Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 635 1 Mountain and 1 Mountain High

"I really didn't lie to you about this. Although our glass factory covers an area that is not small, it is still not big compared with the cement factory and steel factory in Nanjue County. When you see these factories in the future, you will You will know that what I said is true. Let’s go, let’s get out of the car, Director Zhao is waiting at the door.”

After talking and waiting for the bus to stop, Liu Wei'an was the first to get out of the door.

"Is what Director Liu said true? This is still a small-scale factory?"

"That's right, the scale of this factory is much larger than ours."

"Let's not talk about that, look quickly, is that person Zhao Shanhe?"

Seeing Zhao Shanhe who came forward with a smile, the scientific research workers restrained their miscellaneous thoughts and followed Wang Houde down with strong curiosity.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, everyone."

Zhao Shanhe stretched out his right hand to Wang Houde with a gentle smile.

"Welcome Wang Lao and everyone."

"Director Zhao, we meet again." Wang Houde shook hands briefly and then let go.

"Yeah, we finally met again. If you don't come again, I'm going to take people to Wucheng and come to invite you, old man." Zhao Shanhe joked harmlessly.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Houde laughed heartily, turned sideways and said, "Director Zhao, let me introduce who they are."

Zhao Shanhe said happily: "Good!"

Wang Houde pointed to an old man in the front row who was about his age and said, "This is my old buddy and my long-standing partner, Professor Zhu Jixiu."

"Hi, Professor Zhu."

"Hello, Director Zhao."

Zhu Jixiu was very humble, holding Zhao Shanhe's right hand that was stretched out neither humble nor overbearing.

Next, Wang Houde continued to introduce.

After introducing all the people, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Old Wang, Professor Zhu, let's go to the meeting room first, and let everyone meet."

"it is good!"

meeting room.

After everyone was seated, Zhao Shanhe pushed Gao Shaoyuan out and introduced them to Wang Houde and the others.And during the introduction, Zhao Shanhe praised him without hesitation.

After he finished speaking, Wang Houde pursed his lips and smiled without saying a word.

On the contrary, Zhu Zhixiu raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Gao Shaoyuan and asked, "Gao Gong, I would like to ask, how far has our glass factory's tempered glass research and development progressed?"

"Professor Zhu, isn't this something you should talk about after you are familiar with the work? Now you are in such a hurry to start work?" Gao Shaoyuan said with a smile.

"The sooner you know, the sooner you know it." Zhu Zhixiu said cheerfully with his eyes narrowed into a line.

"That's fine, I'll tell you about the research and development progress of our Jade Bird Glass Factory."

Speaking of this, Gao Shaoyuan handed over a stack of materials, pointed to the materials and said: "This is the latest progress of our tempered glass research and development. To put it simply, I think it is almost time since the tempered glass is actually developed. To be specific, in We have made a breakthrough in the research of high temperature resistance..."

Gao Shaoyuan was talking.

Wang Houde and the others were listening and watching.

They were a little arrogant at first, but they were all stunned after seeing this progress information.

None of them would have thought that Gao Shaoyuan's research and development would have reached this point without their participation.

Although it has not been really developed yet, as Gao Shaoyuan said, as long as he is given enough time, it will definitely succeed.

This is a bit too exaggerated, right?

This made them, who originally thought they were here to give charcoal in a timely manner, restrain the conceited emotions in their hearts a lot.

"Sure enough, one mountain is still higher!"

Zhu Zhixiu thought to himself.

Before coming here, they all thought that they were experts in the field of glass, and even if Zhao Shanhe could develop something, it was limited.They should be treated as saviors when they come here.

But now it seems that they were wrong, very wrong. Fortunately, they didn't show much pride, otherwise they would be ashamed and thrown home now.

Wang Houde sat as steady as a mountain.

But there was also a turmoil in his heart.

Although he wasn't sure if he had borrowed his own research results from these materials, even if he did, it would be very rare and unbelievable.

Because in his opinion, not everyone can understand his research results, let alone put them into practice.

But what about these now?

Thinking of this, Wang Houde couldn't help taking a deep look at Gao Shaoyuan, this Gao Shaoyuan is not simple!

It seems that Zhao Shanhe's success today is definitely not due to luck.

What about Zhao Shanhe?

He sat firmly in the middle position, flipping through the materials in his hands calmly, but he could see Zhu Zhixiu's reaction from the corner of his eyes.

Do you think he will be proud when he doesn't think about this group of people coming over?Of course he thought about it.It is precisely because of this thought that he let Gao Shaoyuan do this, in order to become a blockbuster.

So far it looks pretty good.

Yes, I want to use you, but using you does not mean that I will flatter you like a grandson.I hope you can get your position right as soon as possible.

Now I don't know the xinxing of each of you, but if I find out that you are still in the same situation after I have a clear understanding, then I will be embarrassed.

Those who work honestly stay.

Sneaky and sneaky expulsion.

I take you seriously, so please respect me too.

"The situation is like this. I believe that with the participation of Mr. Wang and everyone, we will definitely be able to develop the tempered glass production technology in the shortest possible time. Mr. Wang, do you think so?" Gao Shaoyuan closed the file and smiled. Said.


Wang Houde nodded, and said sincerely: "Don't worry, since we are here, we are naturally here to work. We will devote all our energy to research the production technology as soon as possible."

"That's good!"

Gao Shaoyuan had nothing else to say, so he looked at Zhao Shanhe.

"Old Wang, you see we all know each other now, let Factory Manager Liu take you to see where you live. After a while, let's go have a meal together, and I will clean up the dust for you." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"it is good."

After saying that, Wang Houde stood up, and Liu Weian hurriedly led them out.

The meeting room, which was still full of people just now, suddenly became quiet.

"It's really interesting, have you seen it? Some of them even want to put on a stance against Gao Gong's theory. I think they think they are awesome and want to show off their power here. But I didn't expect Gao Gong to be so powerful, and with a few words, he suppressed them quietly!"

Li Xiangyang put down the pen in his hand with a smile, and said slowly: "Now they should be honest for a while!"

"Yes, if they are sensible enough, they should be honest."

Zhao Shanhe stood up and stretched his muscles.

"Have you arranged a hotel yet?"

"It's been arranged, it's in Fuli."

"it is good!"

While the two were talking, Wang Houde and the others had already been arranged in the dormitory.As soon as he walked into the dormitory, seeing other people busy in his room, Zhu Jixiu suddenly grabbed Wang Houde's arm with a solemn expression on his face.

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