Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 639 Why is it too much?

"Why didn't Auntie tell me about it herself?"

This is Zhao Shanhe's knot in his heart, and it is also something he desperately wants to know now.It's not that he doesn't know Zhou Angong's temperament. To be honest, Zhou Angong would be persuaded by the Huang family to help Zheng Nanrun with things, Zhao Shanhe was not surprised at all.

He wondered why Zhao Yongduo didn't tell him about this matter?There's no need to say it face to face, even if it's just a phone call!

After all, it was you Zhao Yongduo and Zhou Yongjian who went to my house and asked me to give Zhou Angong a chance.Now that something like this happened, out of emotion and reason, shouldn't you tell me?

You let my sister-in-law pass on the message, what is this?

The moment Zhao Yongrui heard this question, he let out a strong sigh in his heart.

I knew it was going to be like this.Sister, what do you think you are doing?You feel sorry for your son, you don't want him to divorce, you want him to make more money, but you can't base all of this on hurting Shanhe's feelings, right?

After all, Shanhe is your own nephew!

"Shanhe, my eldest sister told me about this." Zhao Yongrui could only say this.

"She can tell you, but can't tell me? Does she think that if she tells me, I will object? Sister, aunt really missed me. "

"As long as she tells me, I can treat this incident as if it never happened. But she didn't say it. If that's the case, then I know what to do next!" Zhao Shanhe said lightly, with a look of determination in his eyes .


Zhao Yongrui still wanted to persuade him to say something, Zhao Shanhe picked up several pieces of mutton and put them in Zhao Yongrui's bowl in one breath: "The mutton here is quite tender, sister-in-law, please eat more."

"Okay." Zhao Yongrui ate a piece of mutton, then raised his head again, "That..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Zhao Shanhe again: "Also, Pei Yingzhang hasn't troubled you recently, has he? Where is he hanging out now? If he says he dares to trouble you, just tell me, I will Take care of this for you."


After sighing in his heart, Zhao Yongrui stopped thinking about it.My own married life has been messed up by myself, and it has become like this, so what right do I have to take care of other people's affairs.Brother-in-law, you two can do it.


At the same time, in the same county, someone was eating hot pot.

Surrounded by the steaming hot pot, Huang Dashan looked at Zhou Angong with satisfaction, raised his wine glass with a smile and said, "An Gong, I'm glad you can figure this out. Listen, the shares given to you are given to you." Yours, you can keep it with peace of mind. From now on, if you earn money for the factory, you also earn money for yourself, understand?"

"Yes, Dad, I respect you."

Zhou Angong smiled humbly, lowered his wine glass and clinked it.

Looking at such a scene, Huang Yingying felt elated.

"An Gong, you should have done this a long time ago. I told you a long time ago that the business you do is meaningless. It took a long time, and in the end I let my sister-in-law earn all the money, so it can go to you There are too few. You should have come here to help Dad with his business, so we can save some money, don’t you think?”

"Yes, Yingying is right, everything Yingying says is right, I will listen to you from now on!"

Zhou Angong felt helpless and bitter in his heart, but he suppressed it forcefully. After smiling at Huang Yingying, he quickly picked up the wine bottle and filled Huang Dashan.

No way, the situation is stronger than people!

Besides, he really didn't want to divorce Huang Yingying!I don't want to give up such a big property of the Huang family!Before, he wanted to maintain his ridiculous dignity, but when Huang Dashan gave him the shares, that pitiful dignity went to hell on the spot.


With real shares in hand, it is all money.

Those who have money these days are uncles.

"An Gong, you have to ensure that our limestone can be supplied to the cement factory uninterruptedly, because Mr. Zheng told me that he will produce cement in large quantities recently, so this source of supply must be guaranteed." Huang Dashan instructed road.

"Dad, don't worry, I know it well." Zhou Angong said.

"That's good!"

After Huang Dashan drank two more glasses of wine, he pretended to be nonchalant and asked, "What do you think of Mr. Zheng treating you?"

"How does Mr. Zheng treat me?"

Thinking of Zheng Nanrun's kind attitude towards him, Zhou Angong smiled and said, "It's pretty good."

"That's fine, come on, keep drinking."

Huang Dashan lowered his head, a playful light flashed in his eyes.

Is it really good?


Zhou Yongjian's home.

Unlike Zhou Angong who was happily eating hot pot with his father-in-law, the atmosphere here is very quiet. Zhou Yongjian, who had had dinner early, sat on the sofa and read the newspaper.

Zhao Yongduo was knitting a sweater, but he put it down suddenly while knitting, then stared at Zhou Yongjian and asked suddenly: "Old Zhou, do you think we have gone too far?"


Zhou Yongjian didn't put down the newspaper, continued to read it, and asked disapprovingly, "Why is it too much?"

"Isn't it too much? We said it well before, not to let An Gong go to work at Huang's house, even An Gong himself said so."

"But why did it become like this now? Not only did he go, but he also worked so hard to help Huang Dashan. If Shanhe knew about this, would it be said that we were ungrateful?" Zhao Yongduo said worriedly.

"He dares!"

After hearing the word ungrateful, Zhou Yongjian put down the newspaper abruptly, and said angrily, "Why does he say that? Does he have the qualifications to say that? If he hadn't messed up Pei Yingzhang's business, our family's security function Unemployed? In the final analysis, he helped An Gong later because of guilt."

"He has a food factory on the left and a hardware factory on the right in Zhao Shanhe, as well as a winery and a glass factory. He has so many industries. Why don't we find other outlets for our family's Angong?"

"Besides, he went to help our in-laws, to help his father-in-law with his work. Who can find fault with this? You Zhao Shanhe and Zheng Nanrun are at odds, but you can't say that An Gong is not allowed to help the old man. Bar?"

Zhou Yongjian snorted coldly, and said dismissively: "The matter between Zhao Shanhe and Zheng Nanrun is their business, don't get involved with the children, you, don't worry about it."

"But I think we should still speak to Shanhe, so that at least it makes sense on the face of it." Zhao Yongduo hesitated.

"If you want to say it, you say it, but I won't say it!"

After Zhou Yongjian finished speaking, he got up and walked into the room, leaving Zhao Yongduo sitting alone in the living room.

Her face changed from cloudy to cloudy, but she still couldn't make up her mind to pick up the microphone.


The night passed quietly.

The next day, when the warm sunlight shone into the room, Zhao Shanhe had already woken up.After a brief wash, he was about to go out when he received a call from Li Qiuya.

After the two chatted casually for a few words, Li Qiuya asked straightforwardly about Zhou Angong.

"How do you know this? Has it all reached you?"

Zhao Shanhe was quite surprised.

It shouldn't be, Zhou Angong also just went to help Huang Dashan, so there is no reason to say that this matter spread to Zhenghe County so quickly, or is it?An unbelievable thought suddenly popped up in Zhao Shanhe's heart.

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