
Seeing that Zheng Nanrun's hand was about to grab Yang E's shoulder, Yang E could clearly see the triumphant smile on Zheng Nanrun's face, and suddenly a wine bottle flew over from behind.

The wine bottle accurately hit the back of Zheng Nanrun's hand, and the violent impact caused him to withdraw his hand in pain. With a scream from his mouth, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Yang E, are you okay?"

Zhao Shanhe, who came later, rushed over in two or three steps, turned his back to Zheng Nanrun, stopped Yang E, and asked anxiously at the same time.


Yang E shook her head.

"It's fine."

Zhao Shanhe's hanging heart fell quietly, and a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

You must know that just now, just when he and Chen Peiwu were about to speak critical words, they suddenly heard someone say that Yang E was being harassed, how could he continue the conversation, and rushed out immediately. Only by making a move can Yang E be prevented from falling into Zheng Nanrun's clutches.

Seeing that Yang E was fine, Zhao Shanhe slowly turned around and looked over.

"She's fine, but I'm fine! Zhao Shanhe, you're so brave, you dare to do something to me." Zheng Nanrun shouted sternly, clutching his wrist that was hit by the wine bottle.

Lin Chaotai also looked over with a cold face.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are finished this time!"

At this moment, Chen Peiwu also came over, and Xu Weidong was by his side.

It was a lively banquet just now, but the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"How is this going?"

As the organizer of the reception, Chen Peiwu definitely has no way to avoid such a thing happening.It's fine if he doesn't come, he has already come, and being watched by so many people, he must stand up.

"Mr. Chen, it's good that you come!"

Before Zhao Shanhe could speak, Zheng Nanrun grabbed Chen Peiwu's arm, pointed at his swollen wrist and shouted loudly: "See? My wrist was injured by Zhao Shanhe. He just clearly He is a murderer who wants to take my life, you can't let him go!"


Chen Peiwu originally had some opinions on Zheng Nanrun, but now he heard such an obvious slander of framing and framing, he couldn't help but frowned in disgust, and said displeasedly: "Mr. Say, at my drinking party, does anyone want to commit murder?"

"That's it!"

Zheng Nanrun pointed at Zhao Shanhe without hesitation, and shouted coldly: "Everyone saw it, it was him who moved just now, he threw the wine bottle at me, and almost hit me on the head, don't you think he is What is the murderer?"

"Zheng Nanyun, shut your stinking mouth!"

Zhao Shanhe looked over dismissively.

"Do you think everyone is the same as you? Everyone has eyes and saw what happened just now. You harassed my people for no reason, and you are still turning black and white here. Let me tell you, if you say that again, I can sue you for defamation!"

"Slander? You say I slander?"

Zheng Nanrun said fiercely, "Do I need to slander you?"

"I caught Yang E because she hurt Mr. Lin just now, and I want her to apologize to Mr. Lin."

"And Mr. Chen, do you know who this Mr. Lin is? He must never have an accident. If an accident happens to him at your reception, I'm afraid you can't bear the responsibility."

"Who is he?" Chen Peiwu looked over in confusion.

He also saw this arrogant and domineering man, but he didn't know the details.

According to Zheng Nanrun, it seems that this man has some background?

"He is the special assistant of Mr. Saburo Miyai, the representative of the Sakura Club." Zheng Nanyun unconsciously raised his head and introduced proudly.

Sakura Club?

Chen Peiwu's pupils tightened slightly, and when he looked at Lin Chaotai again, his eyes became a little bit cold.

What happened to Sakura Club?Does an East Island company want to show off its power in my territory?What's more, this is not Miyai Saburo himself, but just one of his assistants.An assistant dares to flirt with a woman so unscrupulously, are you crazy?

And Zheng Nanrun, you really are getting worse and worse.

Are you now reduced to the point where you need to flatter this kind of scum who has forgotten his ancestors?For him, you dare to do something to our compatriots, you are really hopeless.

"That's right, I am the special assistant of Mr. Miyai, the representative of the Sakura Club. I want you to give me an explanation for what happened just now. Otherwise, I won't let this matter go."

Lin Chaotai raised his head and said proudly.

"An explanation? What explanation do you want?" Chen Peiwu raised his eyebrows and asked with a hostile expression.

"It's simple."

Lin Chaotai pointed at Zhao Shanhe and said, "I want him and Yang E to apologize to me in front of everyone, and pour tea and water for me in person, and I want them to pay for mental damage, 30 yuan!"

The moment these words were said, a coldness flashed across Chen Peiwu's eyes.

How dare you open your mouth like a lion!

30 million!

You deserve it too!

After hearing the compensation, the people around immediately started whispering. They looked at Lin Chaotai with undisguised sarcasm, and even looked at Zheng Nanrun with contempt on their faces.

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back and sneered again and again.

"What are you, you are worthy of my apology! If you really want to make an apology, it should be you Lin Chaotai and you Zheng Nanrun. You must apologize to Yang E unconditionally. Otherwise, tonight This matter, I will not let it go! If you want to play, I will play with you to the end!"

Zhao Shanhe's momentum was like a rainbow.


Zhao Shanhe's strength immediately angered Zheng Nanrun.Originally, he didn't like Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and he always wanted to get rid of Zhao Shanhe. Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would dare to fight back so forcefully.

"Zhao Shanhe, you really don't know how to live or die! How dare you ask us to apologize to you. Do you know who we are?"

Zheng Nanrun's eyes were wide open, with an expression of disbelief.

He pointed to his nose and said, "I'm Zheng Nanrun, the director of the Nanjue County Cement Factory. What happened just now was that you did something to me. Now I ask you to apologize and compensate me. It's all justified."

"Yes, you are doing well in Nanjue County now. Shanqiu Food's branch factory is open, and the glass factory is also working. But don't forget, this is Nanjue County from beginning to end, a place that pays attention to rules. , it’s not a bastard like you who can mess around casually!”

"Don't think that if you have two stinky money, you can be lawless! The sky here, it's not your turn to act wild!"

"Rules? Play wild?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Zheng Nanrun snortingly, and said with a sneering face: "Zheng Nanrun, you are also worthy of talking about rules with me here? Do you have rules in your own eyes? Do you know how to write rules?"

"He also said that I can't act wild here. Why, I can't you can? Look at you, you are not only acting wild, you are simply acting wild! You really opened my eyes. The director of the Ganqing Tangtang cement factory is Such virtue."


Where did Zheng Nanrun expect Zhao Shanhe's mouth to be so poisonous, and he was speechless immediately.

But his eyes rolled sharply, and he quickly got into his mind.

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