"Mr. Lin, I agree to what you said."


Lin Chaotai smiled in surprise, regardless of the fact that his clothes were still dirty, and asked excitedly, "Have you really figured it out? Do you want to cooperate with our Sakura Club?"


Zheng Nanrun nodded, and said calmly: "I can help you Sakura Club to become a shareholder of the cement factory, but I also have a condition. As long as you can help me make this, I will agree to you."

Lin Chaoyang raised his eyebrows: "What conditions?"

Zheng Nanrun gritted his teeth and said viciously: "I want you Sakura Club to destroy Zhao Shanhe for me!"

"I want Zhao Shanhe's Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing, Zhao Xiaobai Winery, and Glass Factory to all close down!"

"I want Zhao Shanhe to be impoverished and live on the streets as a beggar!"

"That's it?" Lin Chaotai thought what the condition was, but he didn't expect it to be this.

"Yes, that's it." Zheng Nanyun said in a deep voice.

"That's fine, I promise you this condition."

Lin Chaotai was overjoyed.

What kind of condition is this?Even if you, Zheng Nanyun, don't bring it up, I will do it this way.

After all, Zhao Shanhe and the Sakura Club are full of conflicts.

In the past, Zhao Shanhe refused Miyai Saburo's shareholding, and later Zhao Shanhe attacked Jinyang Machinery Factory supported by Sakura Club in Jiandu Mining. Miyai Sanlang had long regarded Zhao Shanhe as a thorn in his side and wanted to kill him. Divide and fast.

This is not a condition at all.

"Then it's settled." Zheng Nanrun was very excited.

"it is good!"


the next day.

Just as Zhao Shanhe was about to go to work, he received a call from the deputy county magistrate, Liang Xuefeng. On the phone, Liang Xuefeng asked eagerly about what happened last night.

After Zhao Shanhe briefly explained, he said calmly: "Leader Liang, I am also wondering now, isn't the environment for attracting investment in our Nanjue County pretty good? You told me that, right?"

"But it doesn't look like that to me! Xu Weidong from the cable factory in front just punctured our tires, and Zheng Nanrun from the cement factory in the back is threatening me like that at the banquet, which makes me feel very suspicious."

"I want to know now, does what our county said count? Can it guarantee our safety? If not, who does this glass factory love, I don't want it!"

Zhao Shanhe's face was sullen and serious.

"Director Zhao, there is a misunderstanding about this matter. Don't worry, I will start the investigation procedure immediately. As long as I can confirm that what you said is true, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation." Liang Xuefeng said seriously. .

"Okay, then I'll wait for Leader Liang's investigation results."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe put the matter behind him.For him, whether it is Xu Weidong or Zheng Nanrun, it is best not to take the initiative to provoke. If anyone dares to stretch out their claws indiscriminately, he will cut them off without hesitation.

For the next three days, Zhao Shanhe was busy in the glass factory.

Until this day, he received a call from Wang Houde, saying that they were about to arrive in Nanjue County, and they would arrive at the glass factory in about half an hour.Zhao Shanhe was excited when he heard the news.

"Great! Mr. Wang, I'll pick you up at the train station right away."

Wang Houde's hearty laughter came from the phone: "No need, I notified Liu Wei'an in advance, and he is already waiting for me at the train station. Don't blame him, I know you are busy, I didn't let him tell you. Zhao Chang Long, we still have a long life in the future, so we don't need to engage in such nonsense."

"Okay." Zhao Shanhe thought about it for a while, and he didn't bother with this question any more.

After finishing the call, Li Xiangyang said with a smile: "Liu Weian went to greet Mr. Wang and the others in person. Nothing will happen. All we have to do is to greet him at the factory gate. I'll let Gao Gong know too. He can't wait to see you." It’s time for Old Wang and the others.”

"Then let's go together!"

"it is good!"

On a county road in Nanjue County.

A bus is driving smoothly.

Sitting in the car were Wang Houde and the others. Including Wang Houde, there were a total of ten people here, and Wang Jiangchuan also came.After all, for such a big matter, he had to come over to see it with his own eyes.

"Weian, is what you said before true? Do you think our salary can really be that high?"

"That's right, tell us more."

"And the accommodation standard you mentioned, is it really as good as you said?"

Several middle-aged men sitting in the car looked at Liu Wei'an and asked in a hurry.They are all colleagues and students who followed Wang Houde, and everyone is very concerned about this kind of thing related to their own interests.

No one is a saint, they have to eat and drink, and they have to support their families.If the conditions and treatment offered by you are not as good as what they had before, why did they travel so far from Wucheng to such a small and broken county like Nanjue?

Are people full?

Liu Wei'an understood this very well.

And before coming here today, Zhao Shanhe had already made it very clear to him that if anyone really asked about this matter, he must reassure the other party and explain Zhao Shanhe's conditions in place.

"Everyone, don't worry, the conditions I offer you are real and effective. The salary I told you is just a starting standard. Director Zhao said that after you develop toughened glass, this salary standard will be released on the same day. Just make adjustments. In the future, each of you will have bonuses, performance, and special subsidies."

"As for accommodation, I have already packed up a dormitory building in the glass factory for you. There is everything you need to eat and use in it. When the time comes, you just need to carry a bag and you can move in directly."

"Please rest assured, we are sincere about your arrival."

Liu Weian explained with a gentle smile.

Wang Houde sat in front, listening to the conversation, but he didn't intend to interfere.Although he thought that everyone was engaged in scientific research, it would be a bit of a shame to care about the treatment so much, but he thought that these people had been poor for the past two years, and they didn't make any money when they followed him, so he suppressed this idea and let it go.

"Director Liu, tell us about Director Zhao. We want to hear what kind of person he is?"

"That's right, we had never heard of Director Zhao before we came here, so we were all curious."

"How much is he going to invest in this glass factory?"


Facing the questions of these scientific researchers, Liu Weian did not say he was impatient, but answered each one in detail.Tell what you know, don't tell what you don't know, he will never cheat.

Just like that, the big guy walked over chattering all the way.

The bus soon stopped in front of the Jade Bird Glass Factory.

And when they saw this glass factory, the faces of these people sitting in the car suddenly became unnatural.

Wang Jiangchuan even pointed to the glass factory, and asked Liu Wei'an, "Director Liu, is this the humble glass factory you're talking about?"

"Yeah, it's inconspicuous." Liu Wei'an said naturally.

"The inconspicuous is so big, if it is inconspicuous, how big would it be?"

"Hey, you are talking about the size of this factory, I thought you were talking about that."

Liu Wei'an suddenly realized, and what he said shocked Wang Houde and the others on the spot.

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