Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 640 Don't mess around!

"Could it be that this matter has spread throughout Nanjue County?"

Should not be.

Unless this matter is maliciously hyped and publicized, otherwise, there is no reason for this matter to spread so quickly.Thinking of these miscellaneous guesses, Zhao Shanhe asked, "How do you know this?"

"Sister-in-law told me." Li Qiuya said.


Let me just say, this thing can't spread so quickly.Thinking that since Zhao Yongrui said this, Zhao Shanhe didn't think about it any more, and said calmly: "Let him go."

"What do you think about this Zhou Angong? Can you betray you so easily for money? If you hadn't been merciful at the beginning, would he be where he is today? Hmph, I see him through." Li Qiuya said indignantly Said.

Zhao Shanhe comforted softly: "I can handle this matter well, so don't be angry."

"Can I not be angry?" Li Qiuya was still a little angry.

"Hey, are you okay at home?" Zhao Shanhe quickly changed the subject.

After chatting with Li Qiuya for a while, he hung up the phone after making sure that Li Qiuya's anger had subsided.As for the future development of this matter, let's talk about it at that time.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhao Shankai found the glass factory with great interest.

What he brought was good news.

"Brother, I have already captured Xu Weidong's transportation team."

"Really? Tell me in detail." Zhao Shanhe put down the pen with a look of surprise.

"I just found those drivers, presented them with the facts, and then they all agreed to join us. That's fine. What I didn't expect was that Xu Weidong agreed to sell the car. He was willing to sell ten trucks in a package. Give it to us." Zhao Shankai said excitedly.

Pack it up and sell it to us?

How could Xu Weidong agree to do this?

But since Zhao Shankai said so, it means that this must be true.Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "Then I'll come and talk to Xu Weidong about this."

"it is good!"

In front of Zhao Shankai, Zhao Shanhe called Xu Weidong.

"Mr. Xu, I just heard that you are willing to sell us ten trucks. Is that true?"


Xu Weidong sat in the office with a gloomy expression on his face, but he did not put on an air, but said frankly: "Zhao Shanhe, you won this time. I am willing to sell you the transportation team of the cable factory, but you have to give me a Reasonable price, otherwise we will waste this matter."

"Okay, tell me, make a price." Zhao Shanhe said straightforwardly.

"Ten trucks, I want 100 for each, and you want to give me [-] million!"


Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

You said that if it is a brand new truck, 10 yuan is indeed not expensive.But the question is, are you new?Not to mention that you are second-hand, you have two or even third-hand and fourth-hand cars. Under such circumstances, don’t you think it’s funny that you offered me a price of 100 million?Are you trying to take me for a ride?


Zhao Shanhe flatly refused, and he said firmly: "Ten trucks, if you want to sell, 40! If you don't want to sell, just keep it."

If you keep you, you will be sold as scrap metal, and you will not be able to sell them for a price when the time comes.

As for exhaustion, you are not afraid, am I?The current situation is that the more you spend, the more unlucky you will suffer. I still don't believe it. Can you, Xu Weidong, do this?If you really wanted to do that, you wouldn't agree to sell the truck at all.

as predicted.

Xu Weidong immediately began to bargain.

The last two sold for 50 yuan.

"Then Mr. Xu, you are ready. At two o'clock in the afternoon, I will go over to sign the contract with the check!" Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe smiled at Zhao Shankai.

"It's done!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shankai's sunny face suddenly revealed an excited expression. You must know that he wanted to defeat the transportation team of the cable factory in his dreams, and now he not only made it, but also bought the other party.Just thinking about it made him excited.

"At two o'clock in the afternoon, you and I will go there together, and then ask the driver to drive all the cars back."


After solving this matter, Zhao Shankai suddenly pouted hesitantly.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Shanhe glared angrily.

"If you have anything you want to say, just say it, what's wrong with me."

"Brother, I heard about Zhou Angong." Zhao Shankai said quickly.

"Who did you listen to?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked unexpectedly.

"I heard what my dad said."

"Third Uncle said?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

"The third uncle knows about this? If the third uncle knows about it, does it mean that my parents also know about it?"

"For sure, the uncle and aunt must know. My dad said that when he told the uncle and aunt about this, the two of them already knew about it. Brother, do you think the uncle and aunt will not trouble the aunt?" Zhao Shankai asked with some concern.

"will not!"

Thinking of the characters of his parents, Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said calmly: "It's not that you don't know the character of your uncle and aunt, even if they would be sullen, they wouldn't say to go to see your aunt. But for the sake of I'll call them and talk about it just in case."

"Well, let's make a call, insurance."

Zhao Shankai nodded.

"This Zhou Angong is too shameless, brother, how can we have such a cousin? Obviously you have forgiven him, who would have thought that he would do such a thing without profit. Don't let me touch him , or I will beat him up."

Zhao Shankai was furious.

"Don't mess around!"

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe glared, and said: "I know this matter well, don't act recklessly. If you act recklessly, you will cause even more trouble."

"Understood." Zhao Shankai clenched his teeth and lowered his head unwillingly.

Seeing this, Zhao Shanhe went up and patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said gently: "Hurry up and get ready, you have to sign the contract this afternoon."


After Zhao Shankai left, Zhao Shanhe thought about it and dialed the number at home.


"Shanhe, how are you doing now? I said I would call you, but you came here unexpectedly!" Lin Chunyan asked impatiently as soon as she heard Zhao Shanhe's voice.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'm fine." Zhao Shanhe said with a casual smile.

"It's good? How can you be good? We've heard about Zhou Angong. If you feel wronged, you can speak up. Don't be afraid, Mom will help you." Lin Chunyan said anxiously.

"Mom, what a big deal, I'm not even talking about being wronged. Don't worry, it's not a big deal, I can handle it myself. You and my dad don't think too much about it. By the way, what is my dad doing? "

Zhao Shanhe changed the subject at will, he didn't want his parents to get angry because of this matter.

"Your father..."

Hearing Zhao Shanhe ask Zhao Yonghao, Lin Chunyan hesitated.

It's good that she didn't hesitate, but when she hesitated, Zhao Shanhe became anxious.

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