Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 633 It's nothing more than profit at work

Of course, this kind of hesitation was only for a while, and soon Chen Peiwu woke up.

After all, he is the director of Nanjue Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., a character who has experienced countless storms.Otherwise, he would be able to form the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce?Can it become a well-deserved business leader in Nanjue County?

Zheng Nanrun wanted to pull him into the water with such tricks, but he was still a little tender.

"Mr. Zheng, of course I know the rules you mentioned, because I set them up. But I don't think you have forgotten that these rules have a premise. The premise is that no matter what a member does, it must It is just and reasonable. If you are wronged like this, the chamber of commerce will definitely stand by your side."

Chen Peiwu looked over with straight eyes.

"But are you like this?"

"The conflict between you and Director Zhao is that you don't talk about your private affairs, just talk about what happened tonight. Are you doing right? You openly slandered your compatriots for the sake of a representative of the Cherry Blossom Club. You Don't feel ashamed, I'm ashamed for you."

"As the president, I don't want to see any member resign, but if you insist on resigning now, I will have to reluctantly approve it."


Zheng Nanrun didn't expect Chen Peiwu to fight back so forcefully. After being at a loss for a while, he suddenly looked at Zhao Shanhe.

"Zhao Shanhe, the green mountains don't change, the green water flows forever, let's wait and see."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Namyun turned and left.

Watching his back disappear like this, Zhao Shanhe raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer.

"Mr. Chen, it seems that I can't stay any longer at the banquet tonight. In this case, I'll leave first, and you can continue here."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he took Yang E away with great strides.

The huge banquet hall immediately fell into an awkward situation.

"Let's continue!"

After realizing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere here, some businessmen raised their wine glasses, chatted and laughed, and helped Chen Peiwu break the atmosphere.

inner room.

"Uncle Chen, what do you think about this matter?" Xu Weidong asked in a low voice.

"What should I do? Cold salad!"

Chen Peiwu waved his hand a little upset.

"This is a matter between Zheng Nanrun, Sakura Club and Zhao Shanhe. Let them do it. We don't have to worry about it. If they want to bite a dog, they can bite to death."

"Then what does Zhao Shanhe say?" Xu Weidong didn't get entangled in this matter, he cared about his own affairs from the beginning to the end, and wanted to know whether Zhao Shanhe had made any concessions.

"Forget it!"

Speaking of this matter, Chen Peiwu felt very depressed. He said with a dejected expression: "Zhao Shanhe was about to come up with a solution just now, but what happened to Yang E made him leave without saying anything. So your Things, I have to wait. I will talk to Zhao Shanhe again when there is a suitable opportunity."

"Uncle Chen, but I don't have time to wait. If this matter is not resolved quickly, my transportation team will be ruined. There are so many people and so many mouths waiting to eat, what should I do?" Xu Weidong hurriedly Said.

"That's your business, who made you mess up."

Chen Peiwu glared annoyedly, then walked out.

"You pay yourself first!"

I deposit money?

Xu Weidong was dumbfounded.


The tiger head runs.

Until she sat here, Yang E couldn't calm down. She looked at Zhao Shanhe excitedly, her eyes were shining like stars.

She tried her best to suppress her excitement, and after adjusting her state, she said slowly: "Shanhe, what you did just now was a bit reckless."

Yang E called Shanhe, which meant that she was talking as a friend now, but in fact, as long as she was not working, Zhao Shanhe preferred this kind of nickname.

The factory manager is only used for work.


Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and said calmly: "I don't think it's reckless, on the contrary, I think I haven't done enough. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I would definitely beat Lin Chaotai and Zheng Nanrun hard, and take care of you. Out of this bad breath."

"But Zheng Nanrun is the director of the cement factory after all, and behind Lin Chaotai is the Cherry Blossom Club. By doing this, you are making enemies for yourself!"

Yang E worried and said: "You should be clear that doing this will not do any good to the glass factory we just won. Not to mention Lin Chaotai, just say that Zheng Nanrun is a local snake. If he says that he will trip us up, this matter It's not easy."

"Yang E, if I had followed what you said, what would I have done just now?" Zhao Shanhe asked solemnly.


Yang E was dumbfounded when she thought of the situation just now.

"Do you think you can't say it? You don't want to let me watch you being molested by Lin Chaotai and remain indifferent, do you? If that's the case, I can't do it."

"Yang E, listen to me clearly, I may have this or that problem, but there is one thing I will never change, that is, no one can touch my people except me!"

"It's you today, you are my old classmate, and my most capable sales chief. I would do this, but even if it wasn't you, if it were any worker in our factory, I would still do the same .I will let everyone know that as long as they behave properly, no matter what kind of troubles they encounter, the factory and I will support them, and we will stand up to the end!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a firm attitude.

The words that she said immediately made Yang E's eye circles rosy.

After Chen Ju heard it, his hand holding the steering wheel became more and more firm.

It's comfortable to work with such a boss!

"Okay, I admit, what you said moved me. Shanhe, you made me want to cry." Yang E took two deep breaths, turned her head to the side, and said, suppressing the excitement in her heart.

"Cry if you want to cry, it's not a crime for a woman to cry."

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"Go to hell!"

Yang E glared coquettishly, and stopped talking about it. Anyway, the matter has come to this point, and the soldiers came to cover it up.

"Factory Manager, I forgot to ask you just now, how are you talking with Chen Peiwu? He is looking for you because of Xu Weidong, right?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded, thinking of the scene of the conversation between the two, he couldn't help looking out the window, and said slowly: "It seems that the shopping malls in Nanjue County are really intricate, anyone can connect with anyone, and anyone can talk to anyone talk."

"I thought it would be Zheng Nanrun who came to make peace with me, but I didn't expect it to be Chen Peiwu. But even if it's so intertwined, it's still their own way."

"I thought Xu Weidong would help Zheng Nanrun just now, but who would have thought that he chose to stand by and watch. I thought Zheng Nanrun would really choose to withdraw from the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, but the result turned out to be a lot of thunder and little rain."

"Yeah, that's how they are. In fact, to put it bluntly, it's nothing more than interests at work."

A mocking sneer appeared on the corner of Yang E's lips.

Zhao Shanhe showed a look of seeing through everything: "Is it really for the so-called noble purpose to join Qingyun Chamber of Commerce? No, they just want to keep warm and earn more money."

"It's the same with Zheng Nanrun. He doesn't resign because he thinks that the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is still useful to him. If it's really useless, you can see whether he will resign."

Speaking of this, Zhao Shanhe waved his hand: "No matter what, let's start the glass factory as soon as possible tomorrow."


At the same time Hutou Ben Yiqi Juechen left, Zheng Nanrun stood in front of Lin Chaotai and said a word slowly.

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