Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 627 Do you object too?

"Come in."

"Mr. Lin."

After seeing who came in, Zheng Nanrun hurriedly stood up to greet him, and the angry expression just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by a flattering smile.

There's no way, who can't afford to offend the person in front of him.

Who came in?

The person who came in was naturally Lin Chaotai, the assistant of Miyai Saburo, the representative of the Sakura Club. He was sent here to win over and corrupt Zheng Nanrun, and his ultimate goal was to buy a stake in the cement factory.

"Mr. Zheng, how do you think about what I told you last time?"

After Lin Chaotai walked in, he sat on the sofa casually. From the moment he revealed his identity, he knew that it was impossible for Zheng Nanrun to show off in front of him.Who let him represent the Sakura Club, as long as he has this identity, Zheng Nanrun will never dare to make mistakes.

as predicted.

Even seeing Lin Chaotai's arrogant appearance, Zheng Nanrun didn't feel angry at all.He didn't dare to get angry, Zheng Nanrun could only bow down and apologize when he thought of the network of Sakura Club in Handong City and Eastern Province.

Even in his own territory, he dare not hold his head up.

This is the discourse power gap brought about by strength.

"Mr. Lin, I'm still studying the matter you mentioned. You know about this matter. It is impossible to say that there will be results in a short while. After all, the cement factory is not my private enterprise, but it belongs to the state." Zheng Namyun shook his head and said.

"The country's?"

A sneering expression appeared between Lin Chaotai's brows.

"Mr. Zheng, you speak as if you care too much about state-owned property. You must know that this property is state-owned and not yours, but if you agree to our terms, then the money will be yours."

"Where to go, you should know better than anyone else."


Zheng Nanrun still didn't dare to agree on the spot, but just smiled apologetically and changed the topic haha.

"Mr. Lin, we will have a reception tonight in Nanjue County, and most of the entrepreneurs in our county will be there. If you have nothing to do, why don't you just go around?" Zheng Nanrun said.

"Reception? Forget it!"

Lin Chaotai was not interested.

"I heard that Zhao Shanhe will also participate." Zheng Nanrun suddenly looked at Lin Chaotai meaningfully.

"What? Zhao Shanhe will also participate?"

Hearing this, Lin Chaotai was slightly taken aback, and after meeting Zheng Nanrun's eyes, he smiled and said slowly, "In this case, then I will accompany you around and see what fun things are going on at this reception. "

"it is good!"

A bright smile appeared on Zheng Nanrun's face.

I only heard Lin Chaotai continue to say: "Then Mr. Zheng, let's continue the topic just now."

Zheng Nanrun was dumbfounded on the spot.

It's not over yet, is it?


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Shanhe held a simple meeting in the conference room of the glass factory. He said it was simple, but what he announced was not simple.

The first is the name of the glass factory.

This place has already been taken by Zhao Shanhe, so the name will naturally have to be changed.It’s not that it’s impossible to continue using Jinlu Glass, but thinking that the name of Jinlu Glass has been rotten and has no market appeal and appeal, Zhao Shanhe decisively decided to abandon it.

"That's why I decided to name our glass factory Jade Bird Glass!" Zhao Shanhe said slowly, scanning the audience with a smile.

He announced it like this, without any intention of seeking anyone's opinion.

As the owner of this glass factory, some things can be discussed, but some things he will decide on his own.

"Blue bird glass? It sounds good, I have no objection."

Li Xiangyang was the first to express his opinion.

"I have no objection either." Gao Shaoyuan followed closely behind.

Yang E and the others also expressed their support.

When Liu Wei'an arrived, a bitter and helpless emotion emerged in his heart.Although he had known for a long time that it was impossible for this glass factory to continue to use the name of Jinlu, but when he actually heard that the name was about to be changed, he still felt somewhat uncomfortable.

After all, this is where he once fought.

The Golden Deer means a lot to him.

But he is also very clear that Jinlu will completely become history from this moment on, and he always has to look forward.If you live in the past all the time, your whole life will be completely abolished.

"I don't have any opinion, just the blue bird!"

After some ideological struggle, Liu Wei'an finally raised his head, with determination in his eyes.

"Then it's settled like this. Deputy Factory Director Li, you can use the name "Blue Bird" to go through the procedure later." Zhao Shanhe glanced at it and said.


Li Xiangyang nodded.

"This is the first thing I want to say, and the second thing is Factory Director Liu, you can start to buy materials!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Purchasing materials?"

Liu Wei'an hadn't fully recovered from his lost emotions when he heard this shocking and inexplicable news.

"Director Zhao, are you serious?"

"Of course, very seriously." Zhao Shanhe replied as a matter of course.

"But it's a bit out of date, isn't it?"

Liu Wei'an took a deep breath, did not think about hiding, but said calmly: "The biggest task of our glass factory now is research and development. As long as we can develop the tempered glass production technology, it is not too late to do other things. Now Buying raw materials in large quantities before the technology has been developed, I think it is a bit risky."

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at the others noncommittally.

"I think Director Liu is right. Our top priority now is research and development. There is no need to do anything until the problem of research and development is solved." Li Xiangyang said steadily.

"I think so."

Yang E didn't stand by Zhao Shanhe's side this time, but put her hands on the table and said plausibly: "Director, I think it's better for us to proceed step by step."

"What is step-by-step, firstly, there must be production technology, and secondly, there must be sales channels. Only when these two things are solved, can we produce in large quantities."

"Otherwise, rash production will only bring about the risk of hoarding. I don't think it is advisable to do so."

Several people expressed their opposition.

Zhao Shanhe looked at Gao Shaoyuan, and said with a smile on his face: "Gao Gong, what do you mean? Do you also object?"


When Gao Shaoyuan was asked, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said helplessly, "Actually, this question is the hardest for me to answer."

"You say that I am engaged in research and development, and I have the final say on whether tempered glass can be produced. If I say that I also object to the factory manager's opinion, wouldn't it appear that I am guilty and have no confidence in the research and development technology?"

"Senior Engineer, we have no other intentions, so don't think too much about it." Li Xiangyang quickly explained.


Gao Shaoyuan waved his hand and said indifferently: "I know what you think, because I would think the same way. After all, the research and development technology has not yet come out, so it is unwise to rashly buy raw materials in large quantities."

"So what do you mean?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I mean..."

Gao Shaoyuan scanned the audience and spoke slowly.

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