Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 628 If He Doesn't Understand, Do You Understand?

"What I mean is, support Director Zhao's decision, and our Jade Bird Glass Factory can purchase raw materials."

Gao Shaoyuan spoke confidently.

"Senior engineer, do you have any good news?" Yang E couldn't help but asked excitedly.


Gao Shaoyuan nodded, and said with a smile: "I have some good news to share with you. According to the research results brought back by Director Zhao, our laboratory has initially developed a sample of tempered glass."

"The sample data is currently being inspected and sorted out. If there is no accident, our tempered glass should be able to be developed by the earliest year or the latest year."


Yang E waved her arms excitedly.

"I knew it would be like this."

Li Xiangyang also patted the table excitedly.

"Gao Gong, is what you said true?" Liu Wei'an opened his mouth wide and looked over in disbelief.

"of course it's true."

Gao Shaoyuan nodded and smiled.

"Director Liu, you have been busy with the personnel work in the factory for the past two days, and you didn't go to the laboratory, so you don't know about it yet. I originally wanted to wait until our sample data came out and then tell you. But who would have thought that the director of the factory would come up with such a thing, I could only say it in advance to make everyone happy."

"Haha, this is really a great joy." Liu Wei'an couldn't help laughing heartily.

"I have absolute reasons to believe that when Mr. Wang and the others come over, we will really be able to develop toughened glass." Gao Shaoyuan said.

"Then there is no problem. I will start buying materials right away. If I buy materials now, I can get a discount. If we actually start production later and purchase in large quantities, who knows if they will increase the price." Liu Wei'an I couldn't help laughing.

"Focus on this matter, sort out a purchase list as soon as possible, and put it on my desk tomorrow, and I will approve it." Zhao Shanhe said.


After the matter was finished, Zhao Shanhe announced the end of the meeting, and then left the factory with Yang E.Anyway, I'm going to attend the reception tonight, even if I don't make arrangements, I still have to buy a dress for Yang E.

And just after the two left the glass factory, there was a commotion in the factory soon.

No way, the news spread that the factory wanted to buy raw materials in large quantities.

After hearing this, all the workers were shocked.None of them thought that Zhao Shanhe's courage would be so bold, and the production line has not yet been established, and you will start to buy materials.

This is a little anxious, right?

"I said, what does our Boss Zhao think? Does he know how to do business?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If he doesn't understand, do you understand?"

"But the problem is that we are poor and empty now, and the production lines are still abandoned. Why do we need to buy raw materials in large quantities. Wouldn't it be a waste if we buy them and don't need them?"

"Just mind your own business, don't worry about it."


into the night.

Fuli Hotel in Nanjue County.

As a well-known hotel in Nanjue County, it is often used by famous figures to hold various activities.It seems that if you say that there is an event that does not come to Fuli, it is equivalent to not holding it.

Of course, the standard of consumption here is not low, and ordinary working-class people are absolutely not qualified to come here for consumption, and they can spend a month's salary for a casual meal.

"Have you heard that Chen Peiwu from the steel mill is treating guests tonight?"

"Of course I know, that's why we wait here, maybe we can wait for some great guests."

"Thinking that the people sitting in it are all rich people from our Nanjue County, I'm very excited. You say, our brothers can go in and have a meal anytime."

"Forget about beauty."


Several taxis were parked at the gate of the Fuli Hotel, and several drivers were chatting away.All they can do is stare at the hotel door greedily, but they are not qualified to enter.

A door separates the inside and outside of the hotel into two different worlds.

"Hey, look, it's a Hutou Ben! Let me go, is there a Hutou Ben in our Nanjue County?"

Following a driver's exclamation, the other people all looked over subconsciously.Sure enough, a tiger headed car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and then Zhao Shanhe in casual clothes came down, followed by Yang E in evening dress.

The black evening dress made the already fair and delicate Yang E more noble and elegant.

"Director, I'll wait outside." Chen Ju said.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe took Yang E to the hotel with strides. After handing out the invitation letter at the door, a waiter came over immediately and took the two of them respectfully to the banquet hall.

The banquet hall was brightly lit.

There are men in suits and leather shoes standing here, and they all come with women in evening gowns.Talking and laughing happily in their respective small circles in twos and threes.Occasionally, when I meet someone I know, I just hold a glass of wine and go over to chat for a few words.

This kind of reception was originally used to build relationships.

"Director Zhao."

The moment Zhao Shanhe just showed up, a man walked over surrounded by several people.The moment he saw the other person's appearance, Zhao Shanhe recognized who he was.

Although it was the first time the two met, Zhao Shanhe had seen this person's photo.

He is Chen Peiwu.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"I've been waiting here for Director Zhao to come. I was so anxious that I thought you wouldn't come. Fortunately, I finally got you. Let's go over there and have a chat."

Chen Peiwu did things cleanly and sent invitations directly.

"it is good!"

"Then you go, I'll transfer here for a while."

Yang E was too lazy to go over there to watch the two negotiate, and said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe said to Chen Peiwu: "Mr. Chen, this is Yang E, the chief of the sales department in our factory. She came with me tonight to see the world."

"It turned out to be Section Chief Yang. I have heard about the name for a long time. When I saw her today, she is indeed very beautiful. Section Chief Yang, you can do whatever you want. I'll go and chat with Director Zhao." Chen Peiwu laughed.

"it is good!"

The interior of the banquet hall.

After Zhao Shanhe walked in with Chen Peiwu, the two sat down on the sofa, and after the secretary brought over two cups of tea, Chen Peiwu said with a smile: "Director Zhao, I don't know what your taste is, so I prepared it for you. I ordered some tea. I went outside in a while, and there are all kinds of drinks and drinks for you to taste, please feel welcome."

"Mr. Chen, you are too polite. If you have anything to say, just say it." Zhao Shanhe said calmly, ignoring the teacup in front of him.


Chen Peiwu raised his eyebrows and said loudly: "I knew Director Zhao is a straightforward person who does things neatly and does not procrastinate. Since you say so, then I will not hide it. I invite you to come here tonight. I want to ask, can you show me some face."

give face?

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

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