"Is it Director Zhao?"

"I'm Zhao Shanhe, who are you?"

Hearing a strange voice suddenly, Zhao Shanhe was a little puzzled.

"I'm Chen Peiwu!"

Chen Peiwu laughed heartily.

Chen Peiwu?

The president of Qingyun Chamber of Commerce?The director of Nanjue Steel Plant?

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Hello, Director Zhao, have you received my invitation letter?"


"That's how it is. I've heard about your factory director Zhao's name for a long time, and I've always wanted to meet you. It just so happens that this chamber of commerce event is held, so I sincerely invite factory director Zhao to come and participate."

"Mr. Chen is too polite."

"Then let's make a deal. You must come to the reception tonight. I'll introduce a few people to you."

"it is good."

"Then see you then."

"see you then."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking secretly.

As Chen Peiwu, it seemed that there was no need to call him in advance like this, but he did so, which explained the problem, and there must be something inside.Otherwise, Chen Peiwu wouldn't be so anxious, wanting to make sure if he could be there.

"Forget it, don't think about it blindly, the soldiers came to cover the water and soil."

Putting this matter behind him, Zhao Shanhe set out to go back to Zhaojiazhai.

I agreed to go home today and eat the dumplings made by my mother. I can forget other things, but this one must never be forgotten.


In the office of the director of Nanjue Iron and Steel.

Xu Weidong was sitting here, and there were already a few cigarette butts in the ashtray in front of him, but even so, he didn't stop the movement of his hands, he was still smoking.

"Uncle Chen, how are you?" Xu Weidong raised his head and asked anxiously.

Uncle Chen?

That's right, Xu Weidong called Chen Peiwu really uncle, because Chen Peiwu and his father are comrades-in-arms.If it weren't for this kind of relationship, if Xu Weidong came to the door, would you be Chen Peiwu and take care of his crap?

"What else can I do? Zhao Shanhe agreed to come to the banquet, but the ugly thing is up front, I can help you mediate, but I can't guarantee whether the negotiation will be successful, and whether Zhao Shanhe will give me face. After all, it was your fault in the first place, who told you to do such nasty things to others in secret. "

When Chen Peiwu thought of what Xu Weidong confessed just now, he couldn't get angry.

"Tell me about you, how many times have I told you? I told you to do business in an open and frank manner, but how did you do it? Are you so open and frank? You and Zhao Shanhe Is there any comparison?"


Xu Weidong knew he was wrong, so he could only lower his head in shame.

"What are you, what you have done is too embarrassing."

Chen Peiwu snorted coldly, picked up the teacup on the table and drank two sips of tea, then asked slowly: "You acted as Zheng Nanrun's gun this time, and you stumbled, what did he say? He can't do nothing, can he?"

"I approached him and talked about wanting to cooperate with him to undertake the transportation business of the cement plant."

Speaking of this, Xu Weidong's eyes flashed a cold gleam of resentment.


"But what?" Chen Peiwu asked.

"But he said that the transportation business of the cement plant has already signed a contract, and the contract still has a one-year deadline. If he breaks the contract now, he can't afford to pay the liquidated damages alone." Xu Weidong said harshly.

"That means he doesn't care about it." Chen Peiwu said sarcastically.


Although Xu Weidong didn't want to face this, it was true.

So now when Chen Peiwu asked about Zheng Nanrun, he felt an evil fire in his heart.Zheng Nanrun, you can fool others with this reason, but is it interesting to fool me?What does it mean that there is still a one-year period in the contract that cannot be breached?Have you ever signed a contract?Shit, you never signed any contracts.

You just don't want to give me the cement factory order!

You are pleasing others with this order.

In your eyes, I am the knife you borrowed to kill people, and the gun you used as a gun.I understand now that I am very disappointed in you.

"You should be careful. It is said that a friend in adversity sees the truth. Do you have a real relationship with him? There is a fart of friendship. He is just playing you as a fool. The ridiculous thing is that you are still obedient Cooperate with others."

Chen Peiwu said with hatred: "Why did I tell you at the beginning, I said you should not mess with Zheng Nanrun, he is a master with a heart, you can't play around, you just don't listen , insisted on fooling around with him, something happened now?"

"Uncle Chen, I know I was wrong, but it's useless to blame Zheng Nanrun for this matter. Zhao Shanhe did it all. If it wasn't for him, how could I have fallen to where I am today." Xu Weidong muttered.

"Zhao Shanhe did it?"

Hearing this, Chen Peiwu glared fiercely.

"You really don't repent, and now you are saying that Zhao Shanhe is plotting against you. If you hadn't troubled him first, would he have done this? It is clearly your fault. You don't know how to reflect on your mistakes, and you are still shirking here Responsibility. Xu Weidong, if you still think this way, make peace at the reception tonight, you can find someone else, I don't care!"

"Don't mind, Uncle Chen, I was wrong!" Xu Weidong quickly apologized.


Chen Peiwu snorted coldly and shook his head a little upset.Although he said he would take over the matter, he had no idea in his heart.He had collected information about Zhao Shanhe before, and he knew that he was a master who couldn't rub his eyes. If this kind of thing happened, you didn't take it for granted, but now you want him to show you his hands, is it possible?

If you were being picked up and plotted against by others, would you let it go so easily?

"What a worry-free thing!"

Chen Peiwu could only think silently in his heart.


Nanjue County Cement Plant.

Right now, Zheng Nanrun should be the one who is most uncomfortable talking about it, and he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Those six partners had no intention of struggling and resisting at all, so they were easily taken down by Zhao Shanhe.You must know that in his plan, it is impossible for these six people to compromise, and they will definitely stand by Xu Weidong's side.

Now it suddenly became like this, and he was helpless.

"Xu Weidong probably has a grudge against me."

Thinking of Xu Weidong's cold eyes when he was about to leave, Zheng Nanrun felt a little embarrassed.

Yes, in the eyes of everyone, Xu Weidong did this to help himself. It was because he had conflicts with Zhao Shanhe that Xu Weidong was allowed to do this, and he was using him as a pawn.

But the problem is not like this!

"You have all been deceived by Xu Weidong. If he is so kind and naive, how can he say he is in charge of the cable factory?"

"The reason why he agreed to do this is actually because he has his own wishful thinking. He wanted to take this opportunity to destroy Zhao Shankai's transport team so that his transport team would dominate, but no one thought that things would happen. It has become what it is now.”

Zheng Nanrun's eyes flickered coldly.

"Now he has become the most wronged one!"

"Who do I talk to?"

"Zhao Shanhe, it's all because of you. If it wasn't for you, how could things end so badly?"

The more Zheng Nanyun thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

"Dong dong."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

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