory, let me tell you, I don't agree with this deal today!"

A middle-aged man with a stern face shouted angrily.

"Don't you agree?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips, looked at Xu Weidong who was holding the contract as if nothing had happened, and said casually: "Mr. Xu, who is in charge of this matter? If your cable factory has not discussed it, you can continue to discuss it." , I have no opinion, I can wait."

"Need not!"

Xu Weidong glanced at the middle-aged man who was talking, and said coldly: "I can make the decision on this matter, I have the final say."

"is it?"

Who would have thought that after hearing this, the middle-aged man looked over with a gloomy face, and said indifferently: "I don't think you have the final say on this matter, Xu Weidong, I disagree with this matter!"


Xu Weidong was immediately enraged.

Who is he?

He is the director of the cable factory, and Zhao Shanhe was invited by him to sign the contract. The relationship between the two was not good at first, and he felt a little embarrassed and ashamed. Openly rebelling against him and questioning his authority, where do you put his old face?

Zhao Shanhe looked over with playful eyes.

Then he stood up slowly.

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