Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 629 Yes, I just misheard

I know that there is no such thing as a good banquet.

But I didn't expect that it was Chen Peiwu who came to stand up for Xu Weidong. I thought Chen Peiwu was just a middleman, and it should be Zheng Nanrun who really interceded and made peace.

It seems that Zheng Nanrun is really dishonest.

After these thoughts flashed through Zhao Shanhe's mind like lightning, he looked at Chen Peiwu and said with a smile: "I don't know what Mr. Chen means by giving face? If you can give it to me, I will definitely give it to you, but if you say you can't give it, please also ask Chen Peiwu." Never force others to be difficult.”

That's a no-brainer.

Chen Peiwu couldn't help looking at Zhao Shanhe again, and at the same time secretly admired him, he said with a smile: "It's actually not a big deal, but I heard that you and Xu Weidong from the cable factory seem to have some conflicts."

"What I mean is, if the conflict is not too big, let it go. After all, Xu Weidong and I also know each other, and Director Zhao is also a businessman in Nanjue County. If everyone looks up and down, it's better not to mess things up. It's too stiff."

"Xu Weidong?"

Zhao Shanhe opened his eyes wide, pretended to be surprised, and said solemnly: "Mr. Chen, what you said made me a little confused. What does it mean that there is a conflict between me and Xu Weidong? What kind of conflict can I have with him? No Yes, you must have heard wrong."

"Did you hear wrong?" Chen Peiwu frowned slightly.

"Yes, I just misheard."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said seriously: "I haven't even met Xu Weidong twice, how can I say that I have a conflict with him? Mr. Chen, I don't know what conflict you are talking about?"


Now Chen Peiwu was stumped.

He never thought that Zhao Shanhe would do this. In his opinion, since he said something contradictory, Zhao Shanhe would definitely follow his own words and point out the matter of the transport team.If that's the case, if everyone puts the matter on the bright side, it will be easier to talk about it.

But who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe didn't follow his own pace.

People don't get caught at all!

People said that even Xu Weidong hadn't met twice, so what's the contradiction?If you say something contradictory here, how can you say the following?

Could it be that the tire puncture was a misunderstanding?Don't be ridiculous, it's clear that Xu Weidong did this on purpose.But if you don't say this, how should you say the following?

Say, all reason will be lost at once.

If you don't say it, there's no way to say it.

Chen Peiwu felt tricky.

Only then did he look at Zhao Shanhe seriously, and sighed in his heart.Is this Zhao Shanhe really such a young person?How can it be as slippery as the old foxes in those shopping malls!

Chen Peiwu was caught in a dilemma.

But seeing Chen Peiwu's appearance, Zhao Shanhe raised his legs calmly, with a calm expression.

Chen Peiwu, since you insist on jumping out to be this lobbyist, then I will let you know that this lobbyist is not so easy to be.This matter is not as simple as you think. If you want to settle this matter in a few words, how can there be such a good thing in this world?

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became weird.

at the same time.

In the banquet hall outside the room.

Zheng Nanrun walked in with Lin Chaotai, and the two didn't say anything about hanging out together. Lin Chaotai waved his hand and let Zheng Nanrun do his own work. He wanted to take a quiet look at the business elites in Nanjue County.

When he looked at it like this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't that Yang E?

Why is she here?By the way, he must have followed Zhao Shanhe.

Yang E, Yang E, I asked you out twice before, but you didn't answer me.Since we met here today, I have to talk to you in a proper way.

Thinking of this, Lin Chaotai walked over with a glass of red wine, and when he came to Yang E, he said with a smile under Yang E's somewhat surprised expression: "Section Chief Yang, I didn't expect that we would meet here, what does this mean? It means that we are destined, don't you think?"


Yang E looked at Lin Chaotai without concealing her disdain.

Ever since he and Miyai Saburo came to Hetu Manufacturing once and met him, this pervert started to launch a fierce offensive.In his words, as long as he follows him, he will be able to enjoy popular food and drink spicy food, and become a master of others.

But he would never have dreamed that what Yang E looked down on the most was someone like him who had forgotten his ancestors.

You are obviously a Chinese, but you shamelessly follow Miyai Saburo's ass to do things, do you still want to show some face?

It's really unlucky to meet him here.

"Lin Chaotai, I don't want to talk to you right now, please leave!"

Yang E's tone was cold, and she turned her head to look away after she finished speaking, unwilling to take another look at him.

"Ask me to leave?"

Seeing Yang E's appearance like this, Lin Chaotai felt angry when he thought of her repeated rejections.He pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a smirk: "Yang E, this is not your home, I can stand wherever I like, you still control me? "

He paused, and put on a wretched smile: "If you say you want to control me, it's simple, just be my woman, and I will listen to you."


Being teased so nakedly, Yang E's face turned cold, and she said angrily: "Lin Chaotai, please pay attention to your identity, and don't say embarrassing things."

"Okay, if you dare to say that I'm ashamed, come on, come with me, and I'll tell you well, why do you humiliate me and slander me like this?" Lin Chaotai said with a sly cold light flashing in his eyes, and raised his hand Just grab Yang E's shoulder.

"Go away!"

Yang E, who did not expect Lin Chaotai to do this, subconsciously raised the wine glass in her hand.

The red wine flew out immediately, splashing it all over Lin Chaotai's face.

Lin Chaotai, who was still gentle and refined just now, suddenly turned into a drowned chicken. The red liquid bloomed petals on the white shirt, and a strong smell of wine instantly filled the air.

Lin Chaotai froze on the spot.

He looked at Yang E in disbelief, never dreaming that this seemingly delicate woman in front of him would do such a thing.

And the movement here was a bit loud, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention.But when they saw that the person pouring wine turned out to be such a flowery beauty, everyone's interest was immediately aroused, and they all subconsciously surrounded her.

Zheng Nanrun rushed over with three steps in parallel.

"Mr. Lin, are you okay?"

Thinking that Lin Chaotai was brought here by himself, and that he was humiliated in this way without even saying a few words when he arrived at the banquet, Zheng Nanrun felt that he couldn't hold back his face, and his heart was burning with anger. He raised his head and shouted at Yang E: "Yang E , are you crazy? Do you know who he is? You dare to pour wine on him!"

"Zheng Nanrun, catch her for me, this bitch, dare to pour wine on me, I won't just let it go. You catch her quickly, and take her over there, I have to clean her up .”

Lin Chaotai, who wiped the red wine on his body with a handkerchief, shouted with a ferocious expression.

"it is good!"

Zheng Nanyun raised his hand and grabbed it as he spoke.

Yang E's face was tense.

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