Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 641 This is your answer?

"What happened to my dad?" Zhao Shanhe asked anxiously.

"Your father went to the county seat, and he went to find your aunt." Lin Chunyan said.

"What? He went to look for my aunt? Nothing will happen if he goes to look for my aunt at this time. Mom, why don't you stop him?" Zhao Shanhe was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, that's your aunt. Even if your father went to look for her, what could happen? This means that I can't leave because of something at home. Otherwise, I also want to go with your father. Like this , why don't you go to your aunt's house." Lin Chunyan said.

"Okay, then I'll go."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe hurried out of the office, he was really afraid that Zhao Yonghao and Zhao Yongduo would quarrel if they disagreed.You must know that among the elders of the Zhao family, only his father dared to quarrel with Zhao Yongduo, and none of the uncles and sisters-in-law dared to confront Zhao Yongduo, who made her the boss of the family.


Zhou Yongjian's home.

"Yonghao, you drink water."

Looking at Zhao Yonghao who was sitting on the sofa, Zhao Yongduo brought a glass of water and put it in front of his eyes.

"Yonghao, don't you have any work at home recently? If there is, you can tell me that your brother-in-law and I can go back and help out."

Zhou Yongjian sat beside him in silence.

"Sister, don't be too busy, I'm here today to ask you something." Zhao Yonghao turned his water glass to the side with the back of his hand with a livid face.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yongduo asked with a smile.

"I want to ask about Zhou Angong, do you know?" Zhao Yonghao asked calmly.

"About An Gong?" Zhao Yongduo was taken aback, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, but soon regained his composure and smiled again, "What's the matter with An Gong?"

"What's the matter with him?"

When Zhao Yonghao heard this, he immediately exploded. He said with a gloomy face, "Elder Sister, wouldn't it be interesting if you said that? You wouldn't tell me things you don't know now, would you? "

"I just want to ask, why did Zhou Angong do this? He clearly knows that Zheng Nanrun and Shanhe are enemies, how can he help Zheng Nanrun to do things?"

"Hey, I thought you were talking about something, and it turned out to be this."

Zhao Yongduo kept laughing dryly, and at the same time rolled his eyes for a while and said: "Yonghao, you misunderstood, An Gong didn't say to help Zheng Nanrun with work, he just went to help his father-in-law with work."

"Help my father-in-law with work?"

Zhao Yonghao sat upright, and said word by word: "He won't help sooner or later, do you have to help at this time? Besides, what kind of virtue is his father-in-law, it's not like I haven't heard you say it."

"He has never waited to see Zhou Angong, why is he suddenly so nice to him now? It's not because he wants to please Zheng Nanrun and earn Zheng Nanrun's money, so he let Zhou Angong be the link."

"Zhao Yonghao, what do you mean! Let me tell you that you are going too far!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yongjian slapped his knee suddenly, pointed at Zhao Yonghao, and looked over with an unkind expression.

"You said that you came to the door aggressively. I didn't say that you were enough to give you face. You are still dictating An Gong's work like this."

"Didn't you hear? Yong Duo made it very clear that An Gong went to help his father-in-law, Huang Dashan, with his work. He didn't want to help Zheng Nanrun, so why are you blowing your beard and staring here?"

"Besides, even if he really helped Zheng Nanrun with his work, so what? Zheng Nanrun and Zhao Shanhe have conflicts, and that's a matter between them. You can't say that because of this, An Gong has no work to do. Right? If you really do this, you are too narrow-minded."

"Narrow-minded? You say I'm narrow-minded?"

Zhao Yonghao glared at Zhou Yongjian, and smiled angrily.

"Brother-in-law, you are a smart person, you should know better than anyone else why Huang Dashan asked Zhou Angong to help at this time? He is clearly using Zhou Angong to curry favor with Zheng Nanrun."

"Why didn't he let others go? Was it really because Zhou Angong was his son-in-law that he took care of him? No, he just knew that Zhou Angong was Zhao Shanhe's cousin and that we were relatives, so he did this."

The more Zhao Yonghao talked, the more excited he became, and he stood up.

"I don't say so many useless things, I just want to ask you one thing, can you let Zhou Angong come back and stop helping Zheng Nanrun with things?"


Zhou Yongjian flatly refused without even thinking about it.

"He's doing a good job now, how can I tell him to come back? What's more, you know? If he really comes back, Huang Yingying will divorce him. Zhao Yonghao, you can't say that because you want to help If your son is angry, let my son be a bachelor?"

"Is this your answer?" Zhao Yonghao asked coldly with a displeased face.

"Yes." Zhou Yongjian said firmly.

"Sister, do you think so too?" Zhao Yonghao turned around and looked over, his eyes were full of disappointment, but there was also a glimmer of hope.


Zhao Yongduo hesitated and said: "Yonghao, don't think too extreme about the problem, maybe this matter is not as serious and complicated as you think, isn't it? Look at Shanhe, didn't you say anything? If you want me to say, it's you who wants to It’s too much, you don’t need to get excited at all.”

"In this way, it's hard for you to come to the city. I will cook for you at noon today and cook some dishes for you. You and your brother-in-law have a drink."

"Speaking of you, hurry up and take out the two bottles of good wine you hid. I want to accompany Yonghao well at noon today, and I won't go home until I'm drunk! If you're drunk, just sleep at home, anyway, there's plenty of room at home .”

"Yes yes yes! Drink, drink!"

Seeing Zhao Yongduo's look, Zhou Yongjian quickly stood up and said.He didn't want to make a fuss if he could ease the atmosphere. After all, Zhao Shanhe was not a simple person.

"What wine to drink! Are you still ashamed to drink?"

Zhao Yonghao snorted coldly, ignored the performance of the two couples, and said in a cold tone: "Sister, you just said that this is not a big deal, that Shanhe didn't come to you. Don't even think about it, Shanhe is a junior, how can you be ashamed?" Take the initiative to talk to you about this?"

"But he was embarrassed, but I was embarrassed. There is no reason to say that my son has been bullied, but I, a father, dare not even say a word."

"What do you want to say?"

Zhao Yongduo's smiling expression also turned cold.

"What I want to say has already been said just now. You must do it for me. If you can't do it, I won't leave today!"

Zhao Yonghao sat down on the sofa with a gloomy face.

"Aren't you going?"

Zhou Yongjian was furious now. He stood in front of Zhao Yonghao, pointed at Zhao Yonghao and said, "I said, are you making a mistake? This is my home. Why are you being so arrogant in my home? Why are you so arrogant?" Don't leave, believe it or not, I will call the police and arrest you now! When the police come, I will see if you can leave!"

"Call the police and arrest me? You report one and I'll see." Zhao Yonghao stared at Zhou Yongjian with wide-eyed anger.

Bullying honest people, right?

Being honest doesn't make you angry, does it?

I'll let you know today, don't mess with honest people.

"Dong dong!"

Just when Zhou Yongjian was full of anger, there was a sudden knock on the door of his house.

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