"Old Wang, I think we should hold a meeting for these children." Zhu Zhixiu whispered solemnly.


Wang Houde was a little surprised, but he soon understood. He glanced outside and said in a low voice, "Do you want to unify the minds of them?"


Zhu Jixiu didn't mean to beat around the bush, and said frankly: "You and I both know that these children have high spirits. If you weren't there, and Zhao Shanhe's conditions were very good, they wouldn't be They will come. Even when they come, they don’t like anyone, and they always feel that they are superior to others.”

"Is that really the case?"

"You have also seen that Gao Shaoyuan. As the chief researcher of Zhao Shanhe, he is very powerful. He may have borrowed our research results, but even so, it cannot be ignored. After all, you and I Clearly, not everyone has the level to learn from research results, let alone put them into practice.”

"Yeah, you're right. This matter really needs to be done quickly. Then, after dinner, I'll have a little meeting with them and talk about it." Wang Houde frowned slightly Jiao repeatedly nodded and said.

He knows well that when you were in the scientific research institute before, you might be able to indulge a little bit, but now that you are here, you have to abide by the rules here.There are no rules, you can't take other people's money, look down on them, speak ill of them, and ruin their good deeds.

"it is good."

In the following time, what Zhao Shanhe did was very simple, that is, after arranging these people well, let them adapt and integrate with Gao Shaoyuan.Only by speeding up their integration can we ensure the efficiency of research and development and ensure that tempered glass can be produced as soon as possible.

And just in this running-in, time soon entered December.

At this time, several things happened in Nanjue County.

The first was that Liang Xuefeng thoroughly investigated the shameful things that Xu Weidong had done. After confirming this, he did not hesitate to call Xu Weidong over to reprimand him immediately.

Xu Weidong didn't say sophistry, and admitted it very simply.

Then Xu Weidong met Zhao Shanhe under Liang Xuefeng's strict order, and apologized in front of him.

This thing is over.

Of course, the so-called past refers to the past on the surface, but in fact it is impossible to pass.

At least Zhao Shankai would not forget about it.

He has already set his sights on the transportation department of the cable factory.

"Are you sure you can win this transportation department?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise after hearing Zhao Shankai's suggestion.


Zhao Shankai said calmly: "Director, I have already been doing work here. As long as you agree, I can immediately recruit a few drivers from the transportation department of the cable factory. Then I will pass legal Then take down those liberation trucks from the transportation department."

"In this way, our transportation team will become the leading large transportation team in Nanjue County."

"It's up to you, just tell me if there's anything you need me to do."

After Zhao Shanhe pondered for a while, he immediately made a decision on the spot.


Zhao Shankai went to do this with great enthusiasm.

The second thing is that Zheng Namyun was forced to burn his eyebrows.

You must know that in Nanjue County, there is only Zheng Nanrun's cement factory.But don't forget that there are also cement factories in other counties around Nanjue County.

Colleagues are friends, this is the unchanging truth of doing business.No one wants to watch the Nanjue Cement Factory go all the way, so at a very ingenious timing, the surrounding cement factories suddenly showed their power.

They snatched all the orders from Nanjue Cement Factory.

Overnight, Nanjue Cement Plant suddenly fell into trouble.

This day's unforeseen misfortune made Zheng Nanrun, who originally wanted to find trouble with Zhao Shanhe, suddenly overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

The third thing is that there are new problems in the research and development of tempered glass of Jade Bird Glass Factory.

This new problem was also something Wang Houde and the others hadn't thought of, but it just happened.If it cannot be solved, the research and development of tempered glass will stagnate.

This is what Zhao Shanhe and all R&D personnel absolutely do not want to see.

So when it was freezing outside, the meeting room of Jade Bird Glass Factory was full of heat.Everyone is expressing their opinions, and each opinion is immediately discussed and rejected immediately when it is put forward.

After half an hour, I just couldn't find a most suitable solution.

"If you can't help it, let me tell you!"

Looking at the stalemate atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe slowly raised his finger and said slowly: "I think there is only one way to break the situation, and that is to continue to experiment."

"If it doesn't work once, it will be done twice. If it doesn't work twice, it will be ten times. If it won't work ten times, it will be done a hundred times, or a thousand times. I believe that as long as we have the right number of experiments, this problem will eventually be solved."

"But in this case, a lot of materials will be wasted." Zhu Zhixiu frowned and said.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said calmly: "As long as this problem can be solved, no matter how many experiments you do, it is not a waste. Who has any opinions now?"

The audience was silent.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then this matter is settled like this."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.



After returning here, Zhu Zhixiu approached Wang Houde, said in a low voice with shame on his face, "Have you seen that? Zhao Shanhe's determination is very strong, we must show some housekeeping skills. Otherwise, We are all sorry for other people's investment."

"Who said no!"

Wang Houde sighed, looked at the materials in front of him, and said with deep eyes: "Although Zhao Shanhe didn't say anything, you and I know how much these materials have been invested in."

"Don't talk about the previous investment, just say that after we came here, the cost of materials purchased by Zhao Shanhe is an astronomical figure. He has invested so much money in it, and he can't let his real money be wasted like this."

"Yeah, we are rarely so rich. Since there is no shortage of materials now, it is nothing more than working overtime to explore and solve problems in experiments." Zhu Jixiu said.

"Let's do it!"

"it is good!"

But when everyone here was busy, Gao Shaoyuan accompanied Zhao Shanhe for a walk in the factory, looking at Zhao Shanhe's side face, Gao Shaoyuan smiled and said, "Are you a little anxious?"

"I'm not in a hurry, I'm just looking forward to it."

Zhao Shanhe exhaled, and a white mist appeared in the air immediately. Feeling the cold, his brain was very clear and said: "Tempered glass is our most important research project this year, and it is also our flagship product next year. This product only needs to If it can be developed, there is almost no need to worry about sales.”

"The question is whether it can be produced."

After saying this, Zhao Shanhe said something almost unconsciously, and Gao Shaoyuan's face couldn't help but change slightly after saying this.

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