Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 631 You still have the face to call me!

"Zhao Shanhe, you look down on me, humiliate me, and even attack me. I can bear it. But how dare you allow Yang E to attack Mr. Lin? Do you know how serious this matter is? It's a bad diplomatic incident!"

Zheng Nanrun retreated and pushed Lin Chaotai out.

"Diplomatic incident?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at Lin Chaotai with a sneer, "Just him? A person who follows the Dongdao people and is willing to be a dog is also worthy of triggering a diplomatic incident?"

"Zheng Nanrun, if you want to bring trouble to the east, just say so. It's not interesting to do such tricks to sow discord."


Zheng Nanrun's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to be so resolute in doing things, and he didn't have any intention of hiding it, so he directly said that he was borrowing a knife to kill someone. If you say that, Lin Chaotai is not an idiot, can he see through it?


Lin Chaotai's mind moved slightly the moment he heard this, and he looked at Zheng Nanrun with a playfulness in his eyes.

Well, you Zheng Nanrun, I came to Nanjue County to recruit you, not to be your gunman.The grievance between you and Zhao Shanhe is a matter between the two of you. You can solve it yourself, and if you can't solve it, don't use Lao Tzu as a shield.

"Zheng Nanrun, Lin Chaotai, who provoked what happened tonight, you know it well, and everyone can see it."

"So you should be punished, and I can tell you responsibly that you must apologize now. If you don't do this, I will confront your cement factory and your Sakura Club in the future."

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were piercing, and the words he spoke were resounding.

"If you want to start a war, then I will accompany you to the bloody battle to the end."

The atmosphere in the banquet hall was instantly ignited by Zhao Shanhe's words.

Many of them know Zhao Shanhe, but they don't know much about Zhao Shanhe.And now, when they saw him working so hard for a subordinate, the eyes of these people looked over with a kind of deep admiration.

Perhaps only such a man can create a business miracle.

Only such a man can make someone like Yang E work hard to follow him.

Compared with Zhao Shanhe, Zheng Nanrun and Lin Chaotai are simply weak.A cement factory manager whose market is not good, and a second devil who has forgotten his ancestors, are you worthy of confronting Zhao Shanhe?

Are you qualified to do so?

"Zhao Shanhe, you fart! Who told you that I was harassing her? Let me tell you, there is no shadow. If it is really about harassment, she deserves it. Who made her dress so flirtatiously? Isn't this just to seduce people?" Lin Chaotai shouted with red eyes while wiping the red wine on his body.

"Put your shit!"

Zhao Shanhe pointed at Yang E and said calmly: "You said this is called coquettishness? I don't know if you are really ignorant or you said that on purpose. Anyone who knows a little bit knows that this is called an evening dress. Open Open your dog's eyes and see, who in this entire banquet hall is not dressed like this?"

"Is it wrong for them to dress like this? You don't say that you are disgusting and dirty, but here you push the fault on women. Are you still a man?"

After saying this, the audience was in an uproar.

All the women looked at Lin Chaotai with anger in their eyes.

They were dressed in the same evening dress as Yang E. According to Lin Chaotai, wouldn't they all be coquettish?Are they all seducing men to commit crimes?Thinking of this, they couldn't help becoming furious.

"Why is this man's mouth so smelly?"

"If you're dirty, you'll see everyone else is dirty."

"I don't care, Lao Liu, I was told by him, you have to express it for me."

Every woman didn't come by herself, there was a man standing next to them, and the fact that these men could stand here was a problem in itself.No matter how small their business is, they are still entrepreneurs.Now that their woman is humiliated by Lin Chaotai in front of them, do you think they can bear it?

Everyone looked at Lin Chaotai with cold eyes.

By the way, the eyes they looked at Zheng Nanrun also became unkind. Who told Lin Chaotai to follow Zheng Nanrun, who told Zheng Nanrun to protect this man from the beginning to the end.

"Zheng Nanrun, don't you think we should give us an explanation on this matter?"

"Where did you get such a second devil? It's really embarrassing!"

"This is Nanjue County, when will it be the turn of such a person to show off his power? Zheng Nanrun, take him away!"


Zheng Nanyun panicked at once.

He didn't expect Lin Chaotai to speak like this, and what he said happened to be cleverly caught by Zhao Shanhe to make a fuss, which immediately aroused public outrage.Seeing the angry eyes of everyone around him, even Zheng Nanyun couldn't help but feel a little scared.

The cement factory is quite confident in Nanjue County, but this kind of confidence is not enough to confront everyone.

Besides, this cement factory is not owned by Zheng Nanrun himself.

This is done.

Zheng Nanrun was so anxious that he secretly complained.

Lin Chaotai, you'd better stop talking, your mouth is too lethal.Before I'm ready to really cooperate with you, don't trick me anymore.

"Mr. Chen, are you going to watch like this?" Zheng Nanrun took a deep breath and asked in a cold voice to his side.

Chen Peiwu sneered secretly.

You still have the face to call me!

You think of me now?

What did you do early!

You clearly know that this is a banquet held by me, but you are still making trouble here. Did you think of me when you were making trouble?Now that Zhao Shanhe can't get off the stage, you want me to help you out of the siege, you have a good idea!

"This is a matter between your two families. You two can handle it on your own. I won't interfere." Chen Peiwu said indifferently, watching from the sidelines.


Zheng Nanrun didn't expect Chen Peiwu to say such a thing, so he was stunned.


Seeing Zheng Nanrun like this, Xu Weidong couldn't hold back the ecstasy in his heart, he shouted with excitement.

Zheng Nanyun, you never dreamed that you would have today, right?Did you ever think it would be like this when you rejected me?You deserve it, you did it yourself, you let me treat your gun like this and Zhao Shanhe took care of it, now it's your turn to taste it.

"Zheng Nanrun, what are you still doing stupidly? Hurry up and catch Yang E here! Let me tell you, you asked me to come tonight. If you say you can't satisfy me, you know the consequences."

Lin Chaotai suddenly shouted loudly in this stalemate atmosphere, looking at Zheng Nanrun with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"Can you shut up! You will die if you don't speak?"

Zheng Nanrun was so angry that his face turned red and white, and he roared helplessly in his heart when he was called by name like this.Now he can't wait to step on Lin Chaotai on the ground and rub hard.


Hearing Lin Chaotai's words and seeing Zheng Nanrun's livid face, the corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth slanted, and he suddenly stepped forward.

All eyes immediately focused on him.

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